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[1.3.0] Kerbalism v1.2.9


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1 hour ago, mikegarrison said:

Most keyboards have a way of simulating it. If yours doesn't, then I guess you are out of luck. Maybe you can find where it is defined in the kerbalism code and change it to something else.

Ok thanks so much. One other thing, where exactly is this defined in Kerbalism as I can't find it. Looked through radiation.cfg, settings.cfg and a few other random ones

Edited by astroadrian99
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9 hours ago, podbaydoor said:

Sorry to have to bring up this bad news, but the "burned alive" bug is back again. It happens on timewarps 6-8 and goes straight to "life support off" followed immediately by "burned alive". Sometimes in timewarp 6 I get the "running out of juice" first. Pretty much as soon as it's done telling me all my kerbals are dead, I get the "power back, everything is fine". In fact this happens when the station is on the day side of the planet with solar panels in all orientations. I just started adding in long-term stations so I'm not sure which update brought this bug back (or if it ever really went away, for that matter).

Anything I can do to help debug?

I am still getting this, too. Most recently it was on my manned command module en route to Duna. The ship was in interplanetary space, so never in shadow, plenty of EC from solar panels (in theory). Usually it happened when I was warping while focused on another vessel, but it happened a couple times when I the ship was loaded, and I was at max time warp. I believe that ShotgunNinja indicated in the past that it had something to do with high-EC consumption parts like greenhouse and science lab. My ship does have a greenhouse operating on it.

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Good evening everyone, I wanted to say that participating in this thread is what ultimately made me sign in the KSP forums. Thank you a lot ShotgunNinja for this mod, it is amazing!

Now the more serious stuff: 

On 21/01/2017 at 4:32 AM, Shield88 said:

Thanks a lot for your response. But to be honest, i can't even understand how to configure it. So much confused, i would need a video, or maybe picture, considering that i'm visual.

I ran some calculations and if I'm correct and if Waste and WasteWater are produced at a 1/1 ratio with Food and Water, then all you need is the waste processor module, the water recycling module and 2 Kerbals. The greenhouse should get you enough food to sustain them as well as a bit of water and oxygen. You'll still have to keep it lit, shielded from radiation and pressurized for it to grow at maximum efficiency.

6 hours ago, astroadrian99 said:

One thing, how can I view the radiation belts? Are there any other shortcuts to view hidden stuff other than radiation belts like maybe the solar flares or something like that? I'm asking because I remember reading about the radiation beltsbeing visible now somewhere here and can't find it.

You can also press "B" on the map view while being centered on a celestial body to bring a pop up window. From there you can choose to show the radiation belts.


There's also something else I wanted to add: Would it be possible to add other ways to get CarboneDioxyde and perhaps other resources as well? Right now it's only obtainable through breathing and it takes a long while, especially when trying to get some LiquidFuel through the Sabatier Process. To fill the first unlockable tank (FL-T100) it would take about 9 days for one Kerbal.
Perhaps add the possibility to have bacteria produce it? IRL we can produce multiple components through bacteria cultures, even insuline which we had to take from pigs only a few years ago, and it is fairly easy and common (I remember making microbiological cultures in high school) so I feel it would fit in the realism optic of the mod.

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1 hour ago, TheDuck700 said:

There's also something else I wanted to add: Would it be possible to add other ways to get CarboneDioxyde and perhaps other resources as well? Right now it's only obtainable through breathing and it takes a long while, especially when trying to get some LiquidFuel through the Sabatier Process. To fill the first unlockable tank (FL-T100) it would take about 9 days for one Kerbal.

Perhaps add the possibility to have bacteria produce it? IRL we can produce multiple components through bacteria cultures, even insuline which we had to take from pigs only a few years ago, and it is fairly easy and common (I remember making microbiological cultures in high school) so I feel it would fit in the realism optic of the mod.

This is one of the gameplay issues I alluded to that made me decide to stop playing kerbalism. It's almost certainly not realistic to mine rocket fuel from asteroids, but at the same time, a lot of other stuff in KSP is not realistic either.

I think either the mod needs to have some path to generating enough resources for a self-sustaining mission or else this should be explained right up front that if you choose to use kerbalism, do not expect to be able to build refueling sites on places like Minmus.

I did notice that the atmospheric science experiment is changed under kerbalism so that you can extract CO2 from the atmosphere, but that pretty much limits you to only a few places in the KSP system where you could build ISRU refueling bases.

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7 hours ago, bpilgrim said:

I am still getting this, too. Most recently it was on my manned command module en route to Duna. The ship was in interplanetary space, so never in shadow, plenty of EC from solar panels (in theory). Usually it happened when I was warping while focused on another vessel, but it happened a couple times when I the ship was loaded, and I was at max time warp. I believe that ShotgunNinja indicated in the past that it had something to do with high-EC consumption parts like greenhouse and science lab. My ship does have a greenhouse operating on it.

Yep, got this bug too. Played it through a couple of times, burned alive/froze a whole station worth of crew.

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Kerbalism is causing errors in HullcamVDS, in a very strange way.  I temporarily fixed them, and am seeing errors from Kerbalism only in the configure area.

Log file:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/yebdz2rq7s5ks4p/kerbalismErrors.zip?dl=0

Error fragment:

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KERBALISM.Configure.configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KERBALISM.Configure.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KERBALISM.Configure.configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KERBALISM.Configure.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Somehow it's (among other things) causing a function in Hullcam to be called in an inappropriate manner.

Edit:  I only took a brief look, but it seems that Kerbalism is trying to initialize/configure ALL modules that it finds.  This is VERY intrusive, which is the intent, and if not done properly, causes issues.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Due to the issues this mod is causing, I'm marking it as incompatible with both HullcamVDS and Kronal Vessel Viewer.

While investigating, I am getting a continuous series of NullRefs in the mod, even with both of the above mentioned mods removed.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KERBALISM.Configure.configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KERBALISM.Configure.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KERBALISM.Configure.configure () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KERBALISM.Configure.OnGUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


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9 hours ago, ockidj said:

Is their a way to disable a craft form the list of ships in kerbalism?

There are two ways, you can use the group function, and put the ships you want to show in one group, then filter on that group; or (less ideal) you can mark the ship as debris.

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I finally had some time to try KSP 1.2.2 with Kerbalism! :D

I have a problem adapting to these new mechanics, though: I'm trying to grow some food in space with the new greenhouse and it keeps saying "insufficient pressure"... The ship has Water, Ammonia, CO2 and empty recipients for O2 and food.

I've even looked for a button to create an habitat and found not one...

What am I doing wrong?

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2 hours ago, jlcarneiro said:

I finally had some time to try KSP 1.2.2 with Kerbalism! :D

I have a problem adapting to these new mechanics, though: I'm trying to grow some food in space with the new greenhouse and it keeps saying "insufficient pressure"... The ship has Water, Ammonia, CO2 and empty recipients for O2 and food.

I've even looked for a button to create an habitat and found not one...

What am I doing wrong?

Does your station have Nitrogen? That is what supplies air pressure

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1 hour ago, bpilgrim said:

Does your station have Nitrogen? That is what supplies air pressure

Yes, it does. But the nitrogen levels aren't changing...

Another question: some experiments (like DMagic solar particles colector) should store 4 samples but in reality It had only one. Is that intentional?

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Hey guys, so for the past 3 hours, I have been having this signal issue which is pretty annoying. So I landed one of my Kerbals on the far side of the Mun, i lost signal as expected and once I landed, I went on EVA. Once I got back into the capsule, for some reason, I could no longer control it as if it were a probe without signal. Anyways through the magic of mechjeb not needing signal, i was able to take off the Mun and try to rendezvous with my station. Since this was in career mode, i had limited abilities with mechjeb but was hoping that since the lander had an High Gain Antenna, once it gets in Kerbins FOV, signal will come back, that did not happen. Once I got close to the station, I noticed it too did not have signal. So due to the fact that i could not dock, i reloaded a quicksave i had done just prior to undocking for Munar landing but the signal still remained as unavailable. Not sure if this is a bug thats happened before and can be fixed somehow as I really do not want to lose the 3 Kerbals I have up there, plus that station was coming out so good.qBbAFZo.pngVnihZWq.png


Thank you so much for the help. By the way, the mods i currently have are:

  1. SmokeScreen
  2. ShipEffects
  3. Real Plume
  4. MechJeb
  5. Engine Lighting
  6. Distant Object Enhancements
  7. Module Manager
  8. Community Resource Pack
  9. Kerbalism.

I added my last mod on Saturday though and its been working great every day until now so don't think a mod is breaking the game but something else.

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13 hours ago, jlcarneiro said:

Yes, it does. But the nitrogen levels aren't changing...

You also need to have enabled "atmospheric control" as an ECLSS setup in one of your manned command pod


@astroadrian99 I see that you one of your 'modules" in your station only has crew cabins, which also is the one having the mechjeb case. If that's the one that landed then you didn't have control because crew cabins don't count as manned command module. But I have no idea why you don't have a signal to Kerbin in your station...

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I'm getting serioous Solar Panel issues... Even this earlygame just having sent up a few mun-passby probes, they constantly go out of power once unloaded (if im in the tracking station or controlling another vessel), despite being surrounded by solar cells and getting charge every single second. 

It may have to do with PersistentRotation? But i tried disabling it but didnt change anything.
So far, this little bug pretty much makes the entire game unplayable, as any and all vessels with solar panels run out of juice once i control something else.

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7 hours ago, TheDuck700 said:

I see that you one of your 'modules" in your station only has crew cabins, which also is the one having the mechjeb case. If that's the one that landed then you didn't have control because crew cabins don't count as manned command module. But I have no idea why you don't have a signal to Kerbin in your station...

The one that landed was the one with the Lander Can.

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Yep works well with X Science :)
My solar panel difficulties were due to me designing my probes poory so they occasionally got into shade, though it must be said that the mod still must have some difficulty properly calculating if a ship is in power or not from the sun, as i've frequently had it say "out of power" when jumping back to the probe to find it immediately starts charging again, facing the sun by default. But i guess a way to circumvent this issue is to go overboard with solar panels to make sure the ship can get power from any angle.

However i'm struggling with another thing. How on earth do you get SAS on probes? Surely it isnt meant to be the case that all your probes just be mindless SAS-devoid maniacs spinning wildly out of control? There must be some way to at least let them keep an orientation (with Persistent Rotation etc), no?
Tried putting an advanced SAS module (as huge and dumb as it looks on a probe), didnt let me enable SAS anyway (im going by memories of the old KSP versions here lol).
Tried placing a pilot Kerbal on KSC in a capsule with antennas set to relay, thinking maybe he could control the probe via SAS remotely as i read somewhere. Nope, doesnt do anything, the probe just wants to target KSC directly instead. Why doesnt KSC have any pilots on hand to give the probe SAS capability anyway?

Any help on how to get probes controllable? Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Baleurion said:

My solar panel difficulties were due to me designing my probes poory so they occasionally got into shade, though it must be said that the mod still must have some difficulty properly calculating if a ship is in power or not from the sun, as i've frequently had it say "out of power" when jumping back to the probe to find it immediately starts charging again, facing the sun by default. But i guess a way to circumvent this issue is to go overboard with solar panels to make sure the ship can get power from any angle.

However i'm struggling with another thing. How on earth do you get SAS on probes? Surely it isnt meant to be the case that all your probes just be mindless SAS-devoid maniacs spinning wildly out of control? There must be some way to at least let them keep an orientation (with Persistent Rotation etc), no?
Tried putting an advanced SAS module (as huge and dumb as it looks on a probe), didnt let me enable SAS anyway (im going by memories of the old KSP versions here lol).
Tried placing a pilot Kerbal on KSC in a capsule with antennas set to relay, thinking maybe he could control the probe via SAS remotely as i read somewhere. Nope, doesnt do anything, the probe just wants to target KSC directly instead. Why doesnt KSC have any pilots on hand to give the probe SAS capability anyway?

Any help on how to get probes controllable? Thanks.

You should check the planner to see if you've got enough power generation to account for your consumption (note that it counts ALL solar panels, even those that are on the other side of the craft and may not receive light) and have a look at this page to make sure you've got enough batteries.

Also, unless you're using the Probodobodyne Stayputnik you should have SAS enabled. Here's a link with all the probe cores and their SAS level. And if you require some "strength" to turn, just add a reaction wheel to your craft.

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I was indeed using the Stayputnik for the aesthetics of it :P
Yes the solar panels have 10 times more generation than i require. Its just a matter of the game / mod not properly detecting when it is in fact recieving light.
For example, the craft can be at 1% electric charge as seen from the Kerbalism craft panel, and will continue to drain to 0%.
But the instant i switch to that craft, without moving anything, it starts charging as the game now understands it is in fact recieving light on the solar panels.

So it's a matter of running at time compression until the satellites complain about being out of energy, then switching to them one by one to let them recharge while loaded in, then rinse and repeat. The issue seems to have been alleviated somewhat, but still happens occasionally.


By the way, the mod Coatl Aerospace, the ProbesPlus part of it with several new antennas, do not seem to be getting the Kerbalism antenna tweaks / changes. Any word on how I can add compatability myself? 


Edited by Baleurion
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@Baleurion In that case: 

On 18/04/2016 at 5:44 AM, ShotgunNinja said:

  - ***I found a bug***

    First demonstrate that the bug doesn't exist without Kerbalism installed. Then reproduce the bug consistently.
    Finally, by all means, inform me about it by raising an issue on github or post on the thread on KSP forums.
    Include all necessary information in the report.

If you want to add compatibility, look at these particular file: GameData\Kerbalism\System\Signal.cfg and any file in the support section that modifies an antenna like this one: GameData\Kerbalism\Support\JX2Antenna.cfg

Then try to add a new file on the support directory that would have the same format. If everything works correctly, you can eventually post it here, the mod author may add it in the next update.

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I think i did it, but seems to be some glitches with deploy / retracting certain antennas. I aint a proficent KSP modder.


// Support for Coatl Aerospace Probes Plus

    name = Antenna
    type = low_gain
    cost = 0.1
    dist = 5e6
    rate = 0.016

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = true
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 1.0

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

  @description = A Low-Gain antenna that doesn't need to be extended, ideal when communications must be maintained during atmospheric flight.

    name = Antenna
    type = low_gain
    cost = 0.1
    dist = 5e6
    rate = 0.016

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = true
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 1.0

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

  @description = A Low-Gain antenna that doesn't need to be extended, ideal when communications must be maintained during atmospheric flight.

    name = Antenna
    type = low_gain
    cost = 0.1
    dist = 5e6
    rate = 0.016

    name = ModuleAnimationGroup
    deployAnimationName = antenna
    moduleType = Antenna

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = true
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 1.0

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}
  !MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {}

  @mass = 0.01
  @description = An extendible Low-Gain antenna, for short range communications with DSN and other vessels.

    name = Antenna
    type = high_gain
    cost = 0.33
    dist = 5e10
    rate = 0.064

    name = ModuleAnimationGroup
    deployAnimationName = Deploy
    moduleType = Antenna

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = Engineer
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}
  !MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {}

  @description = A medium-sized deployable High-Gain antenna for direct communications with DSN.

    name = Antenna
    type = high_gain
    cost = 0.2
    dist = 2.5e10
    rate = 0.032

    name = ModuleAnimationGroup
    deployAnimationName = Deploy
    moduleType = Antenna

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = Engineer
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}
  !MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {}

  @description = A small deployable High-Gain antenna for direct communications with DSN.

    name = Antenna
    type = high_gain
    cost = 0.66
    dist = 1.5e11
    rate = 0.128

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = Engineer
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

  @description = This big fixed High-Gain antenna is ideal to maintain direct communications with DSN from deep space.

    name = Antenna
    type = high_gain
    cost = 0.5
    dist = 1e11
    rate = 0.064

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = Engineer
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

  @description = A big fixed High-Gain antenna for direct communications with DSN.

    name = Antenna
    type = high_gain
    cost = 0.33
    dist = 5e10
    rate = 0.032

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = Engineer
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

  @description = A medium-sized fixed High-Gain antenna for direct communications with DSN.

    name = Antenna
    type = high_gain
    cost = 0.33
    dist = 5e10
    rate = 0.032

    name = Reliability
    type = Antenna
    title = Antenna
    redundancy = Communication
    repair = Engineer
    mtbf = 72576000 // 8y
    extra_cost = 2.0
    extra_mass = 0.5

  !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

  @description = A medium-sized fixed High-Gain antenna for direct communications with DSN.


Edited by Baleurion
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