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What are your house rules?


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In other words, what self restrictions and limitations do you put on your games just for the heck or fun of it?

For me I have a few, some more successful than others. I always try to grab as much science as possible from Kerbin before going elsewhere.
Another one I like, but never really seem to be able to enforce on my self, is to never revert to launch/hangar from any mission and continue with the failure.

How about everyone else?

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I don't biome hop for science, I land on the surface, and get 1 set of science from where ever I land, and call it a day.  Otherwise it makes the game too grindy, and you really don't need to grind science anyway.

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If the game allows it, it's legit.

If the failure is (in my sole opinion) the game's fault, I can revert.

Testing is free and infinitely available, but I must decide BEFORE I START that it's a test. I use(d?) Holodeck for this a lot to help enforce it.

If a disaster is so bad that I'm willing to just give up on the save, I can revert even if it's my fault.

I'm sure there are more, but those are the big ones.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Hee is the complete list of my KSP rules:

Rule 1: Have fun!

I accomplish that in a bunch of ways. I send Kerbals to planets, slide down steep slopes in low-G environments, screw around with alt-F12 (one time I bounced off Jool!), drive long-distance in my "trusty" Mun rover, and fly missions in Career mode! It's not hard, it's only rocket science!

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I never launch Kerbals in non-crew-cabin modules, meaning no Kerbals get launched in a hitchhiker storage container, and if I need to put some in it, I send up another ship for the crew.  It's mostly because of the orientation of the seats.  Would you like to be launched backwards?

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1.  No kerbal endures interplanetary travel times solo.  Their habitable modules (If seperate) must be adjacent.

2.  No unreasonable part clipping (clipping into a structural part for aesthetics is okay).

Those are the big ones.  Others vary from career to career.  In one I may be focused on realistic designs.  In my current career I am allowing reverts, but disabled quick load: I can roll back quick missions, but long ones become committed.

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If I were to admit to deliberately  not taking action that would have saved a kerbal's life would that be admitting to a crime?  


I try to keep one game where I don't enable any sort of cheats, revert,  or even quick saves.  (I will revert if I am still on the launch pad and spot a problem).


The rest, not so much :D



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Always follow these myself.  


1. Thou shall not force Kerbals on solo mission lasting for more than thirty days: two-Kerbal missions may only last to one and one half years.

2. Thou must start in career, shall not have a save with difficulty easier than "Normal": thou shall grind for science and funds.  Custom is not permitted.  Any starting science points are not permitted.  

3. Thou shall strive to not kill, injure, or otherwise psychologically harm a Kerbonaut.  Thou is responsible for the well-being and welfare of their Kerbals.

4. Thou shall not send a Kerbal to a planetary system unexplored by probes.  Thou shall not attempt interplanetary missions without prerequisite infrastructure (Space station around Kerbin with communication network).  

5. Thou shall not timewarp for a period of more than 60 days. 

6. Thou shall not build a space station that houses less than 6 Kerbals.  One space station may only hold 1/3rd of it's crew capacity as a permanent crew that can be self-sustaining.  Same rule applies to bases.

7. Thou shall use quicksaves or reverts only in times where it is necessary to save Kerbal lives.


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1. All deaths are permanent, except for the original 4, those you can file edit back in. All deaths will be commemorated with a flag planted next to the Astronaut Complex.

2. No part clipping mission essential parts (RTGs, science experiments, fuel, etc.). Other than that, anything is allowed if it looks cool.

3. Resist the temptation to install just one more mod.

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  1. Thou shalt have fun.
  2. No risking Kerbals (unless it's fun).
  3. No part clipping (unless it's fun).
  4. No over-engineering (unless it's fun).
  5. No mods (unless it's fun).
  6. No exploiting KSP physics (unless it's fun).
  7. No unnecessary grinding, challenges or restrictions (unless it's fun).
  8. No spoiling the fun (unless it.. hey!).
  9. If it stops being fun, go find fun in another game.
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Since I still have the demo (come on already, Paypal!) I have to invent rules to follow in sandbox. First; no revert except on the pad. Second, no looking up the Easter Eggs in the wiki; I've got to find them on the Mun and Minimus. (I finally found the monolith on Minimus; that one was weird enough to post about...just editing up the pics now. ;) )

All Kerbonauts have max stats, so surveying and finding objects on the moons is a three-step process: 1st, an unkerballed Stayputnikl probe overflying the area until something is found. 2nd, a Pilot-class Kerbonaut (Jeb or Val alternate flights) sent to the object for an initial survey and plant a flag to mark the location. 3rd, a Scientist (Bob) goes out with a science vessel (Lander with 3 Science Jr.'s) to study the object. Studying takes 1 solar day per material bay.

Minimum fuel to be used; Minimus flights made via slingshot around the Mun.

You can have a LOT of fun with the demo. :D


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Principle of Presumed Competence: The engineers in R&D are good at what they do (for all we know). If a part seems to be "bad," then I simply must have missed something, so if it fits the mission profile, I must use it. For example, if a mission would otherwise call for the Mk1-2 pod, Wernher must have had a reason to make it so heavy (and why would he stoop to explaining himself to some lowly n00b rocket jockey?), so rather thank stacking 1-crew pods, we'll just have to compensate by cutting back elsewhere or enlarging the launcher. Same goes for the HubMax, etc.

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1. Thou shalt not clip with the exception of the ship in question being intended to replicate an object, rocket or airplane beyond Wall #4.

2. Thou shall not use mods to make the game easier.

3. Thy save file and game is yours and only yours. An attempt to criticize others of the mods they use or the way they play is hypocritical.

 4. Any flying machine capable of heavier-than air flight and possesses characteristics to that of an airplane must be able to take off before the patch of asphalt and or concrete land assigned to it (a.k.a "runway") for it to take speed from for sufficient flight has run out for the aircraft currently using it.

5. Unless in dire situation or in the use of a special mission program, every Kerbal that leaves the motherland's ground must be provided with the provisions for return completely safe and sound.



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  1- No future tech parts (ie: parts that perform better than stock parts) until the full tech tree is unlocked...
  2- If I science a planet/moon and want to science all biomes, I must do it with a rover/plane  (yes even on Eve) and not do hopping around with a lander.
  3- Jool is reserved for a Jool-5 mission, I may not send stuff "just to Laythe"
  4- Jool-5 Mothership may use all kinds of end-game powerful future parts.   But the Jool-5 landers must be all stock except for MOAR lightssssssss... and maybe propellers (see #2) !
  5- If a ship is ugly I don't launch it.  If the beautiful ship has 3k D-V and the ugly one has 20k d-v too bad
  6- TRW must allow a burn to my destination in under 15min.  Otherwise the design is scrapped (Kinda fixed by squad since they moved the DAWN at the end of the fraking tech tree, so can't use ions anymore for anything useful).
  7- Girl Kerbals are always first for missions because... I'm a sexist pig and I make guys take the backseat.   Original trio might get a pass sometimes if all the gals are busy somewhere.
  8- As little ISRU as possible... except on rovers to "speed-up" biome exploration.
  9- (1.0.5)  No craft may exceed 150 parts because yellow clock.   (Yeah I cannot wait for 1.1)


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