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Wich Planet/Moon do you hate the most?


Wich planet/moon do you absolutely HATE?  

100 members have voted

  1. 1. Wich celestial body in Kerbol do you Hate?

  2. 2. Why?

    • It looks and is boring
    • Its hard to get to
    • it ruins my plans every time!
    • It looks ugly
    • Not enough science!
    • Another reason

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I don't really "hate" any of the planets. That said, there are a few that I find lackluster or poorly designed.

For example, I've come to dislike Duna for its boring, featureless surface. Seriously, everytime I go there, I'm always greeted by the same expanse of rolling hills. It doesn't seem to matter where I land either. Land in the lowlands: samey hills in all directions. Land in the highlands; samey hills in every direction. Land somewhere in between; samey samey hills as far as the eye can see. It wasn't always like this either; the old Duna terrain had WAY more notable features: 

(Images by @GregroxMun)

I also don't like the Mun. Honestly, I think its procedural craters look like a complete mess. Once again, I prefer the old Mun terrain. 



Edited by Stratzenblitz75
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  On 7/25/2016 at 1:20 AM, Stratzenblitz75 said:

I don't really "hate" any of the planets. That said, there are a few that I find lackluster or poorly designed.


I have the same feeling on most some planets too, but the atmospheres and colors on those planets could cheer me up, like with Duna or Jool.

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Ike and Gilly are quite boring, because their "heightmaps" are just random noiseballs. Gilly doesn't even have non-noise color. But the thing I despise most about the stock planets is the current version of Duna. It was so, so very much better before it was turned into a puffy noiseball in 0.21. All of the other planets that were changed in 0.21 were an improvement, but Duna ended up looking mushy and samey. Additionally, Duna's (and indeed Eve's) PQS materials don't match, so up close the surface is a different color from afar, which is as well a different color from scaledspace.

Now, because I don't want to sound too mean, here are some things I *like* about the stock system. Dres is a pretty cool, it's got a neat heightmap and some cool features. Mun and Kerbin are rather well made, and Laythe and Tylo aren't bad.

  On 7/25/2016 at 9:12 AM, magnemoe said:

I hate the high cutoff on physical warp on Bop, if not it would been an better mining base than Pol: closer to the other moons, lower gravity and the kraken, still gravity is not ignoble like on Gilly. 


Bop has higher gravity than Pol. Bop is slightly bigger than Minmus, and both would be big enough to be in hydro-static equilibrium if they were scaled up to match the real solar system.

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  On 7/25/2016 at 2:19 PM, GregroxMun said:

Bop has higher gravity than Pol. Bop is slightly bigger than Minmus, and both would be big enough to be in hydro-static equilibrium if they were scaled up to match the real solar system.


I thought it was the other way around mostly as Bop looks so much like Gilly, 

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  On 7/25/2016 at 2:19 PM, GregroxMun said:

Ike and Gilly are quite boring, because their "heightmaps" are just random noiseballs. Gilly doesn't even have non-noise color.


I agree. Ike is one of my least favourite i geuss. Its bassicly Dres's brother with his undetailed skin. The only thing i like about Ike is the view on Duna, wich could look beautifull, but also kind of boring after a while.

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  On 7/25/2016 at 4:10 PM, NSEP said:

I agree. Ike is one of my least favourite i geuss. Its bassicly Dres's brother with his undetailed skin. The only thing i like about Ike is the view on Duna, wich could look beautifull, but also kind of boring after a while.


Ike and Dres are very different in pretty much any way. Ike is texture-colored, where Dres is procedurally colored. Dres is texture-heightmapped, where Ike is random-noisily heightmapped. The only things they vaguely share is an overlapping range of shades of grey, a lack of an atmosphere, and a vaguely similar size. 

Really, to be honest, if Dres and Ike were swapped, Dres would get far more attention than Ike ever did. If Ike were out there all alone, with no Duna around to attract people to it, it would be visited only by the completionists. There would never have been the Ike Awareness Society because no one would have cared about Ike enough to start that whole "meme."

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  On 7/25/2016 at 4:48 PM, GregroxMun said:

Ike and Dres are very different in pretty much any way. Ike is texture-colored, where Dres is procedurally colored. Dres is texture-heightmapped, where Ike is random-noisily heightmapped. The only things they vaguely share is an overlapping range of shades of grey, a lack of an atmosphere, and a vaguely similar size. 

Really, to be honest, if Dres and Ike were swapped, Dres would get far more attention than Ike ever did. If Ike were out there all alone, with no Duna around to attract people to it, it would be visited only by the completionists. There would never have been the Ike Awareness Society because no one would have cared about Ike enough to start that whole "meme."


I get it. But just from far away they look exactly the same.

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There is only one celestial body I hate.



Its like the Mun but with an even more boring surface, and needs an insane level of delta-V to get there.

I'm never going there beyond a flyby. I am not interested.

Edited by nosirrbro
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  On 7/25/2016 at 5:19 PM, nosirrbro said:

There is only one celestial body I hate.



Its like the Mun but with an even more boring surface, and needs an insane level of delta-V to get there.

I'm never going there beyond a flyby. I am not interested.


I get your point friend.

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None of them, because I cannot imagine how I could assign hate to something that doesn't exist in the real world, or even act as any sort of active antagonist.  They're big lumps of rock... why waste energy hating them?

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  On 7/25/2016 at 10:18 PM, Slam_Jones said:

None of them, because I cannot imagine how I could assign hate to something that doesn't exist in the real world, or even act as any sort of active antagonist.  They're big lumps of rock... why waste energy hating them?


With ''Hate'' i mean least favourite.

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I think the problem is that some of the planets and moons have nothing that makes them stand out such as Bop and Ike. There is nothing unique about them really apart from easter eggs. I suppose that is what space really is though, just lifeless rocks.

I would like some sort of volcanic moon. It would make me want to visit it.

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Duna gets my vote.

Sucks because I'm SO close to loving it! And you know what, I AM in love with Duna!...

Pre-0.21 Duna.

Now it's just kinda same-y and doesn't at all have that Mars-esque feel to it for me. I do wish I could get old Duna back though, as I do love travelling there anyway. Would only make it more enticing if the terrain was back to interesting status.

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Lets see... complaints about each body

Moho - Not really any major complaints here, its an airless grav ball that I haven't visited much because when I get there I've only got fuel for 3 landings. It seemed Ok, and the challenge is in getting there

Eve - its too purple, even Nova Silisko (spelling?) regrets this. Also the gravity is too high IMO... but maybe thats because I want it to be more analagous to venus. I'd change it to have a thicker atmosphere, less gravity, and less purple. From orbit Scatterer (or is it scatterer+ EVE) makes it better as the purple color is more "washed out"

Kerbin... could use some evidence of plate tectonics... and other evidence of habitation. perhaps more river features, some mesas, large canyons... some areas with really dense ground scatter to look like forrests, and not the same old grasslands dotted with some trees.

Mun - those giant craters often look really bad from orbit. the procedural ones are fine in the highlands... but the giant craters, especially with their nearly uniform size and somewhat even spacing... just looks wrong to me. Also I'd cut down on the procedurals within the giant craters so their basins are smoother like real lunar mare

Minmus - this thing just shouldn't exist... how did it form, what is it made of (the in game reports don't really answer that), what are those giant flats?

Duna: needs to look more like there actually used to be water there... a few valleys vaguely connected to low areas that could have been seas aren't enough. Those ancient sea beds should be flatter too, IMO. Where are the deltas? the tributaries? sedimentary layers and eroded sandstone, etc. Also... a planet of that size, with atmosphere and evidence of past water... was there no volcanic outgassing involved in that? there's not a signle identifiable volcanic structure on it!

Also, from orbit, it really does seem toy sized because of the lack of a detailed surface. One can look down at it, and now that no more hidden detail will show up when you get closer... just a bit of heightmap noise

Ike: Where... are... the... CRATERS???

Dres: I don't know... its not like ceres has super interesting terrain features either. Now I guess we can put some white spots in the bottoms of craters... and um, yea... I previously thought that some pallas/vesta/hygeia analogues to keep it company and make it seem more like something in an asteroid belt would be fun... but its only fun from the map view, and ads 3-4 even more boring worlds

Jool: Too green, needs more variation in color from cloud bands... the scatterer whitewashing effect makes it better though

Tylo: Its a gimmick having a moon nearly kerbin sized with atmosphere, but like moho, its an interesting challenge. As I go there for the challenge, I mostly just land whereever and go back to orbit in short order... its nice and flat which makes it easy... but if I were to actually want to make a base there, I'll bet it gets pretty boring. Add some fissures like what Eeloo has, and sparse procedural craters... maybe a cyrovolcano or two (at least a dome/shield/couldera for one)

Laythe: Another gimmick, O2 and water far from kerbin - its a fun gimmick. The world is mostly featureless water and the land is mostly featureless sandbars. I think its none transparent water surface looks pretty bad and its water should look more like kerbin's... but scatterer effects fix this. With scatterer installed, no issues

Val: Meh, I think as an ice world, Eeloo's fractured surface looks better than Vals... I don't know... webs of ice ridges? They should look towards Europa/Enceledus/Ganymede/Triton etc for inspiration on how to make a proper mid size icy world

Bop: Uhhh... I acknowledge it exists haven't actually been there (and I've been to Dres more than once! )... no comment

Pol: Uhhh... I acknowledge it exists haven't actually been there (and I've been to Dres more than once! )... I remember looking at it in map view... a grain of pollen is not a good model for a moon

Eeloo: not a good pluto analogue because jool is to close... and it was made before the pluto flyby and its now clear how wrong that is as a terrain model. I support its relocation as a moon of another gas giant as in OPM

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