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What Would You do With A Time Machine


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Ok Camacha where does the energy come from when you travel back in time? No matter what energy has to disappear from the future and magically appear in the past, and we do not have any theories that can account for that other than multiverse.  

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Just now, RuBisCO said:

Ok Camacha where does the energy come from when you travel back in time? No matter what energy has to disappear from the future and magically appear in the past, and we do not have any theories that can account for that other than multiverse.  

As soon as you apppear in another time, an equivilant ammount of mass and enery is move in the other direction, taken randomly from anywhere in the universe and deposited randomly too. The universe is so large that the chances of the effect being observable to humanity is vanishingly small.

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1 hour ago, SinBad said:

As soon as you apppear in another time, an equivilant ammount of mass and enery is move in the other direction, taken randomly from anywhere in the universe and deposited randomly too. The universe is so large that the chances of the effect being observable to humanity is vanishingly small.

Ok so how do you get a time machine to do that?

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10 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

Under multiverse theory though when traveling back in time you are also traveling across universes. Thus when you travel back in time you enter a new timeline, with a future that could, and likely will diverge from, the future of the universe you left.

Not necessary. You're a slider (I mean a slider on a logarithmic ruler) running maybe an open path, maybe a closed loop, maybe a closed loop with possible side branches.
So, you can step on another way, but you can already loop endlessly.

10 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

Just the act of traveling back in time means you have made atoms appear in the past that already exist, you have added energy to the universe, where did that matter and energy come from?

As you have appeared on a branch of a multiverse, the conservation laws tell that this branch includes your presence as a condition of this conservation.
So, that's without you this branch would break the laws, while you are a necessary piece of the conservation puzzle. You don't "can", you must appear on this branch to preserve the laws.
So, the thermodynamics not allows, but needs you there.

10 hours ago, RuBisCO said:

The only viable answer (if time travel is possible) is that matter and energy had to come from another universe.

As the time is just one of dimensions, it belongs to the same Universe. Nothing neither needs, nor can to come into, it eternally exists as a member of equation.
Say, solving "y = ax + b", you don't care whether a,b,x,y already appeared there and where they came from. They just given. You are just given on any branch of the multiverse like a coefficent.

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On July 18, 2016 at 1:11 AM, Gauga159 said:

What Would You Do With A Time Machine?


please no NSFW stuff

Funny you should ask.  I've traversed many a century in my time machine, back and ahead, and I must say that as a consequence I've messed up "the present" so badly that you'd never know how much better things were before I intervened.  But don't worry, your memories were altered along with everything else.  I managed to retain my memory due to the "bubble" encasing my time machine and me.  Oh well.  Its sort of like this:


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I would go back in time to Cleveland of 1994, because if I don't then my 15 year old self can't bump into his adult self outside that pizzeria at 6th and Superior (which wasn't Guys Pizza then but is now... wish I could remember its old name).

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I would first use it to visit all the historical events I've always wanted to see, like Apollo 11's landing from Mission Control, the Wright Brothers' flight at Kitty Hawk, the moment Europeans first set foot in America (I'm referring to the Viking Landing, not Columbus, but that's another story), the unification of Germany, and the signing of America's Declaration of Independence.

I would also use it to try and meet certain historical figures, such as Hannibal, Napoleon (and Wellington), Theodore Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, to name a few.

Once I'm done using the machine (probably a few years after I got it, I would return to the present day, probably collect a few modern convienciences, take the machine back to, say, the American West in 1870 (I doubt Back to the Future Part III is accurate, but it sparked my curiosity) and hide the machine where it would be difficult for anyone to find or reach it. I would live in that time indefinitely (until I died or got bored).

Man, I never knew I was this enthusiastic about owning a time machine.

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44 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

Probably break it so I don't screw up the world.

You just have broken the last hope of humanity to prevent the global catastrophe without sending a doughnut ship to a giant black hole in another galaxy....

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OK, I'm going to try and not get religious, or anything like that. But something that really fascinates me is the myriad of "Flood-myths" found all thru history and mythology.  Seriously, Noah and the great flood isn't exclusive to the Bible.  There are literally hundreds of other cultures that have their own version of the flood story.

So, if I had a time machine, I would go back 10,000-12,000 years or so and find out if and what really happened to spawn so many identical flood stories around the world.

After that, I would try and verify if and where Atlantis really was.

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55 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

OK, I'm going to try and not get religious, or anything like that. But something that really fascinates me is the myriad of "Flood-myths" found all thru history and mythology.  Seriously, Noah and the great flood isn't exclusive to the Bible.  There are literally hundreds of other cultures that have their own version of the flood story.

So, if I had a time machine, I would go back 10,000-12,000 years or so and find out if and what really happened to spawn so many identical flood stories around the world.

After that, I would try and verify if and where Atlantis really was.

Oh wait.... I forgot one.  I would also go back and see if I could get writing lessons from H.P. Lovecraft and Edger Allen Poe   :D

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I would stop the Romans from burning down the great library in Alexandria

I would stop the assassination of Franz Ferdinand

I would prevent Stalin rising to power in soviet russia

I would find a way to stop Chernobyl

I would stop Thomas Edison from stealing inventions from his apprentices

I'd tell someone about A) The Apollo 1 fire, and B) Apollo 13 explosion

I would prevent the space shuttle disasters

I would prevent the final solution.

I would prevent the Armenian Genocide

I would prevent the polio outbreak


After that I would most definitely slap some sense into Sigmund Freud.

And I would probably give John Snow a metric mulch-ton of modern medical devices.

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3 hours ago, Just Jim said:

So, if I had a time machine, I would go back 10,000-12,000 years or so and find out if and what really happened to spawn so many identical flood stories around the world.

Well, for starters 10,000 years ago Doggerland was still a thing. And given that we have strong evidence of sophisticated cultures living in the British Isles in that timeframe, it's safe to assume there were equally sophisticated cultures living in the area that (rather quickly) flooded. Hence flood stories.

And similar flooding events took place around the globe. (Though I'm not aware of any landmasses being lost that quite approach what's now under the North Sea.)


My only advice to you and all other would-be time travelers is to make sure you're up to date on your vaccines before you leave. Especially smallpox. 

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18 minutes ago, Cydonian Monk said:

Well, for starters 10,000 years ago Doggerland was still a thing. And given that we have strong evidence of sophisticated cultures living in the British Isles in that timeframe, it's safe to assume there were equally sophisticated cultures living in the area that (rather quickly) flooded. Hence flood stories.

And similar flooding events took place around the globe. (Though I'm not aware of any landmasses being lost that quite approach what's now under the North Sea.)

My only advice to you and all other would-be time travelers is to make sure you're up to date on your vaccines before you leave. Especially smallpox. 

This is what I want to find out... was there one big flood, and bunch of little ones, or are the stories all just coincidence?

As for shots, oh yeah!

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10 hours ago, Just Jim said:

OK, I'm going to try and not get religious, or anything like that. But something that really fascinates me is the myriad of "Flood-myths" found all thru history and mythology.  Seriously, Noah and the great flood isn't exclusive to the Bible.  There are literally hundreds of other cultures that have their own version of the flood story.

Well, I saw a NOVA on the ark story, and apparently the rivers in Mesopotamia flooded often and they had to load all the animals and food and stuff into these round boats to keep them from being swept away. I don't know about flood stories from other parts of the world, though.

I would be really careful about hygiene in past times, though, because there was a lot of stuff they didn't know kills people.

Also, ceiling heights. People were really short back then, and I'm definitely not. :P 

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Oh, another good one I thought of... I would go back and find out just who really built Stonehenge, and how. 

I know there are a bunch of theories, but I want to watch it being done!  Then maybe watch the pyramids being built   :cool:

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