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[1.12.X] Kerbal Planetary Base Systems v1.6.15 [28. April 2022]


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On 11/19/2017 at 12:15 AM, tsaven said:

There's a good deal of nerfing going on due to the physically small size of the units, but some do get buffed a little.

...and here I am, trying to use these parts for rovers (the flat bottom is priceless!) and swearing because the crew capcity is so low.

What I'd really like to know is how you add your own custom category, or rather, how I could retrofit that functionality to other mods. Part clutter is becoming terrible on my install.

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7 minutes ago, Laie said:

...and here I am, trying to use these parts for rovers (the flat bottom is priceless!) and swearing because the crew capcity is so low.

What I'd really like to know is how you add your own custom category, or rather, how I could retrofit that functionality to other mods. Part clutter is becoming terrible on my install.

If it's for your own use, take a look at what this mod can do for you:

You could also take a look at CCK, but that's more for the modmaker.

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On 26.11.2017 at 8:48 PM, Jack5.exe said:

My game keeps crashing when it (the game not a rocket) launches, I'm on 1.3.0 and when I uninstalled it KSP worked. please help me @Nils277

That is because the latest version of KPBS only works with KSP 1.3.1. The version a mod is compatible with is stated on the sites you can download it from.
When you have KSP 1.3.0 you have to use version 1.5.5 of this mod.

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3 hours ago, Nils277 said:

That is because the latest version of KPBS only works with KSP 1.3.1. The version a mod is compatible with is stated on the sites you can download it from.
When you have KSP 1.3.0 you have to use version 1.5.5 of this mod.

Ok done that it worked, thanks!

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Whoo! Finally caught up! (Yes, I just read through 81 pages. Don't judge me!)

@Nils277 I love this mod so much, and wanted to thank you so much for continuing to maintain it. I've been using it since I started playing in 1.2, and it has become my go-to mod for planetary research outposts. I honestly don't think I could play without it.

I wonder if you've ever considered going larger with some pieces? Right now, the base pieces sit nicely in a 2.5m form factor, when placed bottom-to-bottom. I wonder if you'd ever consider making pieces that fit in the 3.75 form, or even going to 5, 7.5, or even 10m sizes, and making them fit for more permanent colonies. Like I said, I love this mod and the parts that it comes with. All of the habitation pieces seem sort of temporary, though. Not the buildings, themselves. Those all seem fit to stand the test of time, but they feel like places you'd spend a year or two in, doing research or whatnot, and then heading home. They're not homes, where you live long-term, settle down, start a family. My latest campaign in KSP is a quest for galactic domination system-wide colonization. I'm looking to make permanent cities on every planet and moon in the Kerbol system capable of being landed on, and I'd love to have larger community complexes for my kerbals.

If not, I'll make do with what I have available (I am using Civilian Population, but their models are so sub-par compared to the work you do. You've spoiled me.), but I felt it couldn't hurt to ask. Please, keep up the good work. :)

Edited by Odentin
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The module manager patches for TAC-LS are not correct, they specify two passes:


Module Manager has never supported this, but now in v3 will throw errors properly.


I will look through and see if I can post what needs to be done to fix.


If TAC itself does not modify the KBPS parts, then you should be good with just:


If other mods try to modify these parts, you're in for a bit more patch-ordering...

If you want to make sure all of the FOR patches are done, you could do:



Edited by westamastaflash
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Currently getting 8 errors from module manager update. all related to life support (I use USI_LS) and the ALGAE. cfg

Attaching ksplog


And output log


I already let Sarbian know

Happy Holidays!!! my friend



Edited by Rafael acevedo
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2 hours ago, Nils277 said:

@westamastaflash and @Rafael acevedo Thanks for the reports. Will try to fix the MM patches and make a release in the next time. I cannot guarantee this will be before christmas though :wink: 

Merry Christmas my friend

OBTW, if it helps look at blowfish comments in MM

Edited by Rafael acevedo
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Been encountering some odd issues with the K&K Workshop. Strange KPBS-shaped spectres appear near the craft. They seem to cause the skybox to be rendered, first, in front of everything else. I hyper-edited the craft into space to check, and yes, the spectres follow the craft. For some reason, this issue only appears outside of the VAB/SPH. See for yourself:



No idea what might be causing this issue. Could be a Scatterer/EVE thing. Issue occurs only with this part, afaik. Can post specs and modlist if requested.

Edited by Kill3rCat
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Hi! I'm interested in translating this awesome mod into Japanese! So,I'm going to begin it with translating KSPedia and start "en-us.cfg" as soon as it finishes.(Although it take very long time, I guess...)

Edited by ALPHABET
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16 hours ago, Kill3rCat said:

Been encountering some odd issues with the K&K Workshop. Strange KPBS-shaped spectres appear near the craft. They seem to cause the skybox to be rendered, first, in front of everything else. I hyper-edited the craft into space to check, and yes, the spectres follow the craft. For some reason, this issue only appears outside of the VAB/SPH. See for yourself:

  Reveal hidden contents


No idea what might be causing this issue. Could be a Scatterer/EVE thing. Issue occurs only with this part, afaik. Can post specs and modlist if requested.

I think i might know what the reason is. I guess you have JSI Advanced Transparend Pods installed? I might have forgotten to put some of the Dephtmask models into the right layer.

15 hours ago, ALPHABET said:

Hi! I'm interested in translating this awesome mod into Japanese! So,I'm going to begin it with translating KSPedia and start "en-us.cfg" as soon as it finishes.(Although it take very long time, I guess...)

That would be really cool! Thanks! :) 

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5 hours ago, Nils277 said:

I think i might know what the reason is. I guess you have JSI Advanced Transparend Pods installed? I might have forgotten to put some of the Dephtmask models into the right layer.

Huh, you're right. I don't even remember installing that mod, but, yes, there it is. Will this be fixed in the next patch? :)

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10 minutes ago, Kill3rCat said:

Huh, you're right. I don't even remember installing that mod, but, yes, there it is. Will this be fixed in the next patch? :)

Will be fixed. To be sure, it is just the K&K Workshop right?

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Just installed this mod along with several others.  Spent a few days building up a Mun base and decided to add a "K&K Workshop".  No matter what I try I cannot get anything to show up in the "Construction Window" other than the efficiency and workforce.  I would have assumed this Pod was used to assemble the Rocket Parts into Rocket Modules....am I missing something here?  As a Side note I did figure out how to use the "K&K OSE Workshop" but it only seems to be able make smaller items.  Sorry if this has been addressed before...I did spend an hour or so looking for an answer online.

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4 hours ago, jbhitman said:

Just installed this mod along with several others.  Spent a few days building up a Mun base and decided to add a "K&K Workshop".  No matter what I try I cannot get anything to show up in the "Construction Window" other than the efficiency and workforce.  I would have assumed this Pod was used to assemble the Rocket Parts into Rocket Modules....am I missing something here?  As a Side note I did figure out how to use the "K&K OSE Workshop" but it only seems to be able make smaller items.  Sorry if this has been addressed before...I did spend an hour or so looking for an answer online.

It'd be best to read up on EL for this - the Workshop here is where the work is done, but not where the ship is assembled.  For that you need a launchpad of some sort - either a K&K Launchpad, one from some other mod, or a survey station (no part from KPBS seems to have that functionality) and some survey stakes planted via KIS.  So you want one or more workshops filled with decent engineers (the more workshops/engineers the faster the build) and then someplace where the build will actually happen.

The OSE Workshop should in theory be able to make any size item I believe - if you have a large enough KIS container.  Though beware that very large items are hard to handle via KIS.

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@jbhitman: It is woefully incomplete, but EL's manual might help a bit, particularly section 4 (pages 13-14). If you have any feedback, particularly on what you would like to see fleshed out further or what is unclear, please let me know (preferably in EL's thread so others can chime in, but private message is fine too). Writing documentation, especially good documentation, is very difficult.

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15 hours ago, chaos9830 said:

Loved this mod back in the day, so i tried to install it via CKAN. Im pretty new to CKAn do im not sure if u support it or not, but i tried it anyway. only some of the parts show up, and with non of the command modules

CKAN is supported (unless it has had some breaking changes in the last weeks). I would guess that CKAN has made some errors while installing. The command modules etc should be there by default.
Try to uninstall KPBS with CKAN and reinstall it. If this does not work, try to install this mod by hand...This way we can see what is causing the errors.

If the error persists with CKAN or even with a manuall install then i would need a screenshot of the mods folder and more important the "KSP.log" file from KSP main folder. It should contain the errors that might have caused your problems.

Edit: Just another thought: Are you playing in career mode? If yes, are all the nodes and parts unlocked in the tech-tree? When you already have some nodes unlocked and installed the mod afterwards then you have to purchase the parts in the tech-tree individually.

Edited by Nils277
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I need help, when placing the nuclear reactors to my base and using them in a test run, they will go to their max efficiency and then drop to zero efficiency and i don't know what is causing this. Is there a part I need to install to the base or something to max it to where they don't go to zero and render them useless?

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1 hour ago, Shad_The_Knight said:

I need help, when placing the nuclear reactors to my base and using them in a test run, they will go to their max efficiency and then drop to zero efficiency and i don't know what is causing this. Is there a part I need to install to the base or something to max it to where they don't go to zero and render them useless?

Do you have cooling/radiators to keep them from overheating? Maybe that's what's going on?

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Had an idea, gave it a try.

Here's a patch I'm trying out that others can use if they'd like - the goal is to better integrate KPBS parts when both EPL and MKS are installed. It changes EPL-specific parts (the workshop and smelter) over to MKS' converters to create MaterialKits and SpecializedParts instead of RocketParts.

If both OSE Workshop and MKS are installed, it also changes the OSE Workshop converter part to create MaterialKits using MKS's system.

In theory, this should make it so that all three of those parts will be roughly in line with MKS equivalents... ish. I took a wild guess at the balance.

// What this does:
// 1- Removes EL-specific RocketParts and related stuff
// 2- Adds MKS resource converters that lead to MatKits and SpecParts (for rocket building)
// 3- Changes the smelter to use MKS resources (Metals rather than Metal)
// 4- If both OSE workshop AND MKS are installed, change the OSE workshop to use MKS' system for producing MatKits 

//Change the OSE Workshop part to use MKS's MatKits system if MKS is installed
	!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {} //This should delete only the MatKits converters
	!RESOURCE[Ore] {} 					//Ore not used any more
	//Set up new MatKits converter based on USI stuff
		name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI
		ConverterName = MaterialKits
		StartActionName = Start MaterialKits
		StopActionName = Stop MaterialKits

		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
		SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		Efficiency = 1				
			ResourceName = Metals
			Ratio = 0.00066
			ResourceName = Chemicals
			Ratio = 0.00033
			ResourceName = Polymers
			Ratio = 0.00033
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 3.3
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.000003
			ResourceName = Recyclables
			Ratio = 0.000003
			DumpExcess = true
			ResourceName = MaterialKits
			Ratio = 0.00165
			DumpExcess = False
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 120
		name = MaterialKits
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 100
		isTweakable = True
		name = Machinery
		amount = 12
		maxAmount = 120
		isTweakable = True
		name = Recyclables
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 180
		isTweakable = True

//Change the Smelter to produce Metals rather than Metal (using MKS' resource flow)
	!MODULE[ExConverter] {}
	!RESOURCE[Metal] {}
	!RESOURCE[MetalOre] {}
	!RESOURCE[ScrapMetal] {}
		name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI
		ConverterName = Metals
		StartActionName = Start Metals
		StopActionName = Stop Metals
		Efficiency = 1	
		AutoShutdown = true
		GeneratesHeat = true
		UseSpecialistBonus = false
			key = 0 10000
			key = 500 5000
			key = 1000 2500
			key = 1250 2500
			key = 1500 500
			key = 2000 0
			key = 0 0
			key = 500 0.25
			key = 1000 1.0
			key = 1250 0.5
			key = 1500 0.1
			key = 2000 0
			ResourceName = MetallicOre
			Ratio =  0.0026
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 3.62
			ResourceName = Metals
			Ratio = 0.00052
			DumpExcess = False
			ResourceName = Rock
			Ratio =  0.00052
			DumpExcess = true
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.0000009
			ResourceName = Recyclables
			Ratio = 0.0000009
			DumpExcess = true
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 180
		name = ModuleEfficiencyPart
		ConverterName = [Smelter]
		eTag = Smelter
		StartActionName = Start [Smelter]
		StopActionName = Stop [Smelter]
		UseBonus = false		
		Efficiency = 1	
		eMultiplier = 0.481
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 2.405
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 180
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.00000045
			ResourceName = Recyclables
			Ratio = 0.00000045
			DumpExcess = true
		name = USI_ModuleFieldRepair

		name = Machinery
		amount = 180
		maxAmount = 180
		isTweakable = True
		name = Recyclables
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 180
		isTweakable = True
		name = MKSModule
		name = USI_InertialDampener

		name = ModulePlanetaryLogistics
		PushOnly = true
		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 1000				//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.25			//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0			//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01		//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.05			//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp = 2000				//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 250				//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small

// Change the Workshop part if MKS and EPL are both installed
	!MODULE[ExConverter] {}
	!RESOURCE[RocketParts] {}
		@ProductivityFactor = 2
		@Efficiency = 1.5
		name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI
		ConverterName = MaterialKits
		StartActionName = Start MaterialKits
		StopActionName = Stop MaterialKits

		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
		SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		Efficiency = 1				
			ResourceName = Metals
			Ratio = 0.00132
			ResourceName = Chemicals
			Ratio = 0.00066
			ResourceName = Polymers
			Ratio = 0.00066
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 6.6
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.000006
			ResourceName = Recyclables
			Ratio = 0.000006
			DumpExcess = true
			ResourceName = MaterialKits
			Ratio = 0.0033
			DumpExcess = False

			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 250
		name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI
		ConverterName = SpecializedParts
		StartActionName = Start SpecializedParts
		StopActionName = Stop SpecializedParts
		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
		SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		Efficiency = 1	

			ResourceName = Silicon
			Ratio =  0.001780
			ResourceName = RefinedExotics
			Ratio =  0.000178
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 3
			ResourceName = SpecializedParts
			Ratio = 0.00088
			DumpExcess = False
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.000006
			ResourceName = Recyclables
			Ratio = 0.000006
			DumpExcess = true
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 250
		name = ModuleResourceConverter_USI
		ConverterName = Machinery
		StartActionName = Start Machinery
		StopActionName = Stop Machinery

		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
		SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		Efficiency = 1				
			ResourceName = MaterialKits
			Ratio = 0.00264
			ResourceName = SpecializedParts
			Ratio = 0.00066
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 6.6

			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.0033
			DumpExcess = False
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 0.000006
			ResourceName = Recyclables
			Ratio = 0.000006
			DumpExcess = true
			ResourceName = Machinery
			Ratio = 250
		name = MKSModule
		name = ModuleAutoRepairer	

		%name = ModuleLifeSupport
		name = USI_InertialDampener
		name = USI_ModuleRecycleBin
		name = USI_ModuleFieldRepair
		name = MaterialKits
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 150
		isTweakable = True
		name = Machinery
		amount = 25
		maxAmount = 250
		isTweakable = True
		name = Recyclables
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 250
		isTweakable = True
		name = SpecializedParts
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 100
		isTweakable = True
		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 500
		maxAmount = 500


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