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Do you think we should start a console hype train? [JOKE, NOT GONNA HAPPEN

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I mean, the PC version is good and all, but sometimes people just don't have a beefy enough computer (and that's saying something considering the fact that you don't even need a beefy computer to play on minimum settings as of 1.1), and a console as fast as a Xbox One or PS4 definitely is capable. I mean, Xbox Ones and PS4s use basically the same CPU and GPU, they both have 8 cores, which they can now take leverage of thanks to the ENORMOUS performance tweaks provided by Squad in the 1.1 update. So, basically, my big mouth aside, the question is, should the fans who don't really care about where they play the game make a hype train for it? It might seem like a viable option to do this, maybe the Flying Tiger might get back to work on it (NOT SAYING THEY STOPPED) and encourage them to work hard on it to get it out faster for us to take for a shakedown (what Jeb would say, at least I imagine him saying whenever he takes my rockets out for a spin and buzzing the tower nonstop until he crashes into it). But, console hype train, anyone?


Joke Over, Problem?

Edited by FirstSecondThird
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I'd want to wait to see what kind of controls it had and such, the console games I play are all very light on choice and set up options and the like.  To me that would kill a lot of the interest in KSP (and what about mods and such).  OTOH it might be an interesting game in it's own right if you just feel lazy and want to watch a few rockets while flying them with a controller and no need for a keyboard :).

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I think its good theyre expanding to the tv stuff. Different market and all that. 


Personally I can't imagine it will be anything like the pc version, I frequently struggle as it is to place small items in confined spaces. Props to anyone with the patience and capability to do that with their thumb. 


Performance wise. If the physics are calculated to the same steps as pc. I wouldn't get my hopes up of building anything large. I have no clue what they run at OP mentioned "8 cores" think thats more a marketing gimmick.


// actually just had a look....yeah 8 cores but at 1.75gHz. Thats not all that great. 


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I can't even imagine how you would build a delicate rocket or spaceplane/aircraft with an XBOX controller.
The whole game is already finicky to control with the mouse, because you have to click tiny parts to activate them ect.
Even with a new UI optimized for consoles, building things must be awfully slow and sluggish without a mouse.
You need to place tiny parts, reposition them, align them after placement, control the camera constantly in parallel to see what you are doing, ect...
Imagine how you would dock a craft. How would you control your RCS thrusters in all directions while keeping all those other things in sight with only a controller?
In my opinion, it's simply not the type of game that works well for consoles.
And like Velve said, the XBOX CPU is not that great for a basicly single-threaded game:
Each craft, as far as I know, is calculated in one thread. And it can't be split into multiple threads, because physics calculations of a craft
must be strictly in order and are therefor hardly distributable over multiple cores. Which will limit part count a lot - unless they make the physics much simpler,
which would in consequence kill the games appeal.
So my bet is, the console version will be a simplified, or let's rather say, crippled PC version in many aspects.
But Swat may surprise us. Time will tell...

Edited by Cairol
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I have both PC and PS4,and i dont think it is not  good to play some games such as the Ksp and the sims because these games are played with the mouses more than the keyboards.And the other reason is that we can NOT install the Mods in ps4 or xbox,just like the gta I dont think i have a good feeling in Gta on ps4

Edited by Charkim Paul
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Is there anything to hype? The console-version cant give us anything new, just flood the forum with people asking "how to install this mod on X-Box" or "why does it lag with to many parts?"...

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I'm hyped for anything that gets more people playing KSP.

Personally I can't wait to help all the newcomers build and fly their first rockets.

Shame on you guys for looking down your noses at your fellow gamer's because of what machine they happen to use. I mean some of us use PC's, some use Mac's, some use AMD cards, some use Nvidia cards...so whats the difference really? None us truly play on the same machine. If we really are the "glorious PC master race" we should help our less fortunate friends, not belittle them.

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3 hours ago, Cairol said:

I can't even imagine how you would build a delicate rocket or spaceplane/aircraft with an XBOX controller.

This comes up before, but personally I feel that with a well-designed control scheme the VAB will be no problems at all. Indeed it could be *better* on console. I'm imagining analogue sticks to move parts up/down, left/right, forward/back. Three axes of motion for three dimensions, compared to on PC where we're trying to manipulate 3D space with a 2D mouse. Button to switch to rotation mode, again three axes for three axes. Button to bring up the parts list as a popup and flip through them. Button that "tabs" through the parts. Buttons to flip between gizmo modes.

The closest thing I've experienced was the Gummi Ship building in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. That worked just fine. OK it did lock you to a 3D grid which simplifies things a bit.

I have my concerns about console KSP, everyone does, but the VAB isn't one of them. Provided Flying Tiger do a good job of the user interface, and I admit that's a big proviso, it will be no problem. It does need the VAB UI, and to be honest all the UI, designing from scratch for console.

I don't want to see anything remotely like a mouse pointer anywhere in console KSP. (Unless you actually plugged a mouse into the console). If there's a cursor, Flying Tiger have failed, IMHO.

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Yeah, I guess the port will stand or fall with the UI implementation.
Apart from the highly likely performance issues that may also be tricky to prevent.
Even the PC version has some unlucky control schemes. If I just think of our as-indirect-as-it-can-be-with-a-mouse node creation gizmo,
or the non-cancelabe part movement in he VAB.
(not being able to cancel an accidentally grabbed part with ESC. Instead, we need to put it aside somewhere in the VAB and then use CTRL+Z to revert it
and then grab it another time to get rid of the accidentally moved part)

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I'm no PC elitist by any means. I love certain games on PC, such as strategy and simulations, and I love certain games on console for the easier controlling such as FPS and RPG's. 

That being said, I think with the amount of clicking that needs to be done when it comes to building, setting action groups, performing science experiments, making minute adjustments to maneuver nodes, ensuring a rogue EVA kerbal survives a fall from 30km up, etc, it's all much better suited for the PC. I can't imagine myself ever wanting to play a game like KSP on my Xbox. 


TL:DR - KSP is too complex for the console for my taste. 

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On May 20, 2016 at 5:39 PM, 5thHorseman said:

You can't have a Hype Train for something nobody is hyped about.

Where is my beating stick..... I mean your wrong.... I mean people are hyped. Haha.

But seriously there are plenty of us out there waiting for our turn to play. More than I would have thought. I see console supports in social media all the time now and our Kerbal Space Program PS4 community passed over 220 members last week. Not bad at all for a game that hasn't been released yet (on consoles).

For those worried about mods I have no doubt they will be in the game. Sure Squad and FTE Games will have to be the ones to put them there so no users can just add thier own whenever the feel like it. But this is a good thing because if the developers add the mods you don't have to worry about a user made mod not being upgraded and crashing your game. Look on the bright side fellas.

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1 hour ago, ForsakenVoyager said:

For those worried about mods I have no doubt they will be in the game. Sure Squad and FTE Games will have to be the ones to put them there so no users can just add thier own whenever the feel like it. But this is a good thing because if the developers add the mods you don't have to worry about a user made mod not being upgraded and crashing your game. Look on the bright side fellas.

Those aren't mods, those are stock features.

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*begins to disassemble the hype train tracks*

Folks, be supportive but patient. Don't build anticipation until we know it is near completion and relatively bug free. WE do not want to over-promote and create another 1.1 fiasco... it will kill the newcomer's enthusiasm for KSP...

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When a PC game or console game is being ported to another platform i can't help but laugh about it.
It mostly just break games and add an extra delay between updates since there would be two versions to maintain.

But hey, it's their own decision and I don't play enough to even have a word to say about how they operate.
Furthermore, seeing how they have developed this game so far, I don't even have to worry about that.

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I got to get trains fully working again first :)

Solar battery electrics powered by a backup plutonium battery is all nice n all.. but it lacks the defining chug of the detriot engine..

that and.. Ive got bad feels.. regret.. sadness.. sorrow


See I perverted 4429 in the course of making a hype train for 1.1, ripped off her class number.. replaced it with hype train.. modified the exhaust to spit flames.. even abused the wagons, failing the last 2 wagons wheels.. never before in the history of the KTP have I so purposely undertaken abuse of a treasured member of my locomotive fleet and flagship of the program


The screenshot ended up looking like something out of war of the worlds.. impressively so..

yet somehow, disturbingly. it foretold the future

My trains exploded the moment they loaded in 1.1.. likely due to the wheels weighing 1.5 tonnes and other factors..

it was horrible.. dishearting.. inhumane.. with a shadow of evil and darkness


, we need the PC version fixed, atleast to 1.04 standards with increased framerate before we get excited about anything on console,



Plus.. hype train suggests PC, large, impressive.. powerful. capable.. a humming box of electronics akin to a diesels engine room


so.. without further delay,

Let me present the hype train - for xbox :)




Hype train for console


Or more to the point - a port of an existing thing.. into something else


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