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[1.12.x] TAC - Life Support v0.18.0 - Release 19th Sep 2021


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  On 2/12/2017 at 3:05 PM, aluc24 said:

Hey, @JPLRepo , I wanted to ask something. In VAB, TAC Build Aid does not account for greenhouses, filters, etc. I want to make a Duna base, but since I'm very unfamiliar with TAC, I don't know how to figure out how long my Kerbals will last with the current combination of supplies, fertilizers, filters, greenhouses, etc. Theoretically, it should be possible to calculate it manually, but it is very tedious. Is there a simpler way? How do you people do it?


I think the Alternate Resource Panel mod looks at actual resource run rates to display the time until a resource runs out. So, with your base in "Duna" mode (that is, not on the pad, since you get some resources for free there), just wait a bit and then take a look at the Alternate Resource Panel time remaining. You may need to actually use hyper-edit your prototype base to Duna to test for all the conditions right (e.g., solar panel output). That's what I ended up doing to test the fine balance of things after loosing a couple of missions (each worth several hours) to really small imbalances in the life support cycles.

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Hi folks,

I just updated KSP to 1.2.2 (OSX) and, of course, immediately loaded TAC Life Support v.1.2.8. I have a science node for a station with the 2.5m water purifier and carbon extractor -- and plenty of electricity and they've been turned on -- but I find that the reclaimers aren't replenishing the water or O2 supply. I have a Copula module at one end, the science lab is in the middle and the extractor and purifier is at the other -- I don't know if this matters but I thought I'd mention. The ship file can be found here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/satelliteglasses/GameData/Station+Science+Node.craft

How can I debug this? Why would they not be replenishing water and O2?

Thanks for the help!!



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  On 2/8/2017 at 7:21 PM, JPLRepo said:

Thanks for testing it out for me.
This is the question I'd like to answer before needing to worry about what the part info might say.
I can make it so the converters work at 100% without any specialist. and adding a specialist increases their efficiency based on their stars.
The can be non functional completely without one. and then go up as @Jso describes above.
What do people think?

For the description. Once the above is decided I can tweak the text based on the way it will be.


I don't think 0% without a specialist is a good suggestion. Having a max over 100% is reasonable, but not too high (<150%)

Starting at 20% for unattended/no star, and add 20% per star (120%max) seems like a nice scale.  If you wish to have a difference between unattended and no star Engineer, use 5% for unattended (like USI does), 20% for no star, and add 20% per star.  Seems pretty fair.

The only other thought I have is that stars 4 and 5 are hard to get, so maybe they increase by 30% each (140% max). Still keeps the max under control and may give an incentive to leave Kerbin SOI.

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  On 2/14/2017 at 3:35 PM, damerell said:

Is crossfeed enabled on the docking ports?


The ship is all one unit, so there are no docking ports to cross (the Cupola is mated directly to the lab and that's mated directly to the reclaimers.) There are four docking ports on one end, but they're not currently connected to anything. I do see waste water and CO2 accumulating in them, so material can at least flow in. It's acting as if it's not "on", even though their dialog boxes say they're operational.

I've also tried the "Resource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules" difficulty flag in both positions -- no dice.



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  On 2/14/2017 at 6:36 PM, DerekL1963 said:

At least in previous versions, TAC-LS supplies crossfed as well.  I've docked many a "Progress" to one of my stations and used their contents via crossfeed.



Here I always dock and share the features of the TAC. Incidentally I usually leave my stations with locked resources to automatically extract from the ships while docked.
Obs: Crossfeed off.

Edited by Phoenyx
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  On 2/14/2017 at 2:32 PM, joemadeus said:

How can I debug this? Why would they not be replenishing water and O2?


It's probably running, just very slowly (read back about 2 pages). Try setting UseSpecialistBonus to False in the converters.

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Edited by Jso
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  On 2/15/2017 at 9:12 AM, Jso said:

It's probably running, just very slowly (read back about 2 pages). Try setting UseSpecialistBonus to False in the converters.

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Thank you -- that was the issue.

From a gameplay point of view, I'm all for the specialist bonus but I would assume that a 2.5m carbon extractor and water purifier could support a pair of scientists on orbit (even with their obviously gigantic brains.) With the rates set as they are now, I'll try bringing an engineer on board but I'm more likely to shut the specialist bonuses off completely, which is too bad since I think it's a good idea.

No matter what, tho, thanks for the support and thanks for the mod. Life support was one of the things I thought was sorely missing from stock and this is a great way to bring it in.



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I may have run into a bug. My station can house 15, but only holds 3 kerbals. As long as the station is the active vessel, tac works as expected. 

However after various vessel changes, tac assumes the station is fully occupied and this results in alerts when resources supossedly run out.

sounds familiar? I cant exactly pinpoint what triggers it.

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I encountered one bug (at least) and probably a mistake. The little water purifier (1.25m) is not working at all. I tried to put it elsewhere on my craft in order to see if that was because of some strange "resource flow" but nope. I used alternate resource panel to check if total remaining time was changing when i activated it but no. Carbon recycler (1.25m) works correctly, therefore there is a bug on (at least) the little water recycler : it does not consume waste water neither produce water (i'm not sure about the "does not wonsume" part).


Another problem : recyclers description is saying that they are suited up to X kerbals (8-9-10 for 1.25-2.5-3.75m). I may not understand how this is supposed to works, but i have 5 kerbals, a little 1.25m water recycler, but it does not consume the wasteWater produced by the 5 kerbals. (Of course, i'm using default values).


So, obivously, i suppose that either recyclers description is unclear, or default values are erroneous.


Edit: after more tests, it seems the recycler was not working for some special reasons. Sadly, i don't know why, but when i restarted the game, progressed (used hyperEdit to give me some water in order to complete mission), decoupled some part... (sum up : later, with lots of modifs) i restarted it and this time, it was working. I can provide a save with the bugged craft if needed.

Edited by feuby
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v0.12.9 Published.

Fix Rescue kerbal checking where contract only contains kerbal's first name.
Fix when Rescue contracts cancelled. Untrack Kerbals on Rescue contracts if the contract is cancelled.
When a Kerbal that is in an External Command Seat leaves that seat TAC LS will now fill up their EVA life support resources from the vessel the command seat is a part of and leave behind any waste resources in the vessel.    
Changed Converter parts to have a bonus base of 1 and specialist efficiency factor of 0.5. This should make the values more what they should be.


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  On 2/26/2017 at 8:18 AM, EnigmaG said:

Hi, supper MOD,

have encountered a small bug, for recover mission on celestial body the clock starts immediately (in space it is okay it starts at physics range )and the kerbal suffocates  when reach physics range.



Are you using the latest version? v0.12.9? I fixed that.

If you are and still have the bug. I will need log files and a save file if possible.

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  On 2/26/2017 at 10:20 AM, JPLRepo said:

Are you using the latest version? v0.12.9? I fixed that.

If you are and still have the bug. I will need log files and a save file if possible.


Yes i do have v0.12.9.


Here a the save files 1 is before i accept the mission 2 after,

What log files do you need?

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  On 2/26/2017 at 10:20 AM, JPLRepo said:

Are you using the latest version? v0.12.9? I fixed that.


Fixed where? In 0.12.8 the error is there and you did not mention this correction in 0.12.9.


  On 2/26/2017 at 4:46 PM, EnigmaG said:

What log files do you need?


C:\Users\"YOUR NAME"\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log

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  On 2/26/2017 at 5:19 PM, Phoenyx said:

Fixed where? In 0.12.8 the error is there and you did not mention this correction in 0.12.9.


C:\Users\"YOUR NAME"\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log


It is fixed ^. Please update to v0.12.9 as suggested. If the problem persists. Logs and saves.

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  On 2/26/2017 at 6:53 PM, EnigmaG said:

The problem persists in v0.12.9


Here a the save files 1 is before i accept the mission 2 after and the output_log.txt from  "Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data"

Hope it helps.


You're kidding me... damn. Thanks for the details. I'll have a look when I have time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've finished preparing my mod for this one and found the answer to this little thing that's been bugging me the whole time.

The ConverterName parameter is spelled with a lowercase c, preventing it from showing within the modules in-game for all of TAC's own parts.


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Pardon me if it may seem like advertising but I made a release for my Mk2 LS parts. If anyone here likes spaceplanes the gate is now wide open for feedback.

Main things that need input or close observation are the three converter modules. Since TAC's converters seem decently powerful in tiny cylinders (1.25m) I've buffed my parts according to that size, and therefore might need cost and mass re-balancing:

  • Mk2 Triple Core Air Filter has 3x the conversion rate of the pre-packaged one.
  • Mk2 Quad-Core Water Processor has double-powered versions of the two TAC water processors combined.
  • Mk2 Quad-Core Carbon Processor has double-powered versions of the two TAC carbon processors combined.


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