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Spacecraft Friday The "Please no Hurt Me" Edition!

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  Standard disclaimer: said:

Who are you to decide this, I hear you asking, and here's the answer: No one. I am not official in any way, shape, or form. If you're unhappy with my decision, we can work something out. This is just my opinion, since there's no objective way to judge "Quality" of crafts.

If anyone feels that their craft is missed because of any kind of time-zone difference, or any kind of difference in when spacecraft fridays is put up, tell me.

If your craft is really good and was made before, and someone posts in it within that week, then it will be considered. Just to clarify, I am not encouraging necros for the sake of bumping your craft.



So. This is pretty late, huh? Anyway, let's start. (these are in no real order)


LC Cruiser IV by manni01
An SSTA! And a Cargo SSTo capable of 20 tons to Duna! I love it! Check it out here!


Brand new Rover Suspension! By @luizopiloto!
Wowie! You see that?! It's ingenious! Spectacular! Amazing! I mean, it makes those large offroaders


The Kenergia+Buranott Combo! By Commander Spork!
Buans are really in, am I right? It's totally cool, what, with the detail, yet a balnce of simplicity as well. Find out more here!


The Doggy (And Leash, and Pack Master Carrier) by Warzouz!
Aww, it's adorable! It even looks like a wittle puppy. I couldn't resist putting this one here. The thread has this, and the specially built sky crane and transport, here!


"Teeny" Tiny Shuttle, by castille7
Again, it's tiny, and adorable! It's all you love about shuttle launches, turned tiny and cute! Find out more, here!



And that's it for the "Please No Hurt Me" Edition of Spacecraft Friday Sunday! Yes, it's Monday in some places currently, but it's Sunday for me in Alberta!

Yes, it is rushed, but *deep voice* stay determined. Someone will do better then me.

And the mention thingy didn't work, sorry.

Edited by SpaceplaneAddict
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