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Add an option to quit to desktop from any screen

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Like most other games I think Kerbal Space Program should have an option on the Escape menu to quit to desktop with a single click and then a confirmation requester. This option should be available from every screen including flight. Then you could exit the game with 2 clicks from anywhere.

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This has been requested COUNTLESS times over the past few years... :(  I would also like to see it implemented, but if Squad hasnt done it yet, I wouldnt hold my breath for it...

In the meantime, Malah has a very simple plugin that does just this. It hasnt been updated for 1.1.2 yet, but keep an eye on it, there will probably be one soon:


Its the one called QuickExit:


Edited by Stone Blue
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15 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Agreed. Also, alt-f4 should save the persistent file and exit (Right now it just exits).

Though I've totes done an alt-F4 after screwing up, so I could go back to the last autosave.


You sure?  I accidentally exited the game confusing alt-f4 and alt-f5 almost 3 times in a mission, and started right back where I was (I think)

But yeah, would be a cool feature. 

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22 hours ago, Otis said:

I'm not to sure about this. We already have alt-f5 and alt-f4. Why is this needed?

It's not, KSP is a video game so nothing in the whole program is needed, what it would be is convenient and useful.

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12 hours ago, John FX said:

It's not, KSP is a video game so nothing in the whole program is needed, what it would be is convenient and useful.

Ok, whatever :rolleyes:. I was just wondering how it's more convenient and useful than the keyboard shortcuts that already exist, but thanks for the ingenious reply that really helped clear that up. I'm sure Squad will jump to implement said feature after seeing this, cutting vacation short even.

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On 5/10/2016 at 5:45 AM, 5thHorseman said:

Agreed. Also, alt-f4 should save the persistent file and exit (Right now it just exits)


alt f4 is my way of stopping it from autosaving after the Kraken strikes!

F5 then alt F4  if you want to save. (quicksave also saves the persistent)

("Tough day at the button, George?")

Edited by Brainlord Mesomorph
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4 hours ago, Otis said:

Ok, whatever :rolleyes:. I was just wondering how it's more convenient and useful than the keyboard shortcuts that already exist, but thanks for the ingenious reply that really helped clear that up. I'm sure Squad will jump to implement said feature after seeing this, cutting vacation short even.

What brainlord mesomorph said. Also not everyone likes to use keyboard shortcuts. For example, I'm currently connected to my PC which is 1500 miles away on my tablet playing KSP and I just don't have F keys available to me.

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