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Mother Development Thread

Bonus Eventus

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  On 11/15/2016 at 6:28 PM, steedcrugeon said:

Is that...

Is that. Is that habs with built in docking ports that mate to themselves?



Well, sort of. At the moment they don't dock, they just have attachment nodes. But I'm working on the docking.

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Started sketching out the basic internal model for the habs last night. Helps to see the exterior with the interior when working out the proportions. Fortunately, modo has a render item called render booleans, to easily render cutaways. 

@Table I'd wondered where a certain piece of furniture had gone :wink:

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  On 11/13/2016 at 4:22 AM, The-Doctor said:

oh boy, I really need and desire this mod as I just found galileo's planet pack, any ETA? 


Pardon me for eating the breadcrumb and following you here but the name "Mother" for a mod is too intriguing and can't not be googled.

@Bonus Eventus Excellent choice of name and image themes. They gave me goosebumps so I consider this mod epically epic. :) Players of Galileo's Planet Pack may find a strong need to hold Mother's hand. Best wishes in development. I'd like very much to try this mod myself and add it to my personal list of recommended mods.

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  On 11/16/2016 at 11:53 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Pardon me for eating the breadcrumb and following you here but the name "Mother" for a mod is too intriguing and can't not be googled.

@Bonus Eventus Excellent choice of name and image themes. They gave me goosebumps so I consider this mod epically epic. :) Players of Galileo's Planet Pack may find a strong need to hold Mother's hand. Best wishes in development. I'd like very much to try this mod myself and add it to my personal list of recommended mods.


are you following me? I'm soon gonna start playing Galileos as well

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  On 11/16/2016 at 9:20 PM, Bonus Eventus said:


Started sketching out the basic internal model for the habs last night. Helps to see the exterior with the interior when working out the proportions. Fortunately, modo has a render item called render booleans, to easily render cutaways. 

@Table I'd wondered where a certain piece of furniture had gone :wink:


Ohhhhh, I really can't wait!! Getting goosebumps just looking at this. Feels like Nasa's Constellation program. Keep up the great work!!

@Bonus Eventus will you make this compatible with deepfreeze? Even add in a deep freeze pod capable of carrying over a hundred or twenty five Kerbals?

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  On 11/19/2016 at 7:21 AM, StarStreak2109 said:

Moar parts!!!! Gotta try this out once released! Keep up the good work!


Thanks, I will :wink:

  On 11/18/2016 at 10:47 PM, The-Doctor said:

Ohhhhh, I really can't wait!! Getting goosebumps just looking at this. Feels like Nasa's Constellation program. Keep up the great work!!

@Bonus Eventus will you make this compatible with deepfreeze? Even add in a deep freeze pod capable of carrying over a hundred or twenty five Kerbals?


Glad you like it. Don't know about deepFreeze, hadn't given it any thought. Have to think about it.

Here's an animation of the tank inflating


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  On 11/19/2016 at 6:11 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

Thanks, I will :wink:

Glad you like it. Don't know about deepFreeze, hadn't given it any thought. Have to think about it.

Here's an animation of the tank inflating



Deep freeze would make absolute sense for this mod, it's building massive ships intended on massive and long journeys. One of my key issues with Kerbodyn was making deep freeze containers fit.

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  On 11/19/2016 at 7:37 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

@The-Doctor would you mind posting a screen grab of what you came up with, could be useful :wink:


that was so long ago lol. I used the adapters to hold the deep freeze capsules, but the craft kept exploding due to how many I added, I wanted to build a 100 Kerbal ship lol

  On 5/22/2016 at 7:33 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

Aerobraking / Aerocapture is a very useful maneuver when trying to get to planetary systems like Jool. I like using the new 5m heat shield for that very purpose. However, I think having a 9m and 18m variant would be really useful. Not sure it should inflate. Folding like an umbrella might be better.




Nasa folding heat shield concept




EDIT: Found this article from NASA on new thermal tech applied to Orion (3D-MAT) http://www.nasa.gov/ames/advancements-in-thermal-protection-materials-change-the-game-for-orion


A ship like this one, where some containers are cryopods.

@Bonus Eventus quick question, will this mod include nuclear reactors for the ships?

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  On 11/19/2016 at 7:40 PM, The-Doctor said:

that was so long ago lol. I used the adapters to hold the deep freeze capsules, but the craft kept exploding due to how many I added, I wanted to build a 100 Kerbal ship lol

A ship like this one, where some containers are cryopods.

@Bonus Eventus quick question, will this mod include nuclear reactors for the ships?


At some point, yes.

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The animation for this tank was difficult to accomplish, because it involved tedious bone animation, where each vertex had to be selected and weighted by hand to get the shape deformation just right. This serves as a kind of template for any other inflating tanks, so in that regard I'm happy. Also normal maps didn't provide enough depth, so I ditched them for real geometry. Poly count is only 5k


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  On 11/20/2016 at 10:18 PM, steedcrugeon said:

The amount of effort you must have gone to to make the animation as meticulous as that, it's staggering!


It wasn't all that bad :wink: 

I was able to get it done in a couple of hours, it was just a little more tweaking than I was used to. Be so much easier if I could use morph maps.

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Great posts so far! The only small critique that I have is that the static, solid habs look a bit crude. The gray panels look like they were attached after the fact and not too cohesive. I would suggest a retexture to give the panels a more specular look or changing the texture such that both the main hull and panels are the same color. Again, stunning parts! Can't wait for the prerelease!

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  On 11/21/2016 at 4:07 AM, SkyHook said:

Great posts so far! The only small critique that I have is that the static, solid habs look a bit crude. The gray panels look like they were attached after the fact and not too cohesive. I would suggest a retexture to give the panels a more specular look or changing the texture such that both the main hull and panels are the same color. Again, stunning parts! Can't wait for the prerelease!


Thanks for the feedback :) I took inspiration from the Harmony Module on the ISS. 



As you can see the panels are bolted on after the fact. The hatches on Mother's habs use an orange cloth instead of the white, to make them stand out a little more, as well as contrast with the blue handles. I didn't want to copy the design 100% because if I go too far with the realism, parts won't match well with stock. However if the orange cloth were white, maybe this would get the idea across better.

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Just wanted to say I like the bolted-on look.  To many of KSP's parts are smooth one-piece things - great for one-and-done missions, but for long-term craft having something replaceable to handle the inevitable micrometeorite damage is a good idea.

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  On 11/21/2016 at 5:05 PM, Bonus Eventus said:

Thanks for the feedback :) I took inspiration from the Harmony Module on the ISS. 



As you can see the panels are bolted on after the fact. The hatches on Mother's habs use an orange cloth instead of the white, to make them stand out a little more, as well as contrast with the blue handles. I didn't want to copy the design 100% because if I go too far with the realism, parts won't match well with stock. However if the orange cloth were white, maybe this would get the idea across better.


Ok, things make more sense now that you explain your inspiration. They WERE installed after the fact, huh? It's a  great design and I will still be using it regardless. the maybe a blue hatch would be better? Blue and gray happen to be very pleasing to me.

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  On 11/21/2016 at 9:59 PM, SkyHook said:

Ok, things make more sense now that you explain your inspiration. They WERE installed after the fact, huh? It's a  great design and I will still be using it regardless. the maybe a blue hatch would be better? Blue and gray happen to be very pleasing to me.


Umm... I'm confused. If, by installed after the fact you mean that the module was sent into space then the panels were installed, then no. Thought you were talking about the sequence in which the materials were attached during assembly. 

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  On 11/22/2016 at 1:08 AM, Bonus Eventus said:

Umm... I'm confused. If, by installed after the fact you mean that the module was sent into space then the panels were installed, then no. Thought you were talking about the sequence in which the materials were attached during assembly. 


Oh, ok. Well I will skip away awkwardly now..haha

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@Bonus Eventus What do you think, is mother status in different categories:

1. basic release part number

2. outer models

3. interior

4. animations

4. finished part cfgs

And what is planned generally? Own engines? Own energy products? Decoration like attachable windows? Own communication antennas?

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