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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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Checking properly it reads 0.000 rad/h when landed, then it goes from 0.001 to 0.020 rad/h in high orbit. Apparently it matches the vessel info (under the environment tab of Kerbalism icon, if that's what you meant).

I might have misread previously, maybe i didn't read that extra zero. But eventually, it did change from 0.02 tto 0.01 at the same elevation, something it didn't happen before, or didn't have the chance to notice.

.Anyways, that contract just doesn't want to complete.  I have now deleted my folders containing those extra mods, but it didn't solve the issue. The contract just hangs there waiting for the requirement to be achieved

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26 minutes ago, Bersagliere81 said:

it did change from 0.02 tto 0.01 at the same elevation, something it didn't happen before

Consider the previous magnetic field models were sphere, the new one are more complex. For example for a part of a perfectly circular orbit you may be inside the magnetopause (rad = 0.01) and for another part outside (rad = 0.02). Is to manage the complex shapes that I added the field rendering. Press 0 on the keypad to see the fields in mapview, unless you are a fortunate owner of a Nvidia GTX 960/970.

26 minutes ago, Bersagliere81 said:

Anyways, that contract just doesn't want to complete

Working on it, I'll send you a debug build to test it.

@Bersagliere81 Is the vessel unmanned? I just realized I'm only checking against manned vessels by mistake. Fix in next version.

Edited by ShotgunNinja
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8 minutes ago, ShotgunNinja said:

unless you are a fortunate owner of a Nvidia GTX 960/970.

Of course I am. You know that 970 looked so good for its price

Yes the vessel is unmanned

Here is the list of mods using "copy to clipboard" from the main menu (Orbital science has been removed)


KSP: 1.1.3 (Win32) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
Filter Extensions - 2.6
Toolbar - 1.7.12
USI Tools - 0.7.4
B9 Part Switch - 1.4.3
Community Resource Pack - 0.5.4
Connected Living Space -
Contract Configurator - 1.17
ContractFilterContinued -
Contract Pack: Clever Sats - 1.3
Contract Pack: Historical Progression - 1.2
Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.1.3
Rover Missions -
Contract Pack: Unmanned Contracts - 0.3.25
Crowd Sourced Science - 3.0.2
Deadly Reentry - 7.4.7
DMagic Orbital Science -
Contract Parser - 1.0.4
Progress Parser - 1.0.5
Engine Lighting - 1.4.5
Ferram Aerospace Research -
Firespitter - 7.3
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.1.4
RasterPropMonitor - 0.27
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.9
Kerbal Construction Time - 1.3.4
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.1
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.2
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.12
KRASH - 0.5.21
KSP-AVC Plugin -
MagiCore - 1.1.2
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.6
NearFutureConstruction - 0.6.4
NearFutureElectrical - 0.7.7
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.7.4
NearFutureSolar - 0.6.2
NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.5.1
Olympic1's Icon Packs - 0.10
Procedural Parts - 1.2.5
RCS Build Aid - 0.8.1
RealFuels Stockalike Configs - 3.2.1
RealPlume - Stock - 0.10.9
RemoteTech - 1.7.1
SCANsat -
SolverEngines - 2.3
TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.8
TarsierSpaceTechnology - 6.4
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.7.1
Alternate Resource Panel - 2.8.1
TweakScale - 2.2.13
UKS-Kerbalism patch - 2.0
USI Core - 0.2.4
Kolonization Core - 0.2.4
Konstruction - 0.1
UKS - 0.40.4
Unmanned before Manned -
VenStockRevamp - 1.9.5
KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.9.11

And a screenshot. Because we love screenies and it may be helpful


Edited by Bersagliere81
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6 hours ago, ShotgunNinja said:

If with that you mean "have you fixed it" then the answer is no. Will I fix it? The problem is that I lack the hardware to replicate the issue myself. Maybe I will try some speculative fix and use some of you guys for testing it, but first I need to get a clue on what is the problem. Because, on paper, it should just work as it does on all other GPUs.

Reveal exactly what hardware you use to develop Kerbalism? I'd Guess the Win side of things you could care less about... Yup. Don't blame that at all.

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4 minutes ago, DarkonZ said:

Reveal exactly what hardware you use to develop Kerbalism? I'd Guess the Win side of things you could care less about... Yup. Don't blame that at all.

He doesn't have a GForce 960/970, that's the hardware he refers to, nothing to do with the OS you could use, I have win7 on my throw away pc, linux mint on my netbook and Mac Snow Leopard on my work... thing, I can see the radiation donut on all of them, and no, I don't have a GForce 960/970, never wanted to buy any of those last models because there was a lot of complains about performance, so I was saving for a Titan, but RL happen so I'm still using my GT 240 and DX or opengl makes no difference in my particular case

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@DarkonZ With hardware I meant GPU. Without that GPU I can't replicate the problem, debug it, develop and test solutions. The only way I could proceed is by eyeballing the problem speculatively and handing out test builds to people with that GPU. Meanwhile there is ZERO logical reason why that shader shouldn't work on that particular GPU, giving that is working on all others. The shader in question is particularly simple, here is the Unity mumbo jumbo of the CG shader:


Shader "Custom/MiniParticle"
    POINT_COLOR ("Point color", Color) = (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
    Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent" }
    Blend SrcAlpha One
    ColorMask RGB
    Cull Off Lighting Off ZWrite Off

      #pragma vertex vert
      #pragma fragment frag
      #pragma target 3.0

      fixed4 POINT_COLOR;

      struct v2f
        float size : PSIZE;
        float4 pos : SV_POSITION;

      v2f vert(float4 in_pos : POSITION)
        // output clip-space vertex position
        v2f o;        
        o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, in_pos);

        // pass down point size
        o.size = 1.0;
        return o;

      half4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR
        return POINT_COLOR;


and that's it. Minimal, texture-less, 1-pixel wide point sprite rendering. This shader will run in any programmable GPU since 2006, probably even before that. Note also that this isn't the first shader I wrote in my life (but the first unity mumbo jumbo cg thing, yes). There are a grand total of 3 lines that do something, and all of them are extremely basic.

Edited by ShotgunNinja
reduced rambling
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Ok, these are special builds for testing purposes: one and two. Test only if you have an Nvidia GTX 960/970:

  • Try the first one, go in map view and zoom out: you should see red, green and blue particles.
  • Try the second one, go in map view and zoom out: you should see yellow particles.

Let me know if you see some particles and of what color. Do not use these with your savegames.

Edited by ShotgunNinja
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Protip: To see magnetic belts you have press red crosses  on planetary radiation window that shows radiation values for belts.


I found out that in hard way lol - I thought red crosses meant if something was present or not.

Edited by raxo2222
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Quick question. If I install "realism without life support" (because I always loved TAC-LS) does the greenhouse provided by kerbalism work ? Becasue kerbalism greenhouse is awesome. Or should I look for other greenhouses instead

Edited by Bersagliere81
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I'm also having a strange issue with the magnetic fields, as I'm playing with New Horizons and the 6.4x rescale, but i only have radiation belts for Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Jool and Vall, despite new horizons having larger gas giants than Jool! I'm on my laptop, so i don't have any graphics cards to speak of.

Edited by MinimumSky5
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@MinimumSky5 The new system require authoring for every celestial body. I wrote the configs for stock bodies, OPM and RSS. Contributions for other planet packs are welcome. Writing these configs is not hard, some documentation is here. At a minimum you can just copy Jool to the other gas giants like this:

  @name = YourGasGiantNameHere

Set the name of your gas giant and put this in a file with extension '.cfg' inside GameData.

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17 minutes ago, ShotgunNinja said:

@BashGordon33 To clarify, you have a GTX 960 and you tested both builds, but you didn't see anything unusual in the mapview around kerbin?

Just to clarify, I copy the content found in the low GPU build into 'mini particle compiled'. And then I get rid of all planet packs?

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@BashGordon33 There is no need to remove planet packs. Download the two test builds some posts above. Temporarely move Kerbalism directory out of GameData. Uncompress test build 1 and put it in GameData. Run KSP, start a new game, go in map view and zoom out. You should see particles all around you, of different colors. Then do the same all over again for test build 2. Finally you can remove the test build from GameData and put back the Kerbalism directory you moved out at the start.

Then report if you saw particles and of what color.

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17 minutes ago, ShotgunNinja said:

@BashGordon33 There is no need to remove planet packs. Download the two test builds some posts above. Temporarely move Kerbalism directory out of GameData. Uncompress test build 1 and put it in GameData. Run KSP, start a new game, go in map view and zoom out. You should see particles all around you, of different colors. Then do the same all over again for test build 2. Finally you can remove the test build from GameData and put back the Kerbalism directory you moved out at the start.

Then report if you saw particles and of what color.

I didn't see anything. Nothing at all. I have no planet packs, lowest graphics settings, 64-bit KSP, GTX 960, and did both tests. Is there some third party mod I need? I heard that Kopernicus Extended does the particles, do I need that? 

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Getting the same issue with a GTX 1070 here.

When I press 0, the "come back in a minute" message pops up and several things show in the debug log, but no particles show.

Running Windows 7 x64, KSP 1.1.3 x64 DX9.

Will test with the above builds now.

EDIT: Above builds show nothing. Just thought I'd check with a GTX 10xx GPU, since I'm lucky enough to have one.

EDIT2: Can also confirm it works in OpenGL

Edited by DerpyFirework
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New test for those with GPU problems: these archives contain two variants of the file 'mini_particle.compiled': one and two. Try replacing the file in Shaders directory with each one of them, in turn. Then test the field rendering and report if it work and which of the two variants you were using in that case. I'm sorry this is a bit of a painful process.

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What mod causes "Kerbalism" to not use resources in vessels (Only uses EC) and on EVA?

Also, GUIs don't work (if i have a old spacecraft in flight it shows it on the GUI, but when i launch a new spacecraft it doesn't show it).


Also i installed these mods:


 - B9 Part Switch

 - CactEye Optics Community

 - Chatterer

 - Community Resource Pack

 - Connected Living Space

 - Contract Configurator

 - Contract Pack : Kerbal Academy

 - Contract Pack : RemoteTech

 - Cryogenic Engines

 - Cryogenic Tanks

 - Custom Barn Kit

 - Deep Freeze Continued...

 - Deployable Engines Plugin

 - Dres Plus

 - EVA Handrails Continued

 - Extraplanetary Launchpads

 - Firespitter Core

 - Firespitter Resources Config

 - G-Effects

 - Hooligan Labs Airships

 - HullcamVDS Continued

 - Hyperedit

 - Impact!

 - Kerbal Aircraft Expantion

 - Kerbal Alarm Clock

 - Kerbal Atomics

 - Kerbal Attachment System

 - Kerbal Engineer Redux

 - Kerbal Inventory System

 - Kerbalism

 - Kerbal Planetary System Modifier

 - Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics

 - Modular Flight Integrator

 - Module Manager

 - OSE Workshop

 - RealChute Parachute Systems

 - RemoteTech

 - ResearchBodies

 - SCANsat

 - Science Alert

 - Ship Manifest

 - Strategia

 - Surface Experiment Pack

 - Take Command

 - Toolbar

 - Trajectories

 - USI Tools



Please help,



I don't know how i fixed it but, i removed the folowing mods:

 - Science Alert

 - Connected Living Space

 - Dres Plus

 - G-Effects

 - Hyperedit

Edited by alex_1313
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Just now, ShotgunNinja said:

New test for those with GPU problems: these archives contain two variants of the file 'mini_particle.compiled': one and two. Try replacing the file in Shaders directory with each one of them, in turn. Then test the field rendering and report if it work and which of the two variants you were using in that case. I'm sorry this is a bit of a painful process.

Much less painful then trying to figure out what is wrong without ability to test it yourself. Both (and default) didn't draw it for me - GTX760 dx9, rescaled

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13 minutes ago, Pol said:

Much less painful then trying to figure out what is wrong without ability to test it yourself. Both (and default) didn't draw it for me - GTX760 dx9, rescaled

This may sound stupid, but in the Nvidia control panel, on 3D management, did you try setting the shaders cache OFF for ksp?

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