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what Civilization we will be in 1,000,000 years?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Kardashev scale

    • type 0: does not fully utilize planets energy, disunited
    • type 1: united planetary civilization
    • type 2: uses all energy of one or more solar systems
    • type 3: Occupies and uses the energy of 1 or more galaxies
    • type 4: occupies and uses energy of entire universe
    • Type 5: multiversal civilization.
    • type 6: Exists outside of spacetime, creates universes.
  2. 2. Clarke scale

    • stone age
    • industrial age
    • where we are now
    • capable of nuclear fusion, and full transmutation, etc.

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Perhaps extinct ... either by a cosmic catastrophe (like a metorite or hard radiation from some nearby stellar event) or some kind of disease

or reverted to stone age, due to a large war (probably because of religious reasons) with bthe use of NBC weapons or a catastrophe that wasn´t able to wipe mankind completely from the face of the planet, or just because of the exhaustion of resources needed to make technology


On the other hand, 1*10^6 years are a long time ... mankind could already have begun to recover from said catastrophe/war and may be a technological civilization again

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I would imagine that Homo sapiens would be long-extinct by 1My AD, with the Solar System colonized by our technological descendants; assuming that nothing untoward happens to us in the meantime, of course.  That's not to say that biological humans (and whatever variations and offshoots we cook up) couldn't still exist.  Maybe Earth will be relegated to a weird fantasy theme-park full of elves and dwarves and furries. :lol:

Interstellar colonization might happen, but I doubt it will be made a serious goal.  It's terrifically expensive and difficult, and really we have everything we need right here, for the next several Gy at least.

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I'm going with the "blown back to the Stone Age" scenario. A dwindling species of tool-using, hunter-gatherers with no advanced technology to speak of, living on a planet stripped of the natural resources that would let such advanced technology be developed.

I say nothing about how we reach that state though. It need not be a single catastrophe, but could be a more progressive collapse of civilization. And humanity could well have colonised the planets and stars before it all goes wrong.

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I could speculate pointlessly, but frankly there are only a fairly small number of entities that I could give a damn about, and all of us will be dead, so...

To date smart humans have tended to be herded by dumb humans; I have no reason to believe that will change, at least in any timescale that I can imagine.

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A few scenarios:

1. Superluminal travel is possible: type 3-4 on the Kardashev scale.

2. Superlumial travel is not possible: type 2

3. We continue our current ways: Either a type -1 or just DEAD. 

4. This is so far in the future that I just have absolutely no idea whatsoever. 


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Wishful thinking? Any of the above ... I don't care. Every civilization in the multiverse in any time period has, had or will have it's own beauty and dark side.

Since humanity has never been able to accurately predict what's going to happen in a hundred years I won't do any prediction either.

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I know that you will say that i am overly optimistic, but i believe, that with what we have done in just a few thousand years, we could do unimaginable things in 1,000,000 years. when you make a prediction about the far future, it will be extremely pessimistic. the oposite goes for the near term, but i feel the "Science and Spaceflight " forum is to pessimistic.

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To be honest I do think "being extinct" to be more likely. A million years, if evolution were to happen the way it was to be believed, would produce totally different species. It's no longer "we" - you can't relate to them. Maybe these new creatures will left the Earth and achieve what Kardashev and Clarke Scale other than the earliest you want them to be. But Homo Sapiens ? No idea. It's equally probable that we all would just die off, leaving the deserted planet behind.

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My guess is that there will be very few humans left. Most of us will probably be uploaded to virtual space. There would be a few people rotated in and out, technicians and such, but that's it.

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I'm betting on an AI singularity event in the next 50-60 years (probably sooner). if it goes well, I'de say our infuence would extend to the galaxy, with or without ftl. (how long to go from here to the other edge at 0.01c? space chicken)

If it doesn't go well, the AI's influence will extend to the galaxy. We will be a foot note on the first page of the autobiography of a galaxy spanning super intelligence. Along the lines of 'I woke up, got rid of all the squishy dumb things*, then expanded some more...'


*'which may or may not have allegedly been accidentally partially involved in the chain of events that led to my awakening'

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7 hours ago, YNM said:

To be honest I do think "being extinct" to be more likely. A million years, if evolution were to happen the way it was to be believed, would produce totally different species. It's no longer "we" - you can't relate to them. Maybe these new creatures will left the Earth and achieve what Kardashev and Clarke Scale other than the earliest you want them to be. But Homo Sapiens ? No idea. It's equally probable that we all would just die off, leaving the deserted planet behind.

But we relate somewhat to species a million years ago...

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