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[1.2] Shuttle Payload Technologies v0.2 - Spacelab Released!


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17 minutes ago, Calvin_Maclure said:

Just wondering, you need both Comorant and DIRECT for this mod to work, but I assume you can get those mods minus the parts in em for this one to work?

No - if you were to install this mod (plus the bundled WBT and DMagic Science Animate), you would get most of the parts. Cormorant is not required, but highly suggested. Without DIRECT, you won't get any of the fuel tanks or SRBs, as I only have .cfgs in my mod, that refer to the models in the DIRECT directory. Soon that will switch over, dropping the DIRECT dependency, and replacing the tanks and SRBs with rescales of those in Cormorant.

TL:DR: for all parts, install DIRECT also. Cormorant is not needed, but highly recommended

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v0.21 BETA available now!

- KU Band Antenna added
- Balancing fixes
- Tiled control surfaces added
- Cormorant Aeronology tankage support added - ModuleManager will detect whether you have CA or DIRECT installed and display the appropriate parts. If you have both, there shouldn't be any issues I don't think
- Specular issue fixed with Shuttle Cockpit (thanks Avalon304)
- Texture updated on Shuttle Cockpit
- Daelkyr's Mid Deck IVA supported added
- Possibly other things

If no issues are apparent to any of you, I'll put it up as a release. If you experience problems, let me know :) 



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3 hours ago, MrMeeb said:

v0.21 BETA available now!

- KU Band Antenna added
- Balancing fixes
- Tiled control surfaces added
- Cormorant Aeronology tankage support added - ModuleManager will detect whether you have CA or DIRECT installed and display the appropriate parts. If you have both, there shouldn't be any issues I don't think
- Specular issue fixed with Shuttle Cockpit (thanks Avalon304)
- Texture updated on Shuttle Cockpit
- Daelkyr's Mid Deck IVA supported added
- Possibly other things

If no issues are apparent to any of you, I'll put it up as a release. If you experience problems, let me know :) 



Your canadarm config still references the STS_Bay and not the CRG-150 or 100R.

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@MrMeeb there was a patch made to the DIRECT Parts in that mod's forum thread that updates fuel value for new versions of CryoEngines, what do you think?


Also, I noticed your Mk 3 Cockpit resolution is a bit off, any idea what might be causing this?


Edited by TheRedTom
Adding another issue: Mk3 cockpit
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11 hours ago, TheRedTom said:

@MrMeeb there was a patch made to the DIRECT Parts in that mod's forum thread that updates fuel value for new versions of CryoEngines, what do you think?


Also, I noticed your Mk 3 Cockpit resolution is a bit off, any idea what might be causing this?


Can you try this texture:


This is the right link I promise:



Edited by Avalon304
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12 hours ago, TheRedTom said:

@MrMeeb there was a patch made to the DIRECT Parts in that mod's forum thread that updates fuel value for new versions of CryoEngines, what do you think?


Also, I noticed your Mk 3 Cockpit resolution is a bit off, any idea what might be causing this?

Strange - I'm not having issues on my side. Are you running any sort of texture compression mods?



Edit - @TheRedTom, I've added the rebalances as requested. Still not sure what's going on with your texture. Make sure you have the most up to date version (0.21 Dev 2e)

Edited by MrMeeb
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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently in the works - a generic payload adapter. It will be two parts, the forward and rear part, allowing you to use the front support as and when you wish. Still currently trying to figure out how the front support will actually support the payload, but yeah. The idea is that the rear part will work like the IUS mount - it will rotate up, elevating the payload out of the bay using IR.


Also, for those who haven't seen it, and because this is my thread, so I'm in charge...check out the thing I was working on between KU Band and this:


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@MrMeeb I tried to make an STS with your Shuttle Parts and @Pak's ET/SRB stack. I used the ET extender, figuring that would help, but the result was that the craft was seriously underpowered. Is there a solution for this? I was considering making an MM config to "uprate" the STME's and SRB's to give approximately the same flight performance as the "standard" Cormorant Aeronology STS stack, but I didn't know if there was already a way to address the issue.

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21 minutes ago, DJ Reonic said:

@MrMeeb I tried to make an STS with your Shuttle Parts and @Pak's ET/SRB stack. I used the ET extender, figuring that would help, but the result was that the craft was seriously underpowered. Is there a solution for this? I was considering making an MM config to "uprate" the STME's and SRB's to give approximately the same flight performance as the "standard" Cormorant Aeronology STS stack, but I didn't know if there was already a way to address the issue.

when you say 'seriously underpowered' what do you mean? Can't make orbit, or can't get off the pad?

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1 minute ago, DJ Reonic said:

It can't make orbit. The only thing in the cargo bay was the airlock/docking port and your new antenna. I've been able to make orbit easily in the "standard size" Shuttle.

That's strange - there is no difference between my cargobays and the stock one, in terms of mass. let me test myself to verify

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13 minutes ago, DJ Reonic said:

I was using the CRG-150, and the STS wing parts.

Yep, I used those too. I had no issues reaching a 85x75km orbit, and had fuel in the ET to spare. I used my included rescaled versions of Pak's ET parts, but they don't contain anymore fuel, and didn't use the extension segment of the ET either. Maybe your trajectory was off?

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@DJ Reonic are you using a bigger solar system? There are no difference between these parts and "Stock" CA.

P.S. @MrMeeb that payload adapter looks amazing! Is it going to be gold and shiny like the real deal?


Edited by TheRedTom
Added comment about update
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1 hour ago, TheRedTom said:

@MrMeeb that payload adapter looks amazing! Is it going to be gold and shiny like the real deal?

Thanks! It's unlikely that it will be shiny foil, like the real one, as KSP doesn't really appreciate that kind of look, especially on a larger part. It'll probably be a colour selected from a more 'universal' palette that a group I'm involved in are using, and will be more solid, like metal or something

As an update, how do people feel about the front support? It's going to be very difficult to find a solution to making it work as a support, unless it's purely aesthetic and you just strut things to it. I can't really see any other suitable solution, but I'm open to ideas

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On 4/24/2017 at 0:36 PM, MrMeeb said:

Thanks! It's unlikely that it will be shiny foil, like the real one, as KSP doesn't really appreciate that kind of look, especially on a larger part. It'll probably be a colour selected from a more 'universal' palette that a group I'm involved in are using, and will be more solid, like metal or something

As an update, how do people feel about the front support? It's going to be very difficult to find a solution to making it work as a support, unless it's purely aesthetic and you just strut things to it. I can't really see any other suitable solution, but I'm open to ideas

Could always see how well Cobalt's LEM fares before deciding on the foil style... (and then if it goes well "appropriate it" for yourself. :P )

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On 02/05/2017 at 3:03 AM, Doc Shaftoe said:

STS-41-D was a big success thanks to Pak and your parts MrMeeb. Thank you for doing what you do and making KSP really come alive.

Awesome shots!

On 30/04/2017 at 7:31 AM, Avalon304 said:

Could always see how well Cobalt's LEM fares before deciding on the foil style... (and then if it goes well "appropriate it" for yourself. :P )

It does look very good, I agree. We shall see, when it comes to it.

Speaking of 'when it comes to it', it's going to be a while. The model is unwrapped, but the rapid approach of A2 exams will mean I'll be largely absent for the next 2-ish months. 

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1 hour ago, MrMeeb said:

the rapid approach of A2 exams will mean I'll be largely absent for the next 2-ish months. 

Had no idea you were still schooling :P I do a bit of tutoring for some A2 students as some extra cash. I would be happy to help in any way I can :)

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