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[1.9.x] Mouse Aim Flight (1.1.3) - Pilot airplanes with your mouse!


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13 hours ago, DuoDex said:

2. Cursor will exit the screen edges, rendering it invisible. Very hard to keep track of something you can't see.

I actually find this very useful. It allows rapid maneuvers, like a quick 180° turn, instead of limiting the turn degree to our screen resolution.
Plus, I personally won't lose orientation since I can watch where the plane is going.

Edited by Kowgan
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I noticed that small planes with a lot of control authority are underdamped and wobble terribly (especially in case of unconventional empennage design, like a V-tail). If this is supposed to work in a game where you can literally build anything you should implement autotuning for the controllers. Fore example, the AtmosphereAutopilot mod by Boris-Barboris does a good job at that and a lot of other stuff, you might want to get in contact with that guy. That is currently the best autopilot/SAS replacement in KSP, it's just ridiculous how smooth and stable it gets. The FBW part should be made stock and replace the SAS.

Still, the control system in this mod is amazing. I would love to see where you get with it. It would be great to have a similar control system for launch (where ideally the autopilot would keep the craft on course parallel to the screen and the position of mouse would control pitch) and orbit (same as the current system but optimized for RCS/RW and yawing to target instead of rolling)

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About the cursor moving out of the screen, this way you are allowed to leave the airplane to point itself at a direction then look around and check your surroundings, it will be better when MAF camera is implemented.

We plan to add something to display where the cursor is when out of the screen, which will help a lot.

I actually want to overhaul the cursors, make them prettier and add a few, you can already change them on the Assets folder, if you make a custom one and it looks nice I would be glad to see it :wink:

Important notice: the next update will add module manager patches to re enable exponential behavior, right now it's linear and that blows the complexity of the system through the roof, that is why it behaves much better on FAR than on stock aero, and also explains stock aero wobbliness right before the error is low (also why in rare cases the airplane will refuse to go straight, especialy the ones with high gimbal or elevons).

This change will possibly make SAS useless for airplanes, since it's not tuned to handle a simpler system (true story).

If anyone tends to use SAS when also using MAF please let me know.

I don't know how hard it would be to override the stock SAS with something that works better, that is out of scope but if too many people use it I may consider it if the stock SAS breaks way too bad.

But it was never suited for airplanes anyway so I don't think it would be a problem

@KerbOrbiter the behavior may be a bit weird but I would love to see you try. It could be useful for keeping the craft straight even though the systems are very different.

Rocket piloting mode will come on the future, especially for landing.

@m4ti140 yes it will adapt itself on the future, for now I am mostly focusing on behaviors, then I get a solid base to work with.

Boris implementation is much more complex, but our mods have different purposes, and I agree, it's pretty awesome.

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I wonder, is someone else having these minor issues with BDA also installed where,
1. The cursor won't disappear when enabling MAF. Instead, it will be locked at the center of the screen; and
2. Sometimes (still haven't exactly figured the pattern), after switching weapons, the cursor will be locked on center when MAF is off, and unlocked (until RMB is pressed) when MAF is on? Pressing escape fixes this one.

I'm not totally sure if any of these issues are there because of BDA. In fact, I'm just assuming this. Thanks. :)

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@ferram4 Log is on post above. Repro steps is to follow as soon as I find out the pattern to reproduce it.



BDArmory Vessel Switcher 1.1
BetterBurnTime 1.4.1
Community Resource Pack
Contract Configurator 1.10.3
Contract Pack - Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 1.2.3
Crowd Sourced Science 3.0.1
DMagic Orbital Science 1.2.3
Firespitter Plugin 7.2.1
HyperEdit Beta3
Improved Chase Camera 1.6.0
KAS 0.5.6
Kerbal Aircraft Xpansion (KAX) 2.6.1 (rotary blades parts only)
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 3.1.5
Kerbal Live Feed 9.5
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems 1.0.8
KIS 1.2.7
Module Manager 2.6.22
Mouse Aim Flight 1.0
NavBall Docking Alignment Indicator CE 1.01
Portrait Stats 8.0
Procedural Fairings 3.16
RealChute 1.4
SCANsat 16.0
Smoke Screen
SXT 25
Throttle Controlled Avionics
Toolbar 1.7.11
UKS (inflatable ring only)
USI Life Support
USI Submarine Parts
Variable Thrust Limiter 0.1.2
VesselMover 1.5
Waypoint Manager 2.5.0


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@ferram4 Reproduction steps:

Craft: Modified Stock Osprey with mavericks, Sidewinders and Browning .50 cal.
Action groups:
- Alpha1: Next Weapon
- Alpha2: Fire Missile
Steps: Load the vessel. Activate MAF. Hold Alpha1, then Alpha2. Release both. Deactivate MAF. The cursor is stuck in the center. Press escape to release it.

Edited by Kowgan
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@Kowgan That problem appears when you select "next weapon" via action groups, doesn't need such repro steps.

It's a BDArmory bug, part of it was already fixed, before the mosue wouldn't even hide, it's due to a bug on BDA code that hides the mouse when it should not.

There is also a small problem where the cursor does not show up again when you turn MAF off, this bug appeared on 1.1 and may be some whacky thing they did to KSP stock (probably the cause of BDA bugs too).

@BahamutoD Nice footage! I am not sure if you are using FAR but it will work much better on it if you are not, due to the stock problem I mentioned so many times already, which is being fixed soon.

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Just tried it. In almost three years of playing KSP, it was the first time I did not have to endure SAS wobble when flying plane. Made a perfect ILS landing, staying on course, on 3o glissade the whole time. Beautiful mod.

Edited by J.Random
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Hey, maybe im doing something wrong but this is not working for me.  I press P in flight, it shows 2 icons, one which is where the plane is currently facing and the second is a circle which moves around with my mouse, but the plane does not move at all.  The plane im using is the FAR E42.

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15 minutes ago, Kowgan said:

That's weird. Could be a mod incompatibility. Could you post your output_log and a modlist?

ModList - http://pastebin.com/vuywKtBA

Output - is crashing pastebin and Paste.ee but will keep trying!

EDIT: Output is here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l39x5vz8rwc8cdp/AACDDMFglG0P1VtiW9xHfASMa?dl=0

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7 minutes ago, tetryds said:

@funkcanna "it works for everyone else but not you, so there is a stupidly high chance it's something on your side, especially mods.

You are on KSP 1.1 and made sure every mod has updated to 1.1, right???

Yes all mods (excluding the ones with (AD) next to them) were installed via CKAN and show as updated for 1.1 - also KSP AVC shows no conflicts / outdated mods.  This may not be a foolproof test of compatibility but I hand picked only updated mods all through 1.1 Pre Release and up to now, ive not tried any that werent updated (to my knowledge)

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