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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When a long thread of emails AT WORK have a subject line that includes "Need Docking Station and Monitor for New Employee", and EVERY TIME that subject line crops up you misread "monitor" and wonder why they're HIRING someone to dock at Minmus Station when they already have YOU....

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Today I was in room A, I had to pick up an object in room B, another one in room C, and then bring them both to room A: also, there is a corridor that connects them in that order (A, B, C). I was about to pick up object B on the way to room C, but then decided against when I realized it would have been a huge waste of delta v. I was already in room C when the realization struck me.

P.S: posted at 4 am, after 3 hours straight making my own apollo program in 64k.

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  Srpadget said:
When a long thread of emails AT WORK have a subject line that includes "Need Docking Station and Monitor for New Employee", and EVERY TIME that subject line crops up you misread "monitor" and wonder why they're HIRING someone to dock at Minmus Station when they already have YOU....

We have a common acronym at work, KSC. I won't say what it's for but you can all tell what I think it means every single time I see it :)

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I have the Kerbin System Wiki page pinned to my Chrome browser... it's been there for months if, not a year. I also have a bookmark folder that only contains 13 items. All of them are geometry calculators that I use for orbital mechanics and planning / design.



  tygoo7 said:
When you are out in your deer stand thinking, "I wonder how much deltaV this bullet has."

My .308 / 150grain rounds have 2900 ft/s of dV

Edited by NeoAcario
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  Ikaneko said:
When you've spent 1 1/2 weeks of 2014 JUST playing KSP.

I bought KSP back in June (although I had the demo for years). I put about 515 hours in, roughly 20 days of my life on KSP in a short series of months. :blush: If my math serves me correct, if I played this game as much as I played it in the past six months, by the time I am 80~ years old, I will have played the game for three years of my life (although, no offense squad, hopefully it won't come to that extreme!). I don't think I've ever gotten this extreme into a video game but I'm not complaining.

I'm 24 years old (almost 25 now) and I really have nothing better to do with my life anymore. Where I live it's cold and crappy out for 8 months of the year to do anything. Half my friends are getting girlfriends/wives and my social life has been going down the toilet from that among other reasons. I dated for a while and after getting dumped for various reasons (including one being a closet lesbian) I've pretty much retired from the dating game because it is too much disgust and anguish.

KSP is where I wish my reality was. Among the stars, exploring, seeing new worlds, I wish we had the technology to leave Earth and make space travel as common as taking a trip to the grocery store. This game is fun and educational, and it relaxes me where it seems that everything else today tends to drive me insane. A game about stupid green men building rockets and leaving the planet for no particular reason other than fun and exploration. I would rather play KSP at this point than socialize, date, eat, or even sleep for that matter. I still work, I still get out, I still take care of myself, I just like playing KSP more than doing other things in life. Although I will say that this game has inspired me now to possibly get a pilots license (my dad used to fly planes after all).

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When KSP has had an important role in many of your dreams.

One time I looked on the map screen and saw that a probe needed to be saved from colliding with Earth. So I had to go to the tracking station. With a car. On my way there I went to a FC3 gun store... to buy medieval weapons. That's KSP, FC3 and Skyrim, all in one dream. I actually think there was one more game, but I can't recall what it was or what its role was.

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  MK3424 said:
When you are watching a KSP video and you are trying to move the camera with your mouse...
  Bigbootie said:
I am happy knowing I'm not alone in this.

Yup, also guilty of this one. I caught myself doing this last night with one of Scott Manley's videos. Then again, I was also rather tired at the time. Plus, I've been having KSP withdrawals. Game just keeps crashing in load lately, and I haven't worked out which mod is causing it. Oddly, I had my full mod list loading just fine a few days ago, and running without any problems. I've just backed up my saves, deleted the game, and am going to start fresh, see if I can fix it that way. I think I may have incorrectly installed a mod at some point, and overwrote something I may not want to have.

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  NeoAcario said:
I have the Kerbin System Wiki page pinned to my Chrome browser... it's been there for months if, not a year. I also have a bookmark folder that only contains 13 items. All of them are geometry calculators that I use for orbital mechanics and planning / design.



My .308 / 150grain rounds have 2900 ft/s of dV

That's an awful lot of grunt...what cartridge?

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you are placings struts:

Placed the strut incorrectly. Remove it then left it floating off to the side. After rebuilding the vessel, instead of grabbing a new one from the part tab you go for the floating one that is in the VAB/SPH and keep trying to click and grab it. Even changing camera angle and zooming in to make it easier. Maybe the new part tab layout will help me. Knot.

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