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Make the stability enhancer distance tweakable

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Sometimes I want to make the top of a rocket stable and want to use a stability enhancer right at the top but because the base of my rockets are wider than the top I often find the base of the stability enhancer goes through a solid booster or similar.


My suggestion is to make the stability enhancer tweakable so you can make the support pylon be further from the rocket which would allow more inventive designs.

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You are supposed to put the Stability enhancers on the lowest part of your craft


If your ship rocks around on the launch pad (or) wobbles around when in flight I find that a bunch of RCS units at the pointy end keeps the craft stable


Don't forget to turn them on :D

Edited by hurric
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Now why haven't I suggested this already??  

I think about it most times I build a big rocket, then get carried away trying to launch it safely.  It doesn't look like it would be too big a job to add the feature, but (as always when it comes to programming) I could be wrong.

Maybe a simpler option would be to add a new 'Long Reach' version.

Edited by pandaman
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22 minutes ago, hurric said:

You are supposed to put the Stability enhancers on the lowest part of your craft


If your ship rocks around on the launch pad (or) wobbles around when in flight I find that a bunch of RCS units at the pointy end keeps the craft stable


Don't forget to turn them on :D

I don`t go for any style of game play where the words "you are supposed to" are involved.

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Which leaves you with an ugly-looking decoupler/girder left over on your craft.

The launch clamps are fine if the offset tool would actually work as it should on those parts and not clip the launch clamp INSIDE your craft when you try to move it.

Having a part that would act as a "launch tower" which can also transfer crew or fuel would even be better. The Stability Enhancers would then serve as ground clamps.

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1 hour ago, Stoney3K said:

Which leaves you with an ugly-looking decoupler/girder left over on your craft.

The launch clamps are fine if the offset tool would actually work as it should on those parts and not clip the launch clamp INSIDE your craft when you try to move it.

Having a part that would act as a "launch tower" which can also transfer crew or fuel would even be better. The Stability Enhancers would then serve as ground clamps.

Structural Pylon or Small Hardpoint does not leaves those ugly 6 square bolts on the parent part. I use them everywhere on "permanent" craft(mining base rovers, tugs, stations, etc) because I am uncertain whether those left over bolts count as another part eating away my FPS.

Ideally, the Stability Enhancer should create a variable horizontal section long enough so that the vertical stand far enough away from any actual craft part. Same way that it automatically adjusts its height...nope, nope much easier said than done, no other part acts like it, i bet the code for them are real special

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On March 27, 2016 at 9:34 PM, hurric said:

You are supposed to put the Stability enhancers on the lowest part of your craft


If your ship rocks around on the launch pad (or) wobbles around when in flight I find that a bunch of RCS units at the pointy end keeps the craft stable


Don't forget to turn them on :D

Ummm... No.  If you have a tower, sure.  No tower, ALL OF THE STABLE.  If your rocket looks realistic, it might meet physics after he's had too many beers, and the top will wobble.

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