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What celestial body will you add into KSP?


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1. I would move Eve between Jool and Eeloo.
On current Eve orbit should be new planet Venus-like... little smaller than Kerbin, but with much more dense atmosphere, so even small wings would allow plane to glide for very long time.
Most interesting part of this planet would be temperature (and future feature rains and ballons maybe?). The closer to ground level the higher the temperature and without cooling systems crafts should melt (overheat and explode like they do during re-entry, except crafts wouldn't have to move at all on this planet to accumulate overheat effects).

2. Lots of small dwarf planets, on rails or just random, near Dres orbit. They could be named after most dedicated fans of KSP.

3. Second smaller star far beyond Eeloo orbit, with 2-3 Duna-Dres-like planets around it.

4. Comets and asteroids travelling randomly between SOI of both starts. Few comets could be on rails.

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I would add 11 more moons to Jool, mostly Gilly type objects, etc. Jupiter has over 60 moons! Jool has 5. 16 is a reasonable number IMO.

Edited by Andem
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5 minutes ago, Andem said:

I would add 11 more moons to Jool, mostly Gilly type objects, etc. Jupiter has over 60 moons! Jool has 5. 16 is a reasonable number IMO.

I think adding about 30 Gilly or smaller type of objects will be reasonable, makes it more interesting of making something like a SSTO to Laythe, or a colony on Tylo (because the moons will be messing up your trajectory!) It will be awesome to create random little orbital space stations orbiting an object the size of 1KM :D.

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On 3/20/2016 at 10:05 PM, Francois424 said:

KSP equivalent of Halley's comet.  Solid ground to build a base on, and unlimited ore since classified as a planet/moon and not an asteroid (if only very small).

Land on it near Kerbin, drop off the first guys around near Moho (free DV saved), and follow the ride all the way thru to around Neidon (of OMP mod, the Neptune analog)

That would be so cool.

Halley's is on a retrograde orbit.  It would take a really big kerbal ship just to be able to stay in its SOI, let alone jump back to a planet.

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I'd like to see a gas giant in a tight orbit of the sun. I'm not sure if this needs to replace Moho, or if we can squeeze it in inside of that orbit. A lot of the planets that have been discovered around other stars have been this type of "hot Jupiter". This was mostly because of the limits of what the early planet finding methods were able to detect, but we do have good evidence that there are a lot of these types of planets out there. I think it would be a lot of fun to explore an object like this in game, and it might serve as a good example to help familiarize people with planet finding science.

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One where Ker-apes have taken over, and Kerbals are kept as animals... hang on! That looks like the VAB.... you did really did it. YOU MANIACS, YOU BLEW IT UP.  Ah, Ker-god damn you! Ker-God damn you all to Ker-hell!

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9 hours ago, Dizzle said:

I don't see any cops around.

This comment made me imagine the following scene.

The FTL ship is pulled over to a geo-stationary orbit around Rigil-4. The cop approaches the hatch.

"Sir, do you know how fast you were going"

"Ah, no, I'm sorry officer."

"We clocked you going around 4 times the speed of light back there."

"Oh really, I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention."

"I'm going to have to give you a ticket, 'exceeding relativistic speeds,in an over- massed vehicle.'" The Cop fills out and hands over the ticket. "Alright, slow down unless you want to be a photon."

"Yes officer, thank you officer"  


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9 hours ago, ForumUser said:

I think adding about 30 Gilly or smaller type of objects will be reasonable, makes it more interesting of making something like a SSTO to Laythe, or a colony on Tylo (because the moons will be messing up your trajectory!) It will be awesome to create random little orbital space stations orbiting an object the size of 1KM :D.

Yeah, because running the SOI gauntlet to get to Laythe isn't hard enough. :D (No snark there by the way, I actually want the same thing)

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On 3/19/2016 at 7:13 PM, Borsek said:

A second kerbin orbiting the first one so their atmospheres touch and I can launch planes between them.

I wonder if you can do this with HyperEdit? Like, put Laythe in orbit around Kerbin so that their atmospheres touch?

Must try.

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Now I might bring the (Arguably justified) wrath of NovaSilisko by mentioning this, but I personally believe that the "Precursor" planet that is alluded to in the Duna SSTV signal should be added to KSP.  Of course, the planet shouldn't be discoverable in map view or the tracking station, but exist far away from the Sun on a completely randomized orbital parameter that can be calculated through other SSTV signals found in various other bodies on the solar system.  Once found, 


The planet would reveal itself as just a bit smaller than Kerbin, covered in frozen cities, abandoned monuments, oceans frozen solid, and an atmosphere long lost to the depths of space. This far out, the sun might even not light up the world too much, leaving it in a perpetual state of twilight. A very, very, very unusual and alien world. - NovaSilisko


Even if the whole idea of "reverse-engineering" the Precursor technology (Which admittedly would be completely overpowered) is not really a good one, the whole concept of a "Mystery Planet" that orbits far out from the Sun would add a whole new layer to the game.  

Maybe if not the Precursor Homeworld, why not a small system of "Mystery Planets", Brown Dwarfves with procedurally generated moons in extremely distant orbits from the Sun (While we're at it, perhaps anchor them so that the dwarves themselves do not move)?  No moon would be exactly the same, but the same feeling of there being something out there that you can explore would remain.  





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Or maybe add a second kerbin on the opposite side of the sun with two moons, the smaller named munmis and the larger named min. And they orbit kerbulus. And yes this sorta might ish have something to do with @Kuzzter... And it is the sorta opposite of kerbin. No one cares about exploration or science and they are not peaceful...

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