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What is your favorite thing to do in KSP?


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I like flying planes the most. The more maneuverable, the better. However, they've been distracting me from the rocket side of KSP, so I'm temporarily shunning them at the moment. Apart from planes, I also like doing landings, Mun style.

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I think, without doubt, it is discovering the science, maths and three dimensional geometry behind the missions. Some really brainy Kerbonauts have posted enough information for mere mortals, who have enough High School maths, to get a SOLID grip on the mechanics of gameplay and appreciate the breadth of KSP.  Discoveries seem endless. I feel like a one man NASA. 

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Either building planes and rockets or making orbital space stations. 

I just like seeing designs come together.

Some times i just enjoy messing about and blowing stuff up for fun. That too never gets old and is always fun. (sorry kerbals) :D

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  On 8/1/2016 at 10:38 AM, worir4 said:

Either building planes and rockets or making orbital space stations. 

I just like seeing designs come together.

Some times i just enjoy messing about and blowing stuff up for fun. That too never gets old and is always fun. (sorry kerbals) :D


Most definitely. I'm playing with RSS and RO so designs are a lot more complicated and there are much more factors to take into consideration as to whether the end result of a flight is a beautiful view from high off the ground or an equally spectacular (?) yet accidental firework. But there's a certain satisfaction in seeing everything come together and just feeling good about these accomplishments. I certainly spend much more time messing about in the VAB/SPH than performing real missions.

The possibilities are endless. 

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Manned high-budget missions to the surface (and return) of other planets and moons. Without any docking or refueling. With minimum 3-man crew in a lavishly comfortable rocket.


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All my flag plaques tell a story... Usually about my B team... Billy-Bobdan, Alley, and Geofemone*. They are an inseparable team! Billy and the girls are a trio of Bad Assed™ kerbaonauts who are basically a Jeb and two Vals. Welcome to the 12000 kilometer high club, folks! :cool: Hans got stuck with them on that trip to the Mun... He never forgave anyone... ANYONE! for the experience, ever! :mad:

Mike is just a normal dood that got drug along with the B team to Duna... He had fun, lots of fun... but really... they pretty much led the way the whole time. I carried a narrative of discovering the anomalies on Duna, and them realizing they were not the first to set foot on the red world. Geoffemone had an "ejection" accident during the capture burn... One that almost required deciding between he mission and her (made it work, but she got over 2km out before her tumble and the ships tumble was under control). Billy and Alley are taking a departure from a Kerbin circumnavigation after Alley lied about knowing how to change tires... Kind a big deal for the Gilly Vanilli rover... It sorta has 32 tires. Funny how it takes going to space to learn the art of changing a tire. Kerbals are an odd bunch, I tell ya!

They occasionally get "messages" from the A team, provided there's no occlusion. The A team is... Well, the A team. Not that A team, the other A Team... Capsules, not vans. In all seriousness, That's my super happy fun   ball   time... Giving character to my Kerbals. Most of them are faceless drones, filling seats in stations, but those few, along with Wilsy, Nello, and Teddo, have all got a special place in my save file. Wilsy is a rescue that hitched a ride to the first Mun landing... then got to be first, to Jeb's dismay... but only cause we had to leave him until the "Outtagas" probe made it to the landing site. Oops! Probe worked nicely, and Jeb has always been annoyed he didn't get to step foot on the Mun first... That'd be like if we found some random Cosmonaut stranded, picked him up, and sent him down in the Eagle, and let him take the first step on the Moon... cause we knew the Eagle didn't have enough fuel for ascent! Only in KSP... :rolleyes:

Ultimately, I love building large stations, large bases, large rovers, and overall large ships. Silent Running, The Southern Cross, Minmus Waystation (so I had a brain fart on that last one)... Gilly Vanilli, my signature rover is 44 tons! Silent running and Minmus Waystation both feature a torus (25 meters, the full diameter of the VAB), and the second has four 8 meter biodomes. I launched it in one piece! The asparagus staging was glorious! 13 stacks of the largest tank, stacked 3 tanks tall... Mammoths at the bottom of every stack... I had to hang oscar-b mini tanks from structural girders to act as middle connections for the fuel lines, cause FUEL LINES DON'T REACH that far! The outer most tanks took three fuel lines to reach between stacks! :0.0:

I like building BIG! :D

*It is clear that Geofemone's parents are dastardly beings... I mean, WHO even names their space spawn "Geofemone"!

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I love it when a plan comes together.

Those moments when, after putting in hours of planning and scratching notes onto stickies and covering my wall with the mission parameters, each phase of a carefully constructed mission unfolds.  I do enjoy quick flights and streamlined designs, but it's the big ones - often multi-craft or involving bases and orbital stations - which get me hyped to continue and satisfied to complete.

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