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Mission requires excellent landing zone accuracy and I need help!

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I have a mission that is kicking my butt.  There is a set of 3 EVA report I (all same mission) have to do on other side of world near north pole.  How do you get yr space flight so perfect so y can land on/or near the spots?  A craft design idea would be great, and instruction on how to do this as I've now tried 30 times and failed each time.  These are missions that have the little footprints on them on the radar.

Thanks for any in depth help people can give me!


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If it is early and on Kerbin, land a small plane by parachuting down. Usually gets within walking distance. On the Mun or Minmus, build a lander with enough fuel for a bit of hovering and flying about.

Later on, rovers all the way. Equip with reaction wheels for stability and drive safely.

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  On 4/17/2016 at 9:41 AM, Freshmeat said:

If it is early and on Kerbin, land a small plane by parachuting down. Usually gets within walking distance. On the Mun or Minmus, build a lander with enough fuel for a bit of hovering and flying about.

Later on, rovers all the way. Equip with reaction wheels for stability and drive safely.



That was interesting. So you're saying reaction wheels make rovers safer? Seems reasonable enough. I've gotta try this. But battery consumption then?


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I don't usually bother with rovers. I build a plane that can get to the location, quicksave when I'm nearby, then crash into the ground 4-5 times until I finally land the thing. Do whatever the contract requires, take off again (after quicksaving), and repeat for the next location.

Doubles as flight training too.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  On 4/17/2016 at 12:06 PM, 5thHorseman said:

I don't usually bother with rovers. I build a plane that can get to the location, quicksave when I'm nearby, then crash into the ground 4-5 times until I finally land the thing.



Did we attend the same Kerbal Airplane Training Course?

This is generally how I do it as well. Build a plane that can get there, add any science stuff I have, let's face it. If you're going a long way from KSC, might as well make use of the journey and grab every thing you can.

I will nearly always pack a parachute or two if there is a possibility the area is in a mountainous region, or somewhere that might not have the space for the plane to land safely.

Quick saving is a must. No one wants to start over in planes, they take so long to get to the poles or half way around the planet. 

Once you land, quick save, do what ever needs to be done, QUICK SAVE. Then it's a choice, either walk, fly and "drive" to the next spot. Often times, if the next spot is only a few hundred metres to 2000 meters, I will use the plane as a land vehicle rather than attempting to take off and land again. It is a little bit slower, but it's also much safer. Just be wary, if you run and use physics warp I find the stationary plane will randomly explode (at least on 1.1).

Make good use of quick saves. When the mission is done, if you plan to fly home rather than "recover vessel" make sure to quick save before take off. I honestly suggest not quick saving again until you are within eye sight of KSC. Worst case scenario you QS half way home over water, only to find that you don't have the fuel left to make it. At least in that case you will QLoad back to land and recover.

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No pic handy.  Just a basic jet with large cargo bay holding probes.  The smaller you can build the probes the better.  Mine were set to deploy parachutes when dropped and had to fly low and practice when to release.  But be high enough for the chutes to fully deploy.  I would line up the run, drop, fly around to ensure proper placement and fly home.  Then return to probe do science and recover.

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