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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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You know you play too much KSP when you decide to put "LiquidFuel" in your car's tank.

On 2/16/2016 at 1:11 PM, PhylumCnidaria said:

I know I've played too much when I'm better than my science teacher at orbital maneuvering.

I tried to give my friend a crash course on orbital mechanics, too.



I love how your signature is a rocket falling and exploding.

Fits perfectly with the "ITS NOT ROKET SCIENC"

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When you spend a few hours on a sunny Saturday sitting indoors, looking at a screen while someone else is playing the game and calling out information to other people who are watching the same guy.

On a different note, the Real Space Program had it's first launch today.

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When you have over 2000 hours counted on your Steam KSP install and know you've done hundreds more in "off-the-books" installs.

Today, one of my coworkers parked his own personal vehicle in the path of a raging fire in a field of dry hay stubble, jumped on a passing firetruck. and disappeared over the horizon with the keys of his own ride in his pocket.  Thus, many assets were diverted for a while to save his ride at the expense of several acres in other directions.   And the whole time, I was wondering what his stupidity rating was.

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On 1/5/2016 at 3:18 PM, Grenartia said:

As a physics major, I had to give a physics-related presentation to my class and the professor (its a 100-level class, so nothing too complicated). I basically just did a video of me explaining the bare basics of orbital mechanics. Literally just me explaining why you have to do a gravy turn, and what burning prograde and retrograde do, and noting the relationship between velocity and altitude.

Yeah, you got to watch out for those gravy turns - otherwise, you'd end up spilling it and that would be a mis-steak ;)

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On 24 בפברואר 2016 at 0:27 PM, Kyrt Malthorn said:

When you look up at some fast-moving clouds and think, "I'm in time warp?"


I play KSP with EVE installed, can you tell?   :D

Yeah, me too...

happened to me a bit ago XD

On 21 בפברואר 2016 at 3:24 AM, loch.ness said:

Was checking out at a counter in Wal Mart and heard the anti-theft alarm and thought "Oooh, somebody's got a fuel leak."


(I usually play with the Dang It! mod and for some reason the alarms were very similar at this Wal Mart).

Dang It high five!

No? No?



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When your boss texts you last night saying he has an exciting opportunity to discuss tomorrow being seconded to local government and to give it some thought over night, and all I managed to think about was how to improve my lander.

Edited by Stewcumber
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16 hours ago, zuuhis79 said:

When you watch a documetary about Saturn V and Apollo flights and think how the heck did that stay in one piece without struts!

NASA installed Part Welder during Gemini, so they could fuse the tanks and the engines.  The remaining strut work is hidden under fairings, which you can kind of see from their old Hull cam shots (some of which were posted by this orbiter player).

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