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Where is YOUR stranded kerbal



74 members have voted

  1. 1. Where are they

    • Moho
    • Eve
    • Gilly
    • Kerbin
    • Mun
    • Minmus
    • Duna
    • Ike
    • Dres
    • Jool?
    • Laythe
    • Vall
    • Tylo
    • Bop
    • Pol
    • Eeloo
    • Eastah egg
    • Asteroid
    • Underground
    • Other(post)

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Duna, because I'm bad at interplanetary flights. They didn't have enough fuel to get home. I figured they wouldn't, so I included an ice miner to help out. It doesn't have the DeltaV to make it off Ike laden with fuel.

The rescue mission is in the 'I'm bloody sick of this game' stages due to creative burnout. I'll get back to it sometime, or Squad will release a save-breaking update and invalidate the whole thing.

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2 hours ago, Skorpychan said:

Duna, because I'm bad at interplanetary flights. They didn't have enough fuel to get home.

Exactly this, but because I decided to pack an entire orange fuel tank full of oxidizer... on a ship with nothing but nuclear engines.:blush:

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how do you get stuck underground? is this like in the water?


i'm the one stuck on eve. We got kernne kerman down and had nearly 10k dv to land. That was before we had to deal with the aerodynamics. Now kernne doesn't have enough TWR to control the ascent, and its unlikely we can land a craft close enough for a rendezvous.

On the bright side, after 8 years in isolation, kernne has declared himself lord of eve and moho by proxy.

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In my current long-running career game, I don't have any stranded (or missing or dead) kerbalnauts--all present and accounted for. At the moment I've got two scientists and a pilot in Bob's Attic (small station in low Kerbin orbit); four pilots, two scientists, and two engineers in Minmus Orbital Command; and four engineers and two scientists aboard the Voyager II (on its way home from a trip to Gilly, Duna, and Ike).

When the Voyager gets home I'm sending it (or perhaps an ion-drive Voyager III) on a tour of the moons of Jool. It's been far too long since I sent anyone there. If they get stranded I'll let you know.

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I feel like singing the "I've been every where, man" song, but tbh, most of the kerbals I've stranded were visiting the Kerbin moons. 

There was this one guy back in 0.90 or so who was stuck in a really long elliptical orbit around Minmus, and I had launch windows coming up, other missions on  tight schedule, and didn't want to just warp. 

I forgot to land him while he was at periapsis several times. 


With my interplanetary journeys, I've never stranded anyone. A few crews have had the duration of their missions revised part way through :wink:, and one guy lives on Eve (through choice) now, but never stranded...

Ok, there was that one crew on Vall, but that was an experiment with infinite fuel, and doesn't count. 

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My last visit to laythe was during version .90.  In my current career (1.1) I decided that this had to change. So I sent Bob to retrieve some juicy laythian science and samples. The ascend vessel however. . Was a bit under engineered in the thrust department...so with a too low TWR I lost too much fuel in the soup to make it to space again. 

After several futile attempts of getting to space i gave up.  Now bob is chillaxing  near the beach until I rescue him.  I need to save money to build a proper rescue vessel though,  so it's gonna take some time.  I guess laythe is not the worst place to be stuck on. :)

Edited by xendelaar
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One of my kerbals, Meldorf Kerman, is stuck outside of the solar system 5,000,000,000 meters away from the sun, way past Eeloo I believe. He was stranded accidentally as part of an experiment to transport kerbals over long distances within the same SOI. Unfortunately, things went awry and this is how he ended up there.

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In previous saves: Bob on Minmus (forgot parachutes), kerbals in highly eccentric orbits of kerbin after their prototype Mun and Minmus landers did not have enough Delta-V to return in the conventional manner, some kerbals in a heavy lander that lithobraked on the Mun, and Jeb and Bob on a Moho intercept trajectory. 

Edited by DaMachinator
improved clarity
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Stuck in Sun orbit, I had to do a crew transfer because I forgot to put the crew in the craft but tge return craft didn't have fuel  to get back. The orbit does insect Kerbin's orbit so it may get flung off into space.

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I have one in a highly elliptic orbit, due to returning from minmus and getting a gravity assist from the mun.  The periapse is 30km, the apoapsis is outside of minmus, If I fly the craft through the atmosphere it blows up, I'm slowly bringing the apop down by flying from 55km -> 70km every time it comes around. 


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I stranded Bob on the Mün the other day. It was kind of a spectacular crash to be honest though. He was in a Mk. 1 lander can and I misjudged my altitude on descent.  I had a high lateral velocity while I was trying to kill my vertical speed. I failed and lithobreaked. The lander can was well protected though and continued to survive as the rest of the ship slowly rotated on the long axis and continued a prolonged lithobreaking maneuver. Finally it was only the lander can left and I knew it wouldn't survive the 50 m/s skid across the surface of the northern basin. So I eva'd, got thrown from the lander 3 seconds before it blew, and used my jet pack to slow down enough to land. Then Bob waited 2 days for a rescue ship to save him.

Edited by GwynJHawke
I can't spell correctly when hungry
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