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KIS/KAS for 1.1 alpha testing


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  On 4/21/2016 at 6:38 AM, IgorZ said:

Add the parts to each seat inventory. When a seat is occupied the parts will be in the inventory of the crew member.


Yes, but at the moment I have to do that manually in the VAB/SPH right?  Id like to have ALL seats equipped automatically without having to do anything.  Kinda like the mods that have Kerbal Engineer automatically installed on all Pods without needing to add the parts.

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  On 4/21/2016 at 10:50 AM, funkcanna said:

Yes, but at the moment I have to do that manually in the VAB/SPH right?  Id like to have ALL seats equipped automatically without having to do anything.  Kinda like the mods that have Kerbal Engineer automatically installed on all Pods without needing to add the parts.


Really?  And HOW would the mod know which parts you want to add?  Unfortunately, no KSP mod is a mind reader.  yet.

Edited by Apollo13
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  On 4/21/2016 at 4:37 AM, IgorZ said:

@KerbalMan23 @Festivejelly I was able to reproduce the issue. Thank you, guys, for the screenshots and the video.

@Leandro Basi Thanks for the log but next time please put that long things at least under the spoiler tag. Or better put the file somewhere (like Google Drive) and give a link. As for the problem, you cannot equip anything because of this error:

[EXC 00:21:13.760] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    KIS.ModuleKISInventory.PlaySound (System.String sndPath, Boolean loop, Boolean uiSnd)
    KIS.KIS_Item.PlaySound (System.String sndPath, Boolean loop)
    KIS.KIS_Item.Equip ()
    KIS.ModuleKISInventory.GuiContextMenu (Int32 windowID)
    UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)
    UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

This error alone would make me very concerned. Though, given how many other NPE errors you have in the log I'd say you have a bad conflict with your mods (or a broken game). Try removing mods until this one disappeared:

[EXC 00:23:49.603] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Utils.DeferredRenderer.OnWillRenderObject ()

Then try to check KIS again. If it still happening please provide detailed description of where you try to activate the tool (place, situation, ships around, etc.). A screenshot will be very helpful.


Excuse for the log, i was put only a portion with kas/kis error, but my distraction i put until the end!

The other mods i have installed are working, the only mod i has prolems is with kas, i try to remove the other mods and see what happens!



PS.: I Discovery what happens!

The conflict is with Deadly Reentry mod. I uninstall it and the problem is solved.

Edited by Leandro Basi
Problem solved
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  On 4/21/2016 at 10:57 AM, Apollo13 said:

Really?  And HOW would the mod know which parts you want to add?  Unfortunately, no KSP mod is a mind reader.  yet.


I specifically asked about adding a DRILL and a WRENCH automatically to every seat, nothing more. No mind reading required.


EDIT: To clarify, I mean seats in the command pods.

Edited by funkcanna
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  On 4/21/2016 at 2:29 PM, funkcanna said:

I specifically asked about adding a DRILL and a WRENCH automatically to every seat, nothing more. No mind reading required.


Drill?  Do you mean the Electric Screwdriver?  The Wrench and Electric Screwdriver perform the same functions; don't need both.

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  On 4/21/2016 at 3:41 PM, Apollo13 said:

Drill?  Do you mean the Electric Screwdriver?  The Wrench and Electric Screwdriver perform the same functions; don't need both.


Thanks for the insight.  My question still stands, can the ELECTRIC SCREWDRIVER appear by default in the pod seats?! Jesus.

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Igorz: found a situation you might find interesting.

As we know, landing legs (LT-1, LT-2) have been rather explody after landing, even when the vessel is not the active vessel.  Today, I brought two tourists (one being Jeb) to my base on Minmus.  Each had a LT-1 in their inventory to store at the base for future use.  Upon landing, Jeb exited the vessel with his inventory with the leg.  He dropped it on the ground.  BOOM!!!.  Reloaded a quicksave.  Jeb met with an Engineer and did an inventory-to-inventory transfer.  The Engineer dropped the leg to the ground.  BOOM!  Reloaded.  Jeb transferred the leg to the Engineer again.  Engineer equipped herself with Wrench.  Engineer then dropped, did NOT attach, leg to ground.  No explosion.

Edited by Apollo13
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  On 4/21/2016 at 3:45 PM, funkcanna said:

Thanks for the insight.  My question still stands, can the ELECTRIC SCREWDRIVER appear by default in the pod seats?! Jesus.


you could probably do this yourself kind of easily, drop one in a seat, save the craft, look at the savefile for hierarchy, write an MM config that adds to all seats

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  On 4/21/2016 at 3:48 PM, skbernard said:

you could probably do this yourself kind of easily, drop one in a seat, save the craft, look at the savefile for hierarchy, write an MM config that adds to all seats


Thanks - I've never done this before but really appreciate the constructive comment - I'll look into it 

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  On 4/21/2016 at 3:49 PM, funkcanna said:

Thanks - I've never done this before but really appreciate the constructive comment - I'll look into it 


i'm not %100 sure that it'll work, and i cant dig into it now as i'm at work - let me know what you find - i'm interested on how it turns out

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I noticed that parts that can store resources have wrong weight while it's in the container. When you place the part it get's initialized and weight is added so you cannot pick it up anymore because it's too heavy. Not sure if it's a known bug.

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  On 4/21/2016 at 9:29 AM, IgorZ said:

New versions available:

  • KIS: 2016-04-21 Alpha 5:
    • [Fix] Match rendering queue of KIS pointer to the part's highlight renderers to prevent overlapping issue.
    • [Fix] Restore highlighting of the hovered part when deselecting a hierarchy.
    • [Change] Increase static attach strength on ground base to prevent joint breakage.
    • [Fix] Fix bottom attach node on ground base to make it more stable and prevent explosions on physics start.
    • [Change] Revert turning static attached items kinematic.
  • KAS: 2016-04-21 Alpha 6:
    • [Change] Increase static attach strength on pylon to prevent joint breakage.
    • [Fix] Fix bottom & srf attach nodes on pylon to make it more stable and prevent explosions on physics start.

Always do clean install of every version. I.e. delete whole old folder from the game and then unpack the new version.

Known issues:

  • KIS
    • Ground base only behaves correctly on the ground when attached to the bottom of the part.
  • KAS
    • Some harpoons and ports breaking force can be a little to weak.
    • Ground pylon only behaves correctly on the ground when attached to the bottom of the part.

@KerbalMan23 @Festivejelly Your issue should be fixed in the latest KIS build.


Thanks for letting me know, its much appreciated.

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  On 4/21/2016 at 6:42 PM, googbo said:

I have this installed but I now can't take crew reports can someone tell me why.


No one will be able to tell you why without more information. Your first step it to reproduce the issue on a clean install with only KIS/KAS installed. Then you need to upload the output_log.txt to someplace like Google Drive or Dropbox and post a link. 

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  On 4/21/2016 at 10:50 AM, funkcanna said:

Yes, but at the moment I have to do that manually in the VAB/SPH right?  Id like to have ALL seats equipped automatically without having to do anything.  Kinda like the mods that have Kerbal Engineer automatically installed on all Pods without needing to add the parts.


Honestly, I constantly forget to add this stuff too :) It's a good idea to have some automated approach. I think I can do it with little efforts via a config file. Will put it in my list of features.

  On 4/21/2016 at 11:52 AM, Apollo13 said:

Given that 1.1 is released and KIS and KAS are no longer test releases for 1.1, will this thread close and we all return to the regular threads? 

KISThread  KAS Thread


The thread will close on official 1.2.7 release. Latest candidates look good but there is still an issue to investigate: wrong mass of the parts in the inventory. Once all major problems are fixed I'll do a release, and this thread will be closed.

  On 4/21/2016 at 1:07 PM, Leandro Basi said:

PS.: I Discovery what happens!

The conflict is with Deadly Reentry mod. I uninstall it and the problem is solved.


Thanks for the update. One more mod to be added to the incompatible list.

  On 4/21/2016 at 3:48 PM, Apollo13 said:

Igorz: found a situation you might find interesting.

As we know, landing legs (LT-1, LT-2) have been rather explody after landing, even when the vessel is not the active vessel.  Today, I brought two tourists (one being Jeb) to my base on Minmus.  Each had a LT-1 in their inventory to store at the base for future use.  Upon landing, Jeb exited the vessel with his inventory with the leg.  He dropped it on the ground.  BOOM!!!.  Reloaded a quicksave.  Jeb met with an Engineer and did an inventory-to-inventory transfer.  The Engineer dropped the leg to the ground.  BOOM!  Reloaded.  Jeb transferred the leg to the Engineer again.  Engineer equipped herself with Wrench.  Engineer then dropped, did NOT attach, leg to ground.  No explosion.


My investigation of pylons shows that the issue in the wrong position when placing a part on the ground. If part penetrates the ground's collider it gets pushed out. Depending on the part's mass and G force the part may fly away or explode (if acceleration is too strong). With KIS/KAS parts I can fix it by adjusting configs but how to workaround it with the stock parts is still a question to answer.

  On 4/21/2016 at 4:26 PM, kostrubaty said:

I noticed that parts that can store resources have wrong weight while it's in the container. When you place the part it get's initialized and weight is added so you cannot pick it up anymore because it's too heavy. Not sure if it's a known bug.


Could you please provide screenshots to illustrate the problem?

  On 4/21/2016 at 4:59 PM, Poofer said:

Is there a way to activate c4 from the active vessel it's attached to instead of having a kerbal EVAing and activate it manually? i kinda want to stage poof my rocket :P


Activate C4 at the launchpad, and then fly as fast as you can :)

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  On 4/22/2016 at 4:02 AM, IgorZ said:

`maxTemp` parameter in the part's config file.


Won't that make it so it withstands more temp? I noticed that the proper activation generates a 10 awesomeness explosion whereas the overheating generates a .5 rating. Since activating from vessel is a no go, i was gonna approach activation by putting a separatron next to it and staging in a way that it overheats and poof. 

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  On 4/21/2016 at 4:26 PM, kostrubaty said:

I noticed that parts that can store resources have wrong weight while it's in the container. When you place the part it get's initialized and weight is added so you cannot pick it up anymore because it's too heavy. Not sure if it's a known bug.


Verified in 1.0.5, this bug is there as well. I've created an issue. It's not a blocker for 1.2.7.

That said, we're good to go for the 1.2.7 release! Expect it to go out soon.

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Guys, I'm going to ask a really dumb question. How to close a topic on the forum? :)

1.2.7 is out. KSP 1.1 pre-release testing is complete. Thank you everybody for the help!

Edited by IgorZ
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  On 4/22/2016 at 6:08 AM, IgorZ said:

Guys, I'm going to ask a really dump question. How to close a topic on the forum? :)

1.2.7 is out. KSP 1.1 pre-release testing is complete. Thank you everybody for the help!


Ask one of the forum mods, if they don't see you're question here and close it first.

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