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Exoplanet Namings


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The title says it all; this thread is about giving those horribly designated planets proper names. I have named at least 200 planets - 10% of the exoplanet population until May 10th, 2016 (Dang you, Kepler!). Here are just some I've picked out:

  • HD 189733 b: Kymopoleia (Greek goddess of violent sea storms)
  • Kepler-438b: Danae (Mother of Perseus)
  • Gliese 581g: Zarmina (It's on the Wikipedia page for this planet)
  • Kepler-138b: Duellona (Roman war goddess and wife of Mars)
  • Kepler-10b: Vulcan (Do I even need to explain?)
  • GJ 1214 b: Belisama (Celtic goddess of water, fire, crafts, and light)
  • WASP-12b: Morus (Greek god of doom and fate)
  • Kepler-22b: Tethe (Greek for Tethys, the Titaness of waters and wife of Oceanus)
  • Gliese 86Ab: Nephthys (Egyptian god of death and waters)
  • HAT-P-11b: Veles (Slavic god of trickery and the sea)
  • HR 810 b: Aion (Hellenistic deity of time)
  • HD 210702 b: Bellerophon (I will avenge you, 51 Pegasi b!)
  • HD 175541 b: Eopsin (Korean deity of households and snakes)
  • WD 1145+017 b: Geras (Okay, some are calling this thing an asteroid, but I'm still naming it after the Greek god of old age)
  • HD 40307 g: Kahlo (A famous artist who envisioned herself as one with nature)
  • HD 114762 b: Latham (In honor of its discoverer)
  • Kepler-444f: Alcyoneus (The eldest of Gaea's giants; the bane of Pluto)
  • Kepler-36 b and c: Cacus and Caca (Twin fire giants and children of Vulcan)
  • K2-3d: Galene (Greek goddess of calm seas)
  • CFBDSIR J214942.7-040308.9: Achelous (Ancient Greek river god who was left alone and abandoned by Heracles)
  • Kepler-93b: Arke (Greek messenger goddess and sister of Iris)
  • K2-22b: Menoetius (Titan of destruction and rash actions)
  • PSO J318.5-22: Orphne (Torch-bearing Underworld nymph from Greek mythology)
  • HD 86081 b: Astraeus (Titan of astrology)
  • OGLE-TR-111b: Setesh (Brother of Osiris and god of the desert, storms, and war)
  • KR Muscae b: Cercyon (A brutal king of Eleusis who murdered any visiting travelers)
  • GJ 1132b: Aine (Irish goddess of love and summer)
  • Wolf 1061 d: Normandy (A cold and seaside part of France where Operation Overlord took place; associated with the god Alaunius)
  • Gliese 832 c: Lurbira (Basque goddess of the Earth and mother to many important deities in that religion)
  • TRAPPIST-1b, c, and d: Theros, Eiar, and Cheimon (The deities of Summer, Spring, and Winter in Greek myths)
  • Kepler-11g: Ourania (Greek Muse of astronomy; Also a reference to Sido's Urania System)
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Ooooh, cool :)

A quote from the great @Kottabos from youtube:

"Oh come on now , you could easily find people who'd want to name all them. I mean if we can name every bloody lake, river, stream, creek, bog, swamp, fjord, island, hill etc. etc. etc on this planet surely we can come up with a few thousand names for other whole freakin worlds."

And one of them is you :)

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3 hours ago, Spaceception said:

I nominate GJ 667 cc.

Or Kepler-1229 b.

I named Kepler-1229b Braciaca, after another variant of Mars in Roman mythology. I don't have any names for the Gliese 667 C system yet.

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I think 51 Pegasi b should be called by it's original name: Bellerophon. The man who tamed Pegasus...

I don't like the new name they gave it. It just doesn't have the same nice authentic feel to it.

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I'm going to need some help with more planet names. Not just because Kepler has recently found 1,285 planets (including the latecomer Kepler-1647 AB b), but because I found out some more things about WD 1145+017. It turns out it has not one but multiple planetoids in orbit around it. What are we going to do with these things, name them "The Seven Zombie Stooges"?

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This is kind of pointless. It would make more sense for the people who go there to name it... It's going to be their home, after all. Or they'll be closer than us.

Is France(or anything near it) still referred to as Gaul by anyone?

Edited by Bill Phil
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