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[1.4.2] Contract Pack: Kerbal Academy 1.1.8 (18/04/2018)


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8 hours ago, nightingale said:

Severedsolo - is there a Contract Configurator issue open for this one?  Definitely seems to be a bug somewhere.

I'll send you a pm when I get home before raising an issue, I'm not sure it's not the cack-handed way I've written the expression


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9 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

If you still have the save (with that contract in it) can you upload it please. It will help me track down where the problem is.

Unfortunately I don't have it active but here's the code of the contract from my save:


				guid = a3fdb3f4-6b3a-4f0e-8188-45e05c620ba7
				type = ConfiguredContract
				prestige = 1
				seed = 265444616
				state = Cancelled
				agent = Kerbal Academy
				deadlineType = None
				expiryType = Floating
				ignoresWeight = True
				values = 147660,0,-125000,0,-125000,0,0,0,5124565.56281349,4978144.44278579,0,4978506.22277772
				subtype = KerbalAcademyFieldScience
				title = Kerbal Academy: Field Science
				description = It seems that Bob Kerman is ready to improve their scientific knowledge. Complete the mission and they will advance a level.
				synopsis = Complete the training course with Bob Kerman.
				completedMessage = Congratulations, Bob Kerman is feeling more experienced already.
				hash = -1468856134
					trainee = Kerbal:Bob Kerman
					type = ContractConfigurator.Behaviour.AwardExperience
					kerbal = Bob Kerman
					experience = 8
					awardImmediately = False
					name = HasCrew
					id = HasCrew
					state = Complete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
					title = 
					notes = 
					completedMessage = 
					hideChildren = True
					allowStateReset = True
					minCrew = 0
					maxCrew = 2147483647
					minExperience = 0
					maxExperience = 5
						name = Bob Kerman
						name = ParameterDelegate`1
						id = Bob Kerman: On board
						state = Incomplete
						disableOnStateChange = False
						values = 0,0,0,0,0
						ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
						title = Bob Kerman: On board
						notes = 
						completedMessage = 
					name = CollectScienceCustom
					id = CollectScience
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
					title = 
					notes = 
					completedMessage = 
					allowStateReset = False
					targetBody = Kerbin
					biome = Poles
					situation = SrfLanded
					experiment = SEP_GravityScan
					recoveryMethod = Recover
						name = ParameterDelegate`1
						id = Location: KSC's Poles
						state = Incomplete
						disableOnStateChange = False
						values = 0,0,0,0,0
						ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
						title = Location: KSC's Poles
						notes = 
						completedMessage = 
						name = ParameterDelegate`1
						id = Situation: Landed
						state = Incomplete
						disableOnStateChange = False
						values = 0,0,0,0,0
						ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
						title = Situation: Landed
						notes = 
						completedMessage = 
						name = ParameterDelegate`1
						id = Experiment:  SE P_ Gravity Scan
						state = Incomplete
						disableOnStateChange = False
						values = 0,0,0,0,0
						ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
						title = Experiment:  SE P_ Gravity Scan
						notes = 
						completedMessage = 
							name = ParameterDelegate`1
							id = SEP_GravityScanSubject
							state = Incomplete
							disableOnStateChange = False
							values = 0,0,0,0,0
							ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
							title = 
							notes = 
							completedMessage = 
							name = ParameterDelegate`1
							id = Recovery: Recover
							state = Incomplete
							disableOnStateChange = False
							values = 0,0,0,0,0
							ContractIdentifier = KerbalAcademy.KerbalAcademyFieldScience
							title = Recovery: Recover
							notes = 
							completedMessage = 



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@Enceos & @severedsolo - Fixed the "KSC's Poles" issue for the next release.  The problem is the celestial body was being defaulted from the contract even though the biome was for a different celestial body.  You'll have to manually fix the save (or cancel the contract) if you haven't already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kerbal Academy 1.1.3 Released!

  • Boot Camp will now do a better job of deciding which Kerbal deserves experience.
  • Requires Contract Configurator 1.13.0 or higher due to issues with Science.
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Just now, SmarterThanMe said:

Great idea for a contract mod...

Not sure what I've done wrong, but I had a go with it. The Training "Drill" didn't have a ladder for my Engineer guy to get in tho, which felt a litle... Too steep a learning curve. :)

It doesn't have legs you should be able to access the hatch from the ground. I find sometimes switching to it (using [ or ] ) then switching back helps.

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1 minute ago, SmarterThanMe said:

Mine had legs? Now I wish that I had taken a screenshot. Probably have to wait until it next comes up.

I use Remotetech... So it also didn't have any antenna for me to command it.

Oh, nightingale fixed the bug where it spawns upside down. Whoops. I'll get a fix out soon (once I finish the big CC changes)

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1 minute ago, severedsolo said:

Oh, nightingale fixed the bug where it spawns upside down. Whoops. I'll get a fix out soon (once I finish the big CC changes)

Good stuff. :) Can you also do me a favour and add a deployed stock antenna to the top? That would help me and other RT users generally.

BTW, props on the quick replies!

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Hi, @severedsolo!

Today I started a new savegame (to do some tests on another mod) and got my first Boot Camp contract! YAY!

It was directed to scientists, so I did not use the mining rig, but I had a problem with the contract. It asked me to go to SPH, run a Goo experiment and recover the vessel with the recruit (Bob) in it. I did it (and Contract Window+ showed everything green) but the contract did not complete... Although Bob was INSIDE the ship, the part related to recover the ship along with the recruit did not complete.

What did I do wrong? Was it because the recruit was a veteran? Or because he had already flown twice (some XP but no stars, yet)?

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2 hours ago, jlcarneiro said:

What did I do wrong? Was it because the recruit was a veteran? Or because he had already flown twice (some XP but no stars, yet)?

It's not you, it's me. I noticed the same thing myself yesterday. I've got a big workload at the moment, due to the incoming Contract Configurator changes, but I'll try and figure out what's wrong and get it into the next release.

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On 14/07/2016 at 2:59 AM, jlcarneiro said:

Hi, @severedsolo!

Today I started a new savegame (to do some tests on another mod) and got my first Boot Camp contract! YAY!

It was directed to scientists, so I did not use the mining rig, but I had a problem with the contract. It asked me to go to SPH, run a Goo experiment and recover the vessel with the recruit (Bob) in it. I did it (and Contract Window+ showed everything green) but the contract did not complete... Although Bob was INSIDE the ship, the part related to recover the ship along with the recruit did not complete.

What did I do wrong? Was it because the recruit was a veteran? Or because he had already flown twice (some XP but no stars, yet)?

So it looks like this is a CC issue, I think it's checking things out of order.

For now, you can workaround by putting your vessel, and scientist back on the pad/runway and recovering him again. The experience should them be awarded.

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5 hours ago, severedsolo said:

So it looks like this is a CC issue, I think it's checking things out of order.

For now, you can workaround by putting your vessel, and scientist back on the pad/runway and recovering him again. The experience should them be awarded.

Sorry, I didn't get it: should I build the ship again, put the same scientist back in and then recover it again?

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8 hours ago, jlcarneiro said:

Sorry, I didn't get it: should I build the ship again, put the same scientist back in and then recover it again?

You can try - I don't know if it's too late now, when I did it last night it was the next vessel I built. Either way, I've figured out how to fix it, with nightingales help.

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Kerbal Academy 1.1.4 Released!

Kerbal Academy 1.1.4 released!

  • Updated to make it compatible with the latest Contract Configurator.
  • Fixed issue where Scientist Boot Camp would not award experience. (thanks @jlcarneiro)
  • Removed Mini AVC, because if you want that functionality, you are probably already running KSP-AVC.


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12 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Kerbal Academy 1.1.4 Released!

Kerbal Academy 1.1.4 released!

  • Updated to make it compatible with the latest Contract Configurator.
  • Fixed issue where Scientist Boot Camp would not award experience. (thanks @jlcarneiro)
  • Removed Mini AVC, because if you want that functionality, you are probably already running KSP-AVC.


Nope, sir! Thank you very much!

A little off-topic: you removed Mini AVC because one would be probably using KSP-AVC. I never got this right: if I install KSP-AVC, I may delete all AVC dlls from all other mods?

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27 minutes ago, jlcarneiro said:

A little off-topic: you removed Mini AVC because one would be probably using KSP-AVC. I never got this right: if I install KSP-AVC, I may delete all AVC dlls from all other mods?

Basically yes: Mini AVC will only activate if it doesn't find the full AVC mod. If AVC mod is installed, it will scan your entire GameData for version files anyway.

So, in my opinion (and after reading a few complaints about this on the CKAN thread) I figured either a) you want this, and therefore have AVC installed, or b) you don't want this, and will get annoyed by miniAVC asking you.

I've kept the version files (because they are useful for CKAN), they just won't do anything if you don't have AVC installed, rather than shoving it down your throat.

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13 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Kerbal Academy 1.1.4 Released!

Kerbal Academy 1.1.4 released!

  • Updated to make it compatible with the latest Contract Configurator.
  • Fixed issue where Scientist Boot Camp would not award experience. (thanks @jlcarneiro)
  • Removed Mini AVC, because if you want that functionality, you are probably already running KSP-AVC.


ah,I had discovered the bug and work around with the scientists as well, but thought it was just me being me.

RIP Mini AVC; but yeah, already using KSP-AVC.

Thanks for the update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just used the debug menu to complete the boot camp contract with a scientist, and he did not go up a level. :(

Winry's issues started with the contract itself. The contract was to recover on the launchpad, with the experiment Surface Magnetometer Data. I did not read this in full, and promptly built a craft with a DMOS Magnetometer on it, performed the experiment, and was confused when the contract requirement was not met. Okay, read it again, and realised it must be looking for the Surface Magnetometer, from the Surface Experiments Package. More hassle, but still doable, I figured. More hassle, because it meant I needed to hire an engineer to assemble the SEP kit on the ground, on account of my only other engineer still being up on the KSS. So. Hired Wellsy, built out a SEP setup next to the launchpad, did science, collected the Surface Magnetometer Data. Collected the data, so it was in Winry's inventory, and wandered back to the launchpad.

Only to discover, the contract requirement was still not met! Got back in Science Craft 3 - still not met. Recovered - still not met. Completed using debug menu - contract complete, but Winry still at level zero.

Im purely guessing here, but I figure there must be something special about the SEP science reports that meant that Boot Camp had issues with it for the contract. Some compatibility issue somewhere.

If there is any supporting data I can provide that would help, let me know.

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Golf Scorecard solved

i solved the problem (always worked, without testing in contract´s biome!!!) 

- Inventory: - Golf Club (aka AKI-G09)
                    - SEP Central Station (the block with the plugs)

- ToDo:

- get out of the vessel
- put the SEP on the ground (gets green and makes a skrew noise)
- leftclick on the golf club (not the right-click equip-mode !)
  -- drag the club to the SEP and again leftclick (it vanishes)

The SEP now tilts around and can be pushed.
-> push it away and voila ---- the club lies there.
Rightclick on it and perform the "Fore!" action.
It gives now the science points. 


problem/issue with item data: 

The club, unequipped on ground, falls under the ground or disappears and can´t be mouse-hovered or clicked.







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