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[1.12.x] TAC - Life Support v0.18.0 - Release 19th Sep 2021


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Thunder Aerospace Corporation Life Support (TACLS)EVRJw2Q.png

TACLS originally by Taranis Elsu

TAC Life Support is under new management in conjunction with the Realism Overhaul team! We are glad for the opportunity to keep this great mod alive. We are also very grateful to @TaranisElsu for creating TAC Life Support. Our hats are off to him.

What is TACLS?

TAC Life Support is a mod which adds food, water, oxygen, and electric charge as requirements for survival in space. Go without support for too long, and your Kerbals die a non-fiery death! Included are parts with storage for food, water, oxygen, waste products, as well as some recyclers for oxygen and water. It does not include support for growing food, but there are many mods which play well with TACLS to provide this functionality. It also integrates well into Realism Overhaul!

TAC Life Support



Refer to the

If you have a bug to report then:
Be a
:cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.

For support please ensure you are following these instructions.
From now on I will NOT respond to requests for support if you have not at least attempted to follow these simple steps.


When I ask for a LOG I mean this LOG:

  1. The Logs
    These are text files that the game spits out for debugging purposes as it runs; if something broke horribly in-game, there will be something in here about it. You should upload the entire log as a file (i.e. not to pastebin); you can use dropbox or an equivalent host to upload the file. Make sure the entire file gets uploaded; you may have to zip it first, as logs can be very long. Here is where you can find the log:
    • KSP versions 1.8.0 and above:

      1. Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
      2. - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information).
      3. Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
      4. Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

Installation and Dependencies

Please delete any previous installations of GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport before installing this.

Module Manager and Community Resource Pack are both required dependencies. They are included in the download for your convenience.
From version 0.13.2 TAC LS will consume and produce EC for unloaded vessels.  EC Production currently only includes Solar Panels and Generators.
You can turn off background resource processing in the Difficulty Settings for TAC LS.

Download - CurseForge, SpaceDock  or GitHub.

SpaceDock runs and makes mods available to you based purely on donation. If you don't want to pledge to me at least
Consider pledging to keep SpaceDock going if you use it.  8VWCQzN.png

License:  CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 and portions of code are MIT

SOURCE: Source

For a comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin



    Re-compile for KSP 1.12.x.
    Fix background resources - Kopernicus solar panels integration.
    Fix background resources - NRE spam on Resource Converters.
    Fix a NRE log spam on EVA kerbals - usually this involves rescue kerbals.
    Re-compile for KSP 1.11.x.
    Fix Kopernicus Solar Panel background processing.
    Added EVA construction capabilities to all 0.625m, 1.5m and 2.5m TAC-LS parts.
    Re-compile for KSP 1.10.x.
    Background resources can now track any mod part that uses stock resource converters to generate EC. This can be turned on via the Difficulty Settings (off by default).
    Fixed potential null reference errors on solar banels in background resources if the solar panel is missing transform definitions.
    Removed "Vessel situation change" log spam.   
    Fix potential NRE when applying game settings changes.
    Remove Mini AVC plugin.
    Fix NRE in TAC window in VAB/SPH spamming log.
    Fix potential out of resources scenario in timewarp with background resources active.
    Re-compile for KSP 1.9.x.

    Re-compile for KSP 1.8.x
    Add Warning and Critical Warning percentage levels to difficulty settings.

    Re-compile for KSP 1.7.x
    Reduce Log Spam when scenes change (no longer logs all save data).
    Support for Kromoneter and other mods that replace KSPUtil.dateTimeFormatter.
    Add missing bulkhead profile to 1.25m waste container. 

     Re-compile for KSP 1.6.x
     Added support for Near Future fission Generator in Unloaded Resource processing.
     Added support for TacGenericConvertor in Unloaded Resource processing. - NB: does not factor in crew bonuses in resource calcs for unloaded vessels.
     Added support for ModuleResourceConverter's that produce ElectricCharge ONLY (eg: FuelCell) in Unloaded Resource processing. - NB: does not factor in crew bonuses in resource    calcs for unloaded vessels.
     Fix ModuleTestSubject configuration for the revamped pod parts.


    Add test subject to Making History parts.
    Fix LS resources not appearing for Female Kerbals on EVA without Making History installed.


    Re-compile for KSP 1.5.x.
    Should now show converter name in converter part extended part tooltip in VAB/SPH.   


  • Add Life Support to kerbals wearing the Making History suits.
  • Update the included Module Manager version to the correct one.


  • Re-compile for KSP 1.4.1.
  • (Contains changes from v0.13.7 Dev)

v0.13.7 Dev

  • Fix issue where if CCK is not installed TAC LS parts not showing in Editors.
  • Fix issues with EC consumption - Correct delta time check and not recording last EC usage when EC runs out resulting in never ending shortage in both scenario where window can be open and cannot.   


  • Re-compile for KSP 1.3.1


  •     Caches, produces and consumes Life Support resources on Unloaded vessels and provides a buffer for high time warp.
  •     WARNING: EC Production only supported for solar panels and generators (including Kopernicus Solar Panels) at this time.
  •     Fixed bug so that opening the window only occurs in an actual atmosphere.
  •     Window will be opened when EC or O2 runs out and in an atmosphere.
  •     Added Hibernate option for EC and O2 consumption. Re-wrote how hibernation works internally.
  •     Hibernation vs Death now working correctly.
  •     Fix EC processing for unloaded vessels.
  •     Rescue Kerbals now have correct Life support given to them. Rescue kerbas will remain as "Rescue Me!" status consuming no resources until such time as either a) - You swap to them or b) they are loaded (come within loading range of the active vessel).
  •     Fixed issue where recovered vessels at times will not clean up Kerbal tracking causing multiple "copies" and duplicated kerbals appearing in the TAC LS monitoring UI.
  •     Russian Localization texts included- Thanks go to forum user Tirathangil.
  •     Also includes Spanish Localization text. Thanks goes to forum user Fitiales.
  •     TAC LS Will recognize if BackgroundProcessing mod is installed and turn off it's own processing for all resources. It is highly recommended you Uninstall BackgroundProcessing Mod if you have it installed!
  •     Fixed TACLS difficulty Game Settings from being reset. - WARNING: This may reset some of your TACLS resource values in your save game. Please check them in your save games after upgrading.
  •     Update CRP to latest version. (0.7.1)

v0.13.4dev - Was a series of dev/test builds see changelog for 0.13.5 above.
v0.13.3dev  - Was a series of dev/test builds see changelog for 0.13.5 above.

  • Fix Null Reference errors for probe vessels.


  • Update for KSP 1.3.
  • Localization support added. All languages in English for now. Other Language contributions welcome! :)
  • Unloaded Vessel Resource processing. TAC LS now processes Life Support resources for unloaded vessels.
  • Fix Issue with Electric Charge not being calculated and reported correctly.
  • Now checks if vessel is on or above a body that has an atmosphere that contains oxygen and allows the windows to be opened, or vents opened (if enough EC) to use the air from the atmosphere instead of on-board Oxygen.
  • Fix Issue with Electric Charge - Opening the Windows in Atmosphere option and show this in the UI.
  • Include Electricity readout for PreLaunch vessels (as they still consume EC for non TAC-LS reasons.
  • Fix App Launcher Icon colour showing correct overall status of vessels.
  • More performance tweaks and improvements under the hood.
  • Removed pop-up at KSC for new games advising where Settings are. (People should know where they are by now).
  • Fix Settings being reset when clicking Custom difficulty option.
  • Fix Life Support Parts showing in Utilities category when Community Category Kit is installed.
  • Update to latest Community Category Kit and Community Resource Kit.   


  • Fix Rescue kerbal for kerbals on the ground due to contracts system not being loaded in time.
  • Change Water purifier Water output rate to match water usage rates so as to avoid positive water scenario.
  • Fix issue with Low Electricity Warning at high warp rate.


  • Fix Rescue kerbal checking where contract only contains kerbal's first name.
  • Fix when Rescue contracts cancelled. Untrack Kerbals on Rescue contracts if the contract is cancelled.
  • When a Kerbal that is in an External Command Seat leaves that seat TAC LS will now fill up their EVA life support resources from the vessel the command seat is a part of and leave behind any waste resources in the vessel.    
  • Changed Converter parts to have a bonus base of 1 and specialist efficiency factor of 0.5. This should make the values more what they should be. (Start at 100%).



  •     Removed tracking of vessels that did have crew but now don't. - no more empty vessels being tracked.
  •     Added conversionRate field to TACGenericConverter. This is an optional field and defaults to a value of 1. Back by popular demand, this is to support numerous requests to add this feature
  •     back into to this module as it was removed when the module was changed to stock in v0.12.5. If you specify this field in your converter config file the value must be
  •     greater than zero (or it sets it back to the default) and can be any decimal value. Whatever value you specify will be used as a multiplier against all INPUT, OUTPUT and
  •     REQUIREMENTS config nodes and their specified resources.
  •     Tweak to EVA pack resources when Kerbal EVAs from regular vessel vs a Recovery Contract Vessel.
  •     Fixed CrewType tracking.
  •     Finally fixed Rescue Kerbal vessel.kerbal tracking.
  •     Updated Community Resource Pack to version 0.6.3.
  •     Updated Community Category Kit to 1.2.0.    
  •     Remove requirement for RSTKSPGameEvents dll dependency. Changed to leverage 1.2.2 GameEvents extensions. You must have DeepFreeze version and above to work with this version of TAC LS.
  •     If DeepFreeze mod is also installed Vessel Info UI window will show Totals for both Frozen and Unfrozen kerbals.


  • Fix PreLaunch Vessel handling. Any vessel that is PreLaunch will display as such and will not consume resources (with the exception of ElectricCharge), however, TACLS will not track EC drain for a PreLaunch vessel so it is possible if you leave a vessel on the pad with no EC generation that immediately on launch TACLS will see the vessel as having no EC available. Due to this and other internal changes all vessels will appear as PreLaunch after upgrading on existing saves. All you have to do is switch to each vessel for TACLS to update and start tracking them again. Sorry about that but couldn't be avoided.  https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/50
  •     Fixed [UNKNOWN] vessel type showing for vessels in the UI.
  •     Fixed Vessel list not showing the active vessel at the top of the list when switching between vessels. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/51
  •     Massive code clean-up for performance improvements begins. Internally TAC LS now uses KSP GameEvents for all vessel processing setting things up for future
  •     version resource processing of ALL vessels including unloaded vessels.
  •     Fix Tourist processing/monitoring. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/issues/52
  •     Fix Rescue Kerbals processing/monitoring.
  •     Fixed part search tags on all parts.
  •     Fixed NullReferenceException on the Air Filter TACGenericConverter in the Editor scene.
  •     Fix Turning TAC LS on/off in a save file (was causing crash when turning on). TAC LS can only be enabled/disabled for a save when creating a new save or at the Space Center.
  •     Added support for Community Category Kit (now included in TAC LS download). This is a KSP modding community kit for common part categories in the editor. TAC LS parts will now appear in the "Life Support" category that this kit adds along with the built-in TAC Life Support category which you can still turn on or off. If you prefer to not use the Community Category Kit  simply delete the <KSPinstall>\GameData\CommunityCategoryKit folder. You can then turn off the built-in TAC LS category in the difficulty settings and use the community category if you so wish. Of course, you can use both if you also so desire and the parts will appear in both categories.
  •     Rebalanced the smaller Recyclers so they support 3 kerbals and cost less.
  •     Rebalanced weight of larger extractors/recyclers.
  •     Added bulkheadprofiles to part configs (for size sorting in editor).
  •     Aligned part names to include size in their names.    
  •     Added RSTKSPGameEvents dll and removed use of reflection for better integration with DeepFreeze mod.
  •     Added Frozen field to internal dictionaries and DeepFreeze frozen kerbals now don't disappear from monitoring windows (although they still don't consume resources when frozen).


  • Re-compiled for KSP 1.2 with necessary changes (will not work on earlier versions of KSP).
  •     Some performance and garbage clean-up in the codebase (a further cleanup performance improvement code review is still required).    
  •     Support for different life support settings per save game, and also support MM override by Realism Overhaul for start of new games.
  •     Settings are now integrated into stock Difficulty Settings. For new games you can set the various TAC LS settings via the Difficulty settings window when you are starting a new game.
  •     Settings can also be changed in-game via the Stock Pause Menu - Settings - Difficulty Settings button.
  •     Depending on where in the game you are different settings can be changed (EG: resource consumption values can only be changed in the Space Center screen.)
  •     There is no TAC LS Icon now in the Space Center screen as it's only purpose before was for settings (which you now access via the game pause menu).
  •     The LifeSupport.Cfg file is now base settings for start of a NEW save only.
  •     Once a save is started copies of these fields are persisted into the sfs save file so you can have different TAC LS resource/settings for each save game.
  •     Changes to existing saves must then only be made in-game and these changes are persisted into the sfs save file.
  •     Added Setting for how often the Vessel Lists will be re-sorted in the TAC LS UI window. Removed old sort that occurred every onGUI (bad performance).
  •     Hibernation mechanic changes:
    •         Hibernation vs Death is now toggled via the TAC LS Difficulty settings menu.
    •         Crew in hibernation are changed to Tourists so they cannot perform normal crew functions.
    •         When food/water is restored to their hibernating vessel crew (tourists) become normal crew again.
  •     Added 3.75M parts for all the existing TAC LS parts.
  •     Fixed text alignment in TAC LS monitoring screens.
  •     Clicking the "R" button to open the roster window now acts as a toggle so pressing it again will close the roster window.
  •     Fixed the Editor Category Icon to be more in line with the other icons. If you turn on the Editor Category Icon the TAC LS parts will only appear under the TAC LS category.
  •     Moved icons into the Icons folder. Moved the Plugin DLL to the Plugins folder.
  •     Converted all resource converters from custom build resource converter module to use the stock ModuleResourceConverter module, they also now all support Engineer specialist boosts.
  •     Updated Community Resource Pack to the latest version (v0.6.0).




  • Recompiled for KSP 1.1.3
  • Updated bundled dependencies
  • Made a few texture references consistent


  • Fixed "Release/Release/GameData/..." in the .zip, so it's not so ugly. Mod name and version are reflected in the .zip file too. What a concept! If the mod is already working fine for you, this update is unnecessary.


  • Added TMS retextures as standard - thanks @TMS
  • Integrated DeepFreeze compatibility - thanks @JPLRepo
  • Updated part files with search tags
  • Updated version and licensing files

v0.11.3 - KSP 1.1.2 update - Many thanks @WaylandSmith and @James3838 for update code.

Original Author @TaranisElsu

Current Maintainers:
@danfarnsy & @JPLRepo

New TAC LS Logo courtesy of @sumghai
New Part Textures courtesy of @TMS

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5 hours ago, Senior Slaphead said:

Any idea how to remove the custom TAC-LS parts catagory in the VAB?  I've dumped the parts as I'm using Universal Storage.

Currently no way to do. Raise a request on GitHub (see Support in the OP) and I can make it a Settings Option.

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So FYI everyone. This Mod will from now on only be available via SpaceDock and GitHub.
I attempted to create a new project on CurseForge but met nothing but red tape.
Apparently I have to get @TaranisElsu to transfer ownership of his original project on Curse over to me. But of course he hasn't been on the forums since early May when he said goodbye.
Supplying a long lengthy trail of Forum posts and history to the Curse Admins has not appeased them and they refuse to do anything without his direct consent or transfer of ownership.
I tried pointing out to them the license allowed for everything, and that TaranisElsu had given his blessing in the old forum thread. But nope.
so anyway, sorry Curse/Curseforge users but you won't find TAC LS there ever again.

So it would seem that Curse have seen the light and added me as an owner to @TaranisElsu original Curse page for TAC LS.
So I've updated the OP with a Curse link as well.

Edited by JPLRepo
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1 hour ago, Oromis said:

@JPLRepo Hi, will it be on CKAN?

I don't know... Don't use it. TAC LS works fine if downloaded from the links in the OP. I can see CKAN metadata on GitHub still has old version.
Please take up CKAN metadata issues on the CKAN thread. Thanks.

Edited by JPLRepo
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This is the only life support mod I ever use. Glad to see that it's still getting updates and love. 

ObligatoryFeatureRequest: Make the Water Splitters generate LH2 instead of "Waste", so we can mine ice for fuel like real science fiction heros.

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20 hours ago, eataTREE said:

This is the only life support mod I ever use. Glad to see that it's still getting updates and love. 

ObligatoryFeatureRequest: Make the Water Splitters generate LH2 instead of "Waste", so we can mine ice for fuel like real science fiction heros.

Glad you like TAC LS. Like you it's been the LS mod I keep coming back to and I hope we can keep it going for some time to come. 

As per the Support section in the OP. All bugs and feature requests to the GitHub log thanks and it will be looked at. 

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On 26/8/2016 at 11:32 AM, JPLRepo said:

I don't know... Don't use it. TAC LS works fine if downloaded from the links in the OP. I can see CKAN metadata on GitHub still has old version.
Please take up CKAN metadata issues on the CKAN thread. Thanks.

The mod is on CKAN but the the version name "V0.12.3" (with the capital V) is not considered newer than the version "v0.12.2" (with the small v)

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2 hours ago, MscG said:

The mod is on CKAN but the the version name "V0.12.3" (with the capital V) is not considered newer than the version "v0.12.2" (with the small v)

Yes, that would do it. Case matters to the CKAN. @JPLRepo, I can use the CKAN's epoch hack to force the latest release, or you could re-release that version with the same version header string used on previous releases so the version numbers in CKAN look the same as the GitHub ones. Which would you prefer?

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On 8/25/2016 at 3:04 PM, JPLRepo said:

Currently no way to do. Raise a request on GitHub (see Support in the OP) and I can make it a Settings Option.

I second this if its possible/reasonable. As an aside, the Filter extensions mod already has an additional 'agnostic' life support tab in the parts filter that may be beneficial to you. 

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6 hours ago, politas said:

Yes, that would do it. Case matters to the CKAN. @JPLRepo, I can use the CKAN's epoch hack to force the latest release, or you could re-release that version with the same version header string used on previous releases so the version numbers in CKAN look the same as the GitHub ones. Which would you prefer?

Ok thanks. Adjusted Deployment automation to use UpperCase V.
I'll release an update version hopefully today.

4 hours ago, Stratickus said:

I second this if its possible/reasonable. As an aside, the Filter extensions mod already has an additional 'agnostic' life support tab in the parts filter that may be beneficial to you. 

Some people don't like using Filter Extensions mod, so leaving this in. but adding ability to turn it on or off.


Edited by JPLRepo
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2 hours ago, JPLRepo said:

Ok thanks. Adjusted Deployment automation to use UpperCase V.
I'll release an update version hopefully today.

Guessing that's a typo but think it needs to be lowercase.

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5 hours ago, Torih said:

Guessing that's a typo but think it needs to be lowercase.

Hmm not sure really.. so the version I released yesterday had a "v" in it... I assumed the issue is it should be "V"
Every older version of TAC LS actually didn't have a "V" or a "v" in the filename. So I have no idea what it's supposed to be now.
Oh wait - Does it use the Version number of the zip file?? or the Release name on Github? or what? Eternally confused with regard to CKAN, from a modder's perspective, which is not what CKAN originally set out to achieve.
Will wait for @politas to confirm. 'Cause I'm not doing releases just for the sake of a filename. It should be more robust than that and have better metadata than relying on a filename. eg: AVC version file. * drops mike *

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As far as I can tell, it's based on the tag that's created in github: https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/releases


https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/releases/tag/V0.12.3 vs https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/releases/tag/v0.12.2

So, it should be as simple as pushing a tag on github with a lowercase v that's pointing at the same commit as the current release. And that's cheap enough to be worth trying since you don't need to create a new release.

Edited by Conventia
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Hello friends! I am playing RSS/RP-0 and just actualized this mod via ckan. It seems that the comsuption rates have changed, I know this can be changed in the in-game menu but now I can't know what those were, so if someone could point me to the realism overhaul consumption rates or just copy-paste them here I would be very thankful. Best wishes!

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I am having the same issue as Perringo.

I tried reinstalling the Realism Overhual Configuration file maually from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport/PluginData/TacLifeSupport/LifeSupport.cfg

I still am getting the same default resourse rates :(

I made sure to replace the Lifesupport.cfg with the rates file that was moved from GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport to GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\.

Any help for us RSS players would be much appreciated!

PS. Thanks for helping keep this wonderful mod alive! :)


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7 hours ago, Perringo said:

Hello friends! I am playing RSS/RP-0 and just actualized this mod via ckan. It seems that the comsuption rates have changed, I know this can be changed in the in-game menu but now I can't know what those were, so if someone could point me to the realism overhaul consumption rates or just copy-paste them here I would be very thankful. Best wishes!

9 minutes ago, Kreetcha said:

I am having the same issue as Perringo.

I tried reinstalling the Realism Overhual Configuration file maually from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupport/PluginData/TacLifeSupport/LifeSupport.cfg

I still am getting the same default resourse rates :(

I made sure to replace the Lifesupport.cfg with the rates file that was moved from GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData\TacLifeSupport to GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\.

Any help for us RSS players would be much appreciated!

PS. Thanks for helping keep this wonderful mod alive! :)


As per the change log the LifeSupport.cfg file was moved.
It should be located in: <kspinstalldir>\GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\ folder now.
NOT in \GameData\ThunderAerospace\TacLifeSupport\PluginData
Just move it manually and make sure it's not in the PluginData folder and you should be right.
RO is putting it in the old location by the looks of it, I'll discuss with the RO guys.

Edited by JPLRepo
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