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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When I spend 8 hours working on a plane design to land VTOL style on Mun, drill some ore into its tanks, fly back and land like an STS on Kerbin

except 8 hours later it don't friggin' work! :mad:;.;

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Once, I woke up with crazy thoughts in my head like “I must attach some engines to my alarm-clock radially! Why can’t I do that?.. Ah, of course! The alarm-clock is already launched, it’s not in VAB so I cannot attach anything to it.†:D

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On Deviantart I see a picture, "Zecora transfer" - project of a print to be transferred to a T-shirt.


And I immediately jump to the conclusion: Zecora developed a new orbital maneuver?!

...likely, for low-thrust engines that require many orbits to get there, and so they spiral their way up before departing in any desired direction. So... that's what her cutie mark means!

Edited by Sharpy
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On Deviantart I see a picture, "Zecora transfer" - project of a print to be transferred to a T-shirt.

And I immediately jump to the conclusion: Zecora developed a new orbital maneuver?!

...likely, for low-thrust engines that require many orbits to get there, and so they spiral their way up. So... that's what her cutie mark shows!

Wait... What the... Hold on...

That makes too much sense! Was this all planned from the beginning?

Jeez. And I though I overthought things...

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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I opened this thread and there's enormous pony zebra picture at the top of the page... Really, forum, really...

Back on topic - when you see a sunset and thnik that you need to rotate the camera and make a screenshot...

Edited by Kuu Lightwing
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When you come up against an issue and ending up dreaming about it that night and your dream gives you a workable solution.

Your subconscious is a genius!

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You know you are too old to play KSP when you click on the VAB and think "Why did I come in here?"

(Sad but true. I only realised I wasn't in the SPH when I couldn't find the plane I was looking for in the list.)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thought about how buying lunch, rather than bringing it would save a considerable amount of space in my bag. My next thought: that's basically ISRU.

Haven't had much chance to play any KSP for a while now. I think it's starting to show...


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