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KSP Addiction


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I've played KSP a lot, but it's not completely dominated my gaming. Indeed, it got me back into PC gaming in general. Lately I've been playing Europa Universalis IV, having good fun with that, today managed to fight off Spain from nicking my South African colony, I'm playing as Maldives, thanks to a strong African ally and a lucky chance to sue for peace.

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I haven't played KSP for over a month now but yesterday I went back to the VAB to continue work on my Duna lander project. It's like the Eagles sing it in their song Hotel California: "... you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."

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I only play KSP when I have the energy for it, trying to juggle work and family life with gaming. The main problem is that you cannot play KSP in any meaningful way for less than an hour, and I only have that kind of time in weekends and holidays. Still, it was the fastest rising game in my steam library, clocking 600 hrs in a year.

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Well...  I haven't played any other game, apart from a few dabbles, since I got KSP (v18.3) in March 2013.  No real idea of the hours played, as I am on the store and haven't kept track (which is probably not a bad thing), but it's somewhere between 'a lot' and 'loads'.

I wouldn't say I'm addicted (twitch, twitch), but I do find myself thinking and planning when I really should be doing other stuff.  And if my boss is reading this, I don't think about it all at work - honest :wink:

Edited by pandaman
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Started playing KSP in 2013, and no end to my addiction in sight.

A couple of nights ago I completed a simple satellite contract, and found it incredibly satisfying. A big factor is the freedom the game gives you - the spacecraft and satellite are my own design, my own way of solving the challenge of the contract.

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Better than being addicted to meth I suppose?

I used to be addicted, been playing since .17, when .18 hit I played non stop. I don't play all that often anymore, getting married and moving kind of takes all your time away lol

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Me, addicted to gaming? Not possible... and I have a full time job and two kids too...

Over the last 2 years, you've spent 1941.8 hours playing this selection, which includes 60 items, is valued at $843.52, and requires 179.8 GB

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I have what you might consider the opposite problem. I've been addicted to KSP since the beginning. It's truly the game I've been waiting for all my life. I remember being ten and scowering the internet for something exactly like this; I remember pouring hours into orbiter. Then last winter I finally learned UV mapping to compliment my modelling hobby, and I've been so addicted to modding ever since I've barely played the game. It's so fast and approachable to work with that my parts list is effectively my imagination, and I'm completely mesmerized by the ability to dream something up and have it in game that day, if much later that day.


KSP is hard to beat on all fronts, but this kind of modability is incredible

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11 hours ago, -RanZ- said:

Better than being addicted to meth I suppose?

I used to be addicted, been playing since .17, when .18 hit I played non stop. I don't play all that often anymore, getting married and moving kind of takes all your time away lol

Indeed. I beat a heroin addiction not even a year ago, and KSP is obviously a better avenue than that crap. I guess I'm fortunate I do have so much time available to play KSP...although it is a lot less lately because of school. :)

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On 13/4/2016 at 5:02 PM, Xyphos said:

This doesn't hardly qualify as an addiction... it's a lifestyle.

I have the same idea... I try to play between 1 to 3 hours at day... I only stop if the work or the family travel don't allow it... And in that situation I play 8 hours in the next Saturday, Sunday or holiday.

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I discovered KSP December 2014 and I probably have all my gaming time since then dedicated to it, minus about 50 or so hours since then for idle games.  I also play games on my phone, but I don't count them since I'll play them for several minutes at a time here or there when I'm not at my computer.  Sure sometimes I'll get bored/frustrated with it, but I've never been away from my kerbals for more than a week.  

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I can empathize with a disturbing number of posts in this thread.  XD  The only reason I'm not playing KSP right now is because I'm waiting on all the mods I like to get updated to 1.1.  And, you know, for the actual game to officially get there too, for that matter.

It's become like all other games are just breaks between KSP sessions, actually.  Seriously, are the devs actually Hypnotoads in dis- ALL GLORY TO THE KSP DEVS

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Yeah, I'm trying hard not to play until 1.1 comes out so I can start a new career game that will feel "fresh" if you know what I mean.

However I find I can't stay away entirely and I often fire KSP up to build some kind of silly contraption or test an idea.

I really hope 1.1 get's released soon, I'm ready to devote some serious play time and try to reach a few planets I've never been to!

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From Dec 2013 - Dec 2015 KSP was about all I did (about 6,000hrs over two years ^^), with Total War side-trips.  On hold durning 1.1 pre-release phase.

During the break I've so far been through more than 30 other games that a) I hadn't looked at because there was always KSP, b) don't stand a chance of occupying me to the extent KSP does.  This War of Mine is engrossing me at the moment, but obviously not in the same way.

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