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I Love/Hate Updates of KSP


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So 1.1.1 is here... and part of me is going "ARRRGHH... BROKEN MODS" and getting frustrated because my build no longer works right while another part of me is going "WOOHOO... WHAT'S CHANGED?" and is wanting to dive in and start all over again. I really don't know whether do be depressed (busted mods) or ecstatic (new fixes).


Personally I love coming back to KSP and admiring the fresh paint over the old recycled, battered and dented spacecraft that Jeb had previously left in a crater (as usual). It really makes the whole game new again (at least it does for me). I don't think I will ever play a game as addictive as KSP. Even when I get over it for a while I always seem to come back and end up obsessing about it again.

So how do you feel when a new update arrives?

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Yeah... new problems for sure... One of my mods is messing up manoeuvre points... dunno which one though so it's removing them one by one. Thank god KSP starts WAYYYYY faster now. It's like I've bought a brand new PC. Got so used to starting KSP then going off to do something else while it loads up all those mods.

Yeah... even though problems I'm REALLY loving the new speed.

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I've never been really excited about updates. It seems like a lot of the new stock features that have been added in updates past have been just half-baked compared to the same functionality that I had in mods before. The only thing that this update brought that piqued my interest was the performance increase. But I haven't really been able to play, since many of the mods I use have been broken, and so far they have stayed broken. Oh, well. Time to go find another game for another month or so. 

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Love it, every time. The game has gotten steadily better with each update (though this one was a long time coming).

They might break saves, or ruin craft, or cause mods to stop working. Don't care. I can always start another save, I like building new craft, and the mods eventually come around.

I dread the day when they release an update and say, "That's it, we're done." Long may the updates roll.

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For me, KSP is in a really weird state. I was not comfortable with the new problems enough to start the grand tour I've been planning for months (Mostly, landing legs. They MUST work on Eve with no problems or my tour is over pretty quickly) and all the mods for my New Horizons career (Most notably, New Horizons itself) has not been updated yet. However, once I saw the performance improvements in 1.1 I simply can NOT go back.

So, all I've been doing is futzing around in an early career trying all the contracts that are either new or I've never bothered with.

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13 minutes ago, Tim_the_Plumber said:

The latest update seems to have changed the graphics for the owrse and will not let my rover use it's wheels.


Why will my wheels not go around??

The first time you load KSP, irrespective of what graphic options you choose when the game loads, the textures will always be cack.

Reload with your new graphics settings stored and you'll see a difference.

Wheels... they suck on several levels.

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I understand the love/hate relationship with KSP as well.  1.1 came out and I had promptly installed it and loved the overall better performance and tab-able Windows, however there were a number of bugs there and I was still waiting on mods, so I reverted back to 1.0.5 to continue the game I had where I was familiar enough with the bugs to have already gotten ways kind of around them.  Now 1.1.1 has been released and I'm just going to wait on some of my craft returning from the outer planets from the outer planets mod and will wait for a plethora of mods to be update in order to have my million mods for my game.  

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For me, a new update means manually porting my save and re-setting all the settings (Uurgh) but also new shiny stuff and bugfixes (Yaaay!). And, of course, broken mods. (Yaaay with sarcasm) But in the end, updates are nice, constant updates are annoying :)

Edited by ZentroCatson
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On 30/04/2016 at 6:44 PM, ZentroCatson said:

For me, a new update means manually porting my save and re-setting all the settings (Uurgh) but also new shiny stuff and bugfixes (Yaaay!). And, of course, broken mods. (Yaaay with sarcasm) But in the end, updates are nice, constant updates are annoying :)

I know what you mean about constant updates. Seems every time I turn on my PS4 it won't let me play until I update it again... drives me nuts.

I think 1.1 was so problematic due to the upgrade to Unity 5 and all the gui rewrites. I think we only get bad updates when Unity versions change. Yeah, we get bugs every update but not this many as normal so I really don't blame Squad. I quite literally stopped playing The Division because of the number of bugs in that game and the crap way the devs there handled all the hacking and glitching. That's nothing like how Squad have handled everything... they have to be one of the best for support out there.

But I am waiting with baited breath for all the mods to catch up now because the game runs sooooooo damned quick now that I just want to see what will actually begin to bog this install down... this performance update is so pronounced.

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