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What thing feels the best to do in KSP?


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I agree on reaching new milestones, I think my biggest rush was my first successful rendezvous and docking in orbit. The first time was almost mind boggingly difficult, it felt awesome when the whole concept suddenly made perfect sense in my brain. "Aaah, so that's how you do it, of course!" Turning huge amounts of fuel into enough smoke to cover most of the KSC is another thing I enjoy.^_^

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I think the most satisfying things I've done have been the techniques/fixes/lucky breaks that I've used to save missions from failure.

A good example was yesterday when I was sending up a cluster of re-entry pods to a station in Kerbin orbit, only to realise that I'd forgotten to put solar panels onto it, so had to hang on the last launcher stage (the engine of which generated electricity), rather than dumping it once it was almost empty to use the much smaller final stage to rendezvous with the station.

A whole bunch of little burns and counter burns later, to generate power, I was ready to throw my pod cluster towards the station (I was using a grabber instead of a docking port for simplicity), but with only a few units of electricity left, that were soon gobbled up by the the probe core and the reaction wheel, I had to move and turn the station (thankfully a small one) to get it into position for the approaching, out of power, pod cluster to hit it and grab on.

Fun times.

Edited by purpleivan
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use KIS and KAS to build a base on the planet it is very hard for me to control the kerman in the space but i also think it is very interesting.i have a dream it is building   buildings on the moon everywhere and send many kermen there.:)

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On 5/25/2016 at 4:13 PM, Snowstorm said:

As the title says, what thing in KSP gives you the best feeling?  For me, it is zooming past a planet at high speeds at low altitudes.  It gives me such a big rush! :D  What gives you the best feeling in KSP?

This one.  I love getting some tiny probe to do a high speed flyby (cause not enough d-v to stop) and setting it to just scrape the highest mountains.  Get all those science experiments ready to fire off in less then a 20 sec window.  And get rewarded with a beautiful high speed sunrise/sunset.  

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Everyone talks about their first Mün landing, and yes, that was a special occasion. However, I think the best feeling I ever got was when I managed to get my Kerbal home. This was back in the old demo, and I really had just about no knowledge of stuff. I landed many times, and ran out of fuel to return on every single occasion. Finally, I managed to build a rocket big enough to get Jeb (or whoever it was) back home.

My rocket was insane, by the way. The first stage had 30 RT-10 "Hammers", the second had 27 of them, the third had 15 or so. Then, came two liquid fuel stages (the first on 3 LV-T30s, the second on three LV-T45s) , followed by the lander stage, powered by an LV-909. The reason it was this ludicrously insane was because I had no idea how to design or fly a decent rocket, and so I relied on the age-old Kerbal proverb: "Moar boosters".

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I get a real kick out of creating facsimiles shoddy knockoffs of real life space missions/vehicles with stock parts. For example, recreating the NASA shuttle, the ISS or the Apollo vehicles in the KSP setting, and trying to resolve the RL mission goals using the same/similar engineering approach and flight profile as NASA did makes me feel like a real pro space engineer (which oddly the videogame Space Engineers doesn't - go figure). Of these the ones I was most proud of are my first successful shuttle orbit/return, and an Apollo mission that included a tiny mun rover that was tucked into the underworks of the lander, deployed through staging after touchdown. Then there's the first time I scored a mun Hoffman transfer that put me in a perfect free-return trajectory - suddenly I felt like I understood the movie Apollo 13 so much more clearly!

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While I've loved landing and bringing kerbals back (don't underestimate the relief of getting a kerbal home that has done the "go out and push" plan), probably the biggest sense of wonder I ever got was back first getting into orbit and watching that pe come out of the bottom of Kerbin.  I had gone up but wasn't coming back down (till I was good and ready).

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Nailing a tricky landing, or just plain landing somewhere you haven't. There's a lot to be said for the 'WOOHOO' feeling of finally getting an upright landing on the mun, for example. Or JUST getting a Duna landing right.

There's also the feeling of elation when you turn a screwup into a salvageable mission. Especially when it's through something you never thought you'd need to use, or through having an overbuilt craft.
Such as finally saying 'frak it' on trying to tip a Mun lander fully upright, and just getting it 'far enough' and lighting the engine up full throttle to curve skywards. Especially when you realise you didn't quicksave beforehand.

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6 hours ago, Snowstorm said:

I have a vague memory... Isn't it green?

Not... exactly.


I think doing an entire spaceplane re-entry back to runway 27 ( that's the KSC runway approached from the sea ) without using any engine power or airbrakes is still one of the most satisfying things. I use FAR & Pilot Assistant, anything else like wing mods or EVE clouds+scatterer just enhances it. Spaceplanes in general are pretty satisfying still.

Also landing a very basic EL installation on a planet & bootstrapping my way up to several hundred tons of mobile workshop.


Edited by Van Disaster
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I love my big vessels and yeah ... if you have a several hundred meter long space craft there's nothing like docking with a smaller vessel to it. Gliding between the engines or fuel tanks gives you a nice feeling for the 600+ part monstrosity you sent through space...it is somehow majestic. Add a nice sunrise to that and you got one of the most beautiful scenes in KSP.

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It's also the milestones for me. Lately I've started playing RSS a bit more because it's now much more stable I think. The first Orbit in RSS was really a good feeling and because I only play RP-0 career it was much harder. Now things are happening much faster, the first (unmanned) moon landing and Mars flyby were really great. Now that I figured out how to get to orbit in RSS it's really fun to play because I don't fail as often.

Edited by Lukas Maximus
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