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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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I would think remove it. Why put extra time and effort into reinventing the wheel as there are already a lot of similarities between the two, and utilizing the stock system gives fewer possibilities for something to go wrong and require more work in troubleshooting and correcting. This can provide for more going into other aspects of Kerbalism you may not otherwise have time or energy for.

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On 13 September 2016 at 9:58 PM, Stone Blue said:



If this is trully the case, has anyone bothered to bring this up with @JPLRepo?... I dont see anyting on the AmpYear thread about this...?? He might like to know if there IS an issue, especially since he lists Kerbalism as a supported mod in his OP.

Yep, as in Nope. No one has raised anything on the AmpYear thread regarding , is it dark-side EC usage predictions? I'm not really following what the problem is. If someone wants to raise an issue on AmpYear github as per the instructions on the AmpYear thread I'll be more than happy to take a look at it.

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so I'm not entirely sure how this integrates with MKS... what supplies do I need to provide to a station for it to produce kerbalism 'food' and 'oxygen', and how to deal with 'crap'?  I notice that the MKS kontainers aren't capable of holding "Food," either (yes I have the UKS Kerbalism patch installed).

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1 hour ago, ss8913 said:

so I'm not entirely sure how this integrates with MKS... what supplies do I need to provide to a station for it to produce kerbalism 'food' and 'oxygen', and how to deal with 'crap'?  I notice that the MKS kontainers aren't capable of holding "Food," either (yes I have the UKS Kerbalism patch installed).

I didn't patch the kontainers in MKS. A MKS greenhouse can produce food the same as Kerbalism's greenhouse, it just needs time, maybe some ElectricCharge or sunlight. Crap is usually dealt with automatically, and it helps food grow!

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Is this mod compatible with planet packs and scale changing mods?
Yes! This mod make no assumptions about the solar system.

So everything automatically scales according to the size of your solar system? I want to try this with Half-Size RSS (5x Kerbol, 0.5x Sol) and I'm wondering if certain factors -- such as the time it takes Kerbals to go insane -- will scale right.

I love the look of this mod. Adds a lot to the game. :)

Edited by Mitchz95
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Heya. I discovered a bug. The front and back wheels on this craft aren't working at all, I'm guessing because the game mistakenly thinks the food container's model is overlapping with the wheels. There's other wheels on it on the same 'level' but attached to a structural fuselage instead. They work fine.

Here's the craft file, no other modded parts used: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=02753589546756453815

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I think there is something wonky with the planner calculations for greenhouse yield. First picture, 1 greenhouse, close shutters, lamps on full, plenty of empty storage for food. 2 Kerbals off screen in a lander can, and a NFT reactor to make sure there is power.


Planner shows 5000 harvest in 300d. That's pretty much expected.

Second picture has another greenhouse attached. Shutters closed, lamps on full.


The planner still shows 5000 harvest, while I was expecting 10000 in 300d. Life expectancy does go up however. 

Is this a bug, or am I doing/understanding something wrong? If it's a bug do you want a github issue?

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@Yaar Podshipnik Thanks for the report. That is a limitation in the way the data about greenhouses is collected and showed by the planner. Essentially, the 'harvest' entry in the Food section is telling you the time of the first harvest among all greenhouses in the vessel. I'll think of something to make this clearer to the user.


@Tricky14 Wheels... :0.0: Lets see if the problem you report will still be present in KSP 1.2 first, as some of the wheels problems have been fixed.


@Mitchz95 That FAQ entry refer to the antenna ranges (that scale automatically) and to the magnetic fields, that once were simpler and generated from an heuristic function. The rates of rule-based things (like quality of life) do not scale with solar system extension, but you can tweak them pretty easily:


  @degeneration *= 0.5 // it will take twice as long



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@Yaar Podshipnik The EC tweaks went through multiple iterations to get to the current state. I believe RTGs output was reduced to 1/4 at some point, but then it was reverted back to stock after some feedback from users.

Anyway, in next version the plan is to remove the energy tweaks altogether (that also constitute more than half of the support patches content) and to rebalance EC by increasing the battery capacities instead. Later I'll post a list of changes that are coming in 1.1.5

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2 hours ago, ShotgunNinja said:

That FAQ entry refer to the antenna ranges (that scale automatically) and to the magnetic fields, that once were simpler and generated from an heuristic function. The rates of rule-based things (like quality of life) do not scale with solar system extension, but you can tweak them pretty easily:

  Reveal hidden contents

  @degeneration *= 0.5 // it will take twice as long



Thanks! :)

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14 hours ago, ShotgunNinja said:

Unrelated but... economic sustainment secured for next years.

how is that unrelated? Wouldn't you have to spend more time working & less time KSP modding if you weren't financially stable? Or is this referring to something else?

Anyways, great news :)

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I'm going to introduce and explain some of the changes that are coming in next version. Most of this is still in development, and some are still in design phase. 


Configure Module

This is a module that allow to select in the VAB a set of 'setups' for the part. Each setup contain modules and/or resources. This is used by some of the new things. Setups can be unlocked by technologies, have extra mass and cost. In future they will even be reconfigurable in flight by an engineer.


ISRU changes

The stock converters 'reactions' have been replaced with some others based on reality. I say 'based on reality' instead of 'realistic' because some of the reactions still end up producing the magical resources LiquidFuel, Oxidizer and Monoprop. This was a necessary compromise, else I would had to replace the stock fuels (and tweak the engines). That surely would have not scaled, especially with other mods.

Then, the atmospheric processor experiment now also double as an atmospheric harvester. This was necessary as atmospheric ISRU is now the main source of useful raw materials.

Finally, all converters, drills and atmospheric harvesters are configured in the VAB to determine what they can transform or extract. The small stuff get less selectable setups than the big one.


LivingSpace module

This module specify the internal volume, and the external surface, of a part that is meant to contain kerbals. Even if it has no crew capacity.

It has so many features that I have to make a list to not clutter this post:

  • the volume is used in the internal atmosphere simulation (read below)
  • the external surface is used to determine amount of shielding required
  • volume and surface are calculated automatically from the bounding box if not specified
  • it has a 'comfort' property (that replace the Entertainment module)
  • it can consume electric charge (to represent lights and other minor amenities in the habitat)
  • it can be 'disabled', to exclude it from all calculations: this replace the 'internal spaces' mechanic that was using CLS
  • it can have a 'deploy' animation (for inflatable habitats, or the ring)


Internal atmosphere simulation

The vessel internal atmosphere is now simulated using two hidden pseudo-resources. This together with the volume specified by LivingSpace make possible to calculate some data about the internal atmosphere:

  • pressure
  • mass
  • level of carbon dioxide
  • temperature

This data is used from various things, and is all exposed to the rule system.

I considered adding Nitrogen in the mix (that could allow to model fire hazard and oxygen toxicity), but for now it has been discarded.



The LifeSupportSystem module represent a more 'realistic' take on the matter of life support systems. This is still being designed, but there will be different components that can be installed in some living space parts (such as pods). These components can be selected using the 'configure module'. Here are some of the ones I'm designing:

  • Cabin Pressurization System (CPS):
    • inject oxygen in the internal atmosphere to maintain a target pressure
  • Air Revitalization System (ARS)
    • sequester carbon dioxide from the internal atmosphere and store it
  • Temperature Control System (TCS)
    • maintain the internal atmosphere temperature inside the survival range
    • ec cost depend on internal atmosphere mass, OR each TCS has a limited capacity (still in design)
  • Water Reclamation Unit (WRU)
    • your usual waste water recycler, no filters used
  • Solid Oxide Electrolyzer (SOE)
    • transform carbon dioxide in oxygen
  • Extra supplies/batteries
    • this just provide extra storage for resources
  • ... expect more in future...


Default profile

The consumption rates are now more realistic, and water consumption is added. The realism profile is removed: in a certain sense, it became the default one. So long realism profile, you will be missed. Only CRP resources are used, and there is mass conservation (when appropriate). A carbon dioxide poisoning rule is added. The climatization rule don't consume EC now, and refer to the internal atmosphere temperature instead.



Need water, and ammonia. I have the idea of having different 'crops' that can be selected in the VAB, each one with different tradeoffs between food produced, amount of water and ammonia required, and growing time. This is still in early design phase. Probably something for a later version.



The old food containers can now be configured to store food, water or food/water. The old oxygen containers can be configured to store oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen or ammonia. The stock ore tanks could also be made configurable to store different resources, so as to act as more generic containers.

But wait, there is more

There is another thing that I will mention another time, as it require a lot of writing on its own. Let me know what you think of the changes or if you have some ideas that may play well with them.


Oh, and is pointless to say that these changes are savegame-breaking. That's one of the reasons I'm doing them all at once.

Edited by ShotgunNinja
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Great that shielding is based on surface area, and the ISRU changes to stop the one size fits all solutions, but I'm a little worried that the life support, which I'm guessing will be similar to TACLS  may be a littel complictaed.

Do you think that it the next update will be good to go when 1.2 drops for real?  Great work!  And I look forward to the more stuff to come!


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@theJesuit It is a bit more complex, but probably the way I explained it make it look even more complex than it is. You have now a volume in m^3 on the vessel and some of the things are related to it. The scrubber is scrubbing, the pressure control is something that is here but completely automatic. Managing internal spaces is gone, replaced by a much simpler system of just disabling some living space when the need arise. Then the fact that one can select multiple life-support components (adding one in a part, one in the other, etc) make for more customizable experiences for each vessel. And the planner consider all these things, as usual, to help the user. Consider that I'm trying to streamline the whole of this so I get more realistic stuff and also more interesting gameplay.

For the ETA, this probably will be released as some experimental builds some time after KSP 1.2 is released. To help me iron out problems and balance stuff.

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14 minutes ago, ShotgunNinja said:

@theJesuit It is a bit more complex, but probably the way I explained it make it look even more complex than it is. You have now a volume in m^3 on the vessel and some of the things are related to it. The scrubber is scrubbing, the pressure control is something that is here but completely automatic. Managing internal spaces is gone, replaced by a much simpler system of just disabling some living space when the need arise. Then the fact that one can select multiple life-support components (adding one in a part, one in the other, etc) make for more customizable experiences for each vessel. And the planner consider all these things, as usual, to help the user. Consider that I'm trying to streamline the whole of this so I get more realistic stuff and also more interesting gameplay.

For the ETA, this probably will be released as some experimental builds some time after KSP 1.2 is released. To help me iron out problems and balance stuff.

Thank goodness for planners and yours is built in.  I'm always worried when I don't have access to KER!

Kerbalism certainly makes game play a more realistic experience.  I'll wait for my first big career until you're sorted :)

Thanks for the clarification.  Peace.

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