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why did you start playing KSP?

The Thyroid Man

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I was on YouTube searching for flight simulator videos (I was heavily into flight sims) and stumbled upon a few Scott Manley videos. I had no idea what the game was about, nor did I understand any of the words that came out of Scotts mouth. Not that I didn't understand his accent, but rather all the fancy technical terms. I've always been into rockets and space, so I decided to watch a few of his videos. Long story short, I bought the game an never looked back. 

Thats why, or rather how, I started playing KSP.

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My daughters boyfriend, who will most likely be my son-in-law some day, turned me onto KSP.  They both know I'm a science and astronomy nut from way back, and that I like thinking games.  And they were right, I took one look at the demo and was instantly hooked.  This was about a year and a half ago... and I've been a KSP addict since.

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I played Space Engineers at that time and in the forums I often stumbled over sentences like:
"Why does SE not have xxxx? KSP has it."
"Why does this not work like in KSP?"
"How about implementing mechanic xxx like in KSP?"
"Why is this so unrealistic? KSP does it much better!"

So I got curious what this KSP is that seems to do certain things about space and aero much more realistic. Went to steam. Went to Youtube. Found Scott Manley.
Bought the game. Best decision ever. :D

Edited by Cairol
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I just built a new heavy duty game pc for myself and wanted to play some cool games on ultra settings, graphics wise.so I checked several "best games of 2014" lists on the Internet and saw Ksp show up several times.

 In every review the author wrote how great this game was, even though it had a really steep learning curve. 

I downloaded the game and tried it. I sucked big time and didn't even manage to take off from the launchpad. There were so many parts and there wasn't any help available (like tooltips) , so I didn't have a clue what every part did. I remember getting angry while I was reading the funny yet completely useless part description like "found along the side of the road". After 15 minutes playing I quit and quickly forgot about the game.

A month later I stumbled upon yet another great review, calling ksp one of the best games ever created. In the review,the author wrote about the thrill he got from finally landing on the Mun. 

This triggered me to give ksp another go. I swore to myself I had to land on the Mun before I could delete the game from my hard drive.

After some Scott manly videos I managed to get to space.. several days and gameplay hours later  I finally landed on the Mun!! Man...the reviewer wasn't lying about anything... the experience of achieving my first landing sooooo fulfilling. Words cannot describe the feeling. :)

After that I was hooked! I've been playing the game still after 2 years. I tried to get my friends to play it but nobody gets it. It's a shame though... i would love to discuss my passion with in real life with other people. Lurking and posting on this forum is a sweet substitute though :wink:

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  • School bought copies of KerbalEDU for the computer lab.
  • Tried KerbalEDU.
  • Thought the EDU mod was crappy, but the game was good.
  • Searched on steam for KSP.
  • Found KSP on sale for (50%? It was winter sale)
  • Bought KSP.

The end.


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I am young and naïve and I want to work at NASA. :D

So when I read an article about how most of the JPL was playing it, and how it had extremely accurate physics, I knew I had to give the game a try.

That was in .90, and I've been enjoying KSP ever since.

On an unrelated side note, my phone now recognizes Kerbal and KSP as words!

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Was on Wikipedia looking at Gene Kranz's page when it said that a Gene Kerman was based on him in some game called Kerbal Space Program. Checked it out and thought my kids would enjoy flying green guys around until I played for a few minutes and realized how addicting it is. 

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A couple summers ago, we hired a college kid to intern with us. Nice kid, kinda dorky, but that's to be expected in the IT field. He told a co-worker that he played this game called KSP but he was afraid to tell us about it because he thought we'd make fun of him for it. Of course, the co-worker immediately told us what he said. After checking out the game, several of us went over to him and smacked him in the head and said "why are you worried about telling us about this game? We all play games, and this looks cool. I'd play the s#@t out of this game if I knew about it." And then I bought a copy and proceeded to play the s#@t out of the game for the next couple years.

Now, unfortunately, I seem to have lost my mojo for KSP. It just isn't fun for me to play anymore. I lurk these forums just to keep up with what is going on (which frankly isn't very much these days) and I do download each "release" when it comes out. I try to play the game and hope to get back my mojo, but I end up being bored after an hour or frustrated because ANOTHER thing changed (physics, atmosphere, engine nerfs, etc) and stuff that used to work in a previous release doesn't anymore. I honestly would have thought that these changes would have re-ignited the fire in me to play the game and figure stuff out again like I had to when I first started playing, but I just don't care anymore. And that, frankly, depresses me because I really did love this game.


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On 6/21/2016 at 9:18 PM, cantab said:

probably from xkcd


On 6/21/2016 at 9:21 PM, Biff Space said:

I also saw it on xkcd


On 6/21/2016 at 10:24 PM, marce said:

Saw the xkcd as well.


On 6/22/2016 at 4:34 AM, FyunchClick said:

XKCD for me as well

Squad should pay Randall Munroe :)

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3 hours ago, Johnny Wishbone said:

Now, unfortunately, I seem to have lost my mojo for KSP. It just isn't fun for me to play anymore. I lurk these forums just to keep up with what is going on (which frankly isn't very much these days) and I do download each "release" when it comes out. I try to play the game and hope to get back my mojo, but I end up being bored after an hour or frustrated because ANOTHER thing changed (physics, atmosphere, engine nerfs, etc) and stuff that used to work in a previous release doesn't anymore. I honestly would have thought that these changes would have re-ignited the fire in me to play the game and figure stuff out again like I had to when I first started playing, but I just don't care anymore. And that, frankly, depresses me because I really did love this game.

Give it a few years, I say.  Skip a few releases.  It seems to go in phases for me;  right now I'm tackling Career Mode for the first time since v 0.9something and having a blast once I got brave enough to get ambitious.

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A guy from work kept going on how I would love that game, space and all that... I told him I dont play videogames anymore. Went on like this for almost a full year before I gave in. He sent me the Build Fly Dream trailer and that did it for me. Played the demo, bought the game, went looking for a better computer within the next few daiys after Build Fly Dream.

Guess I started because I fell in love, somehow. I love building stuff and I love space exploration. KSP just filled a gap I never knew existed, a perfect aftertime, someting to wind down.

Edited by Dafni
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I happened upon Markiplier live streaming KSP on Youtube. I figured if I could watch somebody play a game for more than six hours, I would probably enjoy playing it myself more.  So I got it on Steam and haven't had a proper night's sleep since.

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I saw Nerd3 playing it on his 3 free games friday and that was around the August of 2012. So I guess i'm a "Veteran" at KSP.

Edited by Dfthu
Read it as "when did you start playing KSP"
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