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1.1 New Feature: Cutaway Interiors!


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DasValdez discovered a new feature in the 1.1 Experimentals build (see his recent Twitch stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/dasvaldez/v/53247671?t=04h33m53s) and was given permission to share the images! It appears to be a cutaway mode, where by pressing a button, the interior view of capsules can be visible from the outside of ships. The pictures he showed are below:

He confirmed that it is not possible to move kerbals around inside, however. But given by the inclusion of that feature, I certainly wouldn't be too surprised if the devs build on it and eventually include something like FreeEVA into stock!

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It is a really cool feature, but without the ability to manipulate them inside the craft, it doesn't serve much use. Hopefully they build on the feature and actually require IVA to move between parts instead of just an instant transfer.

Edited by metl
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21 minutes ago, NovaSilisko said:

Hmmmm. Neat, but I'm not sure what utility it would serve. Would be nice to be able to view the interiors through windows.

Allowing persistent view through windows would be sweet, but it would add to the load on the system.  However, this would definitely suggest a step towards that.  Don't give up hope!

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12 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

I wonder if this was something that was (relatively) easy to do in U5 and they had all the assets (interiors) already so they just said, "Why not?"

I think it's cool though and can't wait to see it in-game.

I vaguely remember this happening as a bug before in earlier versions... a rare bug->feature evolution?

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The immediate upside I see is that it makes multi-part habitats like stations feel more "real". With always-opaque walls, you have a certain crew capacity and a certain amount of fuel, and it seems mostly the same regardless of how they're arranged. But if you can press a key to look through the walls of the crew areas, then suddenly there's a little extra reward for putting them all near each other in a coherent layout, not in the form of game currency, but in pure RP.

Plus, how many craft get built just to take screenshots? Now there'll be twice as many screenshots.

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14 minutes ago, NovaSilisko said:

I vaguely remember this happening as a bug before in earlier versions... a rare bug->feature evolution?

Also @rbray89 showed off a method to do this a while ago which had a very low performance hit, although their intent was to use it in EVE to see IVA scene through windows I think

Maybe just a coincidence though

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I find myself looking at this feature, glancing at Connected Living Spaces, looking back at this, and just maybe (quietly) saying squee.  I can only hope that we'll get the ability to put in crew-tunneled fuel tanks to make it all more believable.  Heck, maybe even tunnels that can be attached like struts between parts of a craft.  So very many possibilities for addition of verisimilitude, if we can even hope to see this functionality made relatively easy for modders to access.

Maybe at some point in the future we really will get to watch Jeb crawl from one end of that 100-meter Jool cruiser to the other to grab some snacks.  This smacks of laying the groundwork for IVA actually having some activity to it.

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18 minutes ago, Rthsom said:

While this is neat and all, I hope it's toggle-able via the debug menu rather than one of the F keys. Can a Dev or an Experimental member at least say which key activates it?

Das seemed to hint it was an on-screen button in the stream I linked.

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Just now, GregroxMun said:

The first screenshot is a soyuz with three Mk1 pods clipped together to make the descent stage IIRC.

And now that I look closely it looks like clipping isn't handled.

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I will never use this idea but I think it is great.  I suspect KSP story tellers like @Kuzzter will love it and it should make comics even better. I hope this doesn't diminish his open EVA super curzer.  I 100% am glad they included this

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2 minutes ago, regex said:

And now that I look closely it looks like clipping isn't handled.

Then don't clip. If you stick, say, a converter into a habitat module, we shouldn't assume the converter gets cut half way and it's still functional.

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