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How to Be Evil!


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9.666/10 jeebz that's some 1984 stuff right there. Definately possible, it would just require a complete propagandization and surveillance of society

I trap every human in the world in their own Room 101 forever

"You know what's in room 101, Winston. everyone knows what's in room 101." -O'Brien

(it's whatever you fear/hate/are excrusiatingly pained by most)

Edited by quasarrgames
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8/10 nice, but some people's fears are totally unfounded, and they would realize that eventually, and escape. Otherwise, pretty dang evil.


Let's just kill off half the worlds population with an asteroid impact, melting Antarctica. We'll then leave the other half (particularly the newly orphaned and abandoned children) to wallow in their sorrow and trauma for the next 15 years. Finally, we'll kill them all too with a series of powerful alien giants, despite their attempts to rebuild and fight back. Nothing could go wrong.

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Dahek/????? My obscure reference sense is tingling.


I erase the universe and existence as whole in the form of an irreversible Big Crunch that causes excruciating pain on contact with the event horizon.

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But when on the event horizon I'm travelling at nearly the speed of light so I barely feel anything before my sudden death. 6/10.

I make everyone deathly allergic to chlorophyll. You can't eat or drink it or you'll die, and being near it causes your skin to burn terribly and you may also go blind for a short time.

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

But when on the event horizon I'm travelling at nearly the speed of light so I barely feel anything before my sudden death. 6/10.

I make everyone deathly allergic to chlorophyll. You can't eat or drink it or you'll die, and being near it causes your skin to burn terribly and you may also go blind for a short time.

Allergies are immune system specific, failed. 

I merge all quantum space time. 


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I'm gonna use R.A.S.S(Really awesome super Sliding) Cannon To destroy everyone in Squad crew, and destroy from our universe KSP!

Edited by TedwinKnockman66
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10/10 Ermahgerd! Even Gershbermpsh Girl?!


I get a job as a clown for kids parties. I show up like a normal clown, but as the party progresses, I make trips to the bathroom and gradually alter my makeup and mannerisms until by the end of the party, I am an evil demonic child traumatizing clown. If they kick me out before the end of the party, I just stand on the other side of the street holding a single balloon and staring at the house with an evil grin until the police come and make me leave.

Edited by EliasDanger
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10/10 Oh Bejaysus! Thats pure evil.


I create a nuclear powered tunnel boring machine (or pay someone to let me use the space under their basement) and i plant a several-megaton nuclear weapon about a hundred meters below a major city. When it detonates, it creates a shockwave equivalent to a 9.5 magnitude earthquake. all the destruction, none of the fallout. Repeat as many times as necessary for the world powers to fall to their knees

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No, that's not evil. That would be Yoda good. With the exception of killing people.

I write a mod that causes rapid decompression on all space vessels so that when you toggle solar panels, your crew dies. Oh, the name of the mod: Realistic Solar Panels... :D

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2 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

No, that's not evil. That would be Yoda good. With the exception of killing people.

I write a mod that causes rapid decompression on all space vessels so that when you toggle solar panels, your crew dies. Oh, the name of the mod: Realistic Solar Panels... :D

As far as i know there only one humanized space craft, the ISS. Its panels are deployed and the untility bus that it is not pressurrized or has pressurrizable equipment. The soyuz that operate the station could operate on fixed panels and litium ion batteries. 

Population impact = 0/10

Terror impact = 0/10 

It would be difficiult for analyst to determine that it was a plot or simply a reentry-like depressurization the soyuz had previously seen, and russian politicacracy might just deny any connection beyween panel and depress. 3/10


Its difficult to think of new evil things. Hmm, lets try for pure evil - nothing violent, no monetary gain, do direct cause of death. 

I program a viral application that appears to be completely benign. Howver it analyzes the persons device use patterns and determines what creates the most paralyzing kind of fear and/or paranoia and then feeds them th information subliminally before critical points in thier lives, such as before exams, marriages, tests, meetings.. This paralyzes them and society bogs down but since everyone uses these devices they cannot figure out why.

Pilots become too afraid to take off, budgets dont made, banks are too afraid to exchange money. Complete political, financial, industrial, agricultural and militarybparalysis occurs. Primative tribes on all continents move in and take over the governance of everything. 

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5/10. (0/10 for the ends, 10/10 for the means)


Ive got one. Ive been toilet training my son recently. Seems he is a slow learner with the whole 'its gross to sit in feces' concept. I took away his nappies (diapers) so he has been doing his business in his pants. Absolutely refuses to use the toilet. The other day i lost my cool (it happens) and yelled at him when i had to scrape out his pants and put him in the shower for the second time that day. It seems the thing he took away from that experience was not that its bad to poo in your pants, but rather that its bad to poo at all. The last week he has been corking it for 3 days at a time so he doesnt get yelled at again. Ever seen a 3yo trying so hard to hold back a turtle head that he is sweating?

I made a toddler ashamed of a natural bodily function.

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  • 2 weeks later...

7/10 You jerk!


I become my true form! Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin Super Saiyin @TopHeavy11!

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1 hour ago, Andem said:

Congrats. -10/10.

I drop nuclear bombs on every city on the planet.

Sorry, I can only give you 5/10 for that one. 
While the human race would be pretty upset, the cockroaches thank you for clearing the way for them!

Speaking of... I'll go ahead and give all cockroaches the ability to speak.

And if you don't think that's so bad... well:




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