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[KSP 1.3.1] Bon Voyage - Make your wheels rolling! 2017-10-15


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2 minutes ago, maja said:

@aluc24 Ah, I see it. You don't have enough RTG power, right? That speed reduction, if you don't have enough power, brought that up. Add more RTGs, if you can, and I'll fix it in the next release.

Yeah, that might be it. As I said, not a major issue, I'll wait for the next release. Thanks!

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Unofficial rebuild with fixes and few functions for KSP 1.3 and 1.2.2.

Download version for KSP 1.2.2 here

Download version for KSP 1.3 here

Change log:

  • Option to switch BV controller off
  • Fix for night time ride
  • Fixed target longitude display



There will be only one other unofficial release (KSP 1.2.2 and 1.3 supported), if RealGecko doesn't return until that time, and than we'll wait, if he returns or not. It's his mod and I can't change it more.


EDIT: Link update

Edited by maja
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Heeeeeey! I've been quite busy lately, but I'm back for a brief period.

First things first: @maja did a lot of work in improving the mod, thanks, pal!

As I can see from latest comments all this "power production requirements" are quite confusing for lot of people. So I'm thinking about removing them at all and instead just change average speed of the rover depending on various factors.

This will take some time as I plan to integrate @maja's improvements as well.

Keep calm and drive safe :cool:

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Regarding this mod not using stored resources, is that a hard design decision or would you be interested in a pull request if I were to code in that sort of support? (which, at some point I intend to do for my own personal use but I don't know when considering KSP 1.3.0 recently came out and I have several mods that I need to get updated for)

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Hi I am having trouble

I am using KSP 1.2.2 

The rover has EC, it has solar panels and has fuel cells. it tells me I need MOAR solar panels. and shows a solar power input of 0.

Assembly: BonVoyage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Input is null for field 'landedAt' in config node ''
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at ProtoVessel.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at BonVoyage.BonVoyage.LoadRovers()
   at BonVoyage.BonVoyage.onLevelWasLoaded(GameScenes scene)
   at EventData`1[[GameScenes, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].Fire(GameScenes data)
   at HighLogic+<FireLoadedEvent>c__Iterator68.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)


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1 hour ago, Tochas said:

Hi I am having trouble

I am using KSP 1.2.2 

The rover has EC, it has solar panels and has fuel cells. it tells me I need MOAR solar panels. and shows a solar power input of 0.

Assembly: BonVoyage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Input is null for field 'landedAt' in config node ''
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at ProtoVessel.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at BonVoyage.BonVoyage.LoadRovers()
   at BonVoyage.BonVoyage.onLevelWasLoaded(GameScenes scene)
   at EventData`1[[GameScenes, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].Fire(GameScenes data)
   at HighLogic+<FireLoadedEvent>c__Iterator68.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)



Hi, try this version, if it helps for now.@RealGecko is working on a new release :)

Fuel cells as a power source aren't implemented yet.

That error appears only after a rover deployment. Move it a little bit and you're good to go.

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9 hours ago, Starwaster said:


Regarding this mod not using stored resources, is that a hard design decision or would you be interested in a pull request if I were to code in that sort of support? (which, at some point I intend to do for my own personal use but I don't know when considering KSP 1.3.0 recently came out and I have several mods that I need to get updated for)

I did not implement stored resources usage like ones in fuel cells as I did not want to do background processing or complex calculations of how much is used and how much is left. However I'm not against new features as soon as they're not CPU heavy :)

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Hey everybody, I got some weird things going on too. So first I had to recreate my KSP installation from backup save files. (Long story … just don’t ask =) ). I got it up working again (yay!) – except for my rovers. So what happened?

Well when I open BV in KSC screen, all rovers are gone. I can still go to them as to any other vessel, they have their BV module but won’t move. Yes, I went back to space centre and time lapsed till next morning. Coordinates haven't changed a single micron.

What have I tried yet?

- First I checked the save file for any obvious corruption. It looked pretty okay for me.

- Reinstalled BV 0.12.0, tried maja’s and rolled back to 0.11.0. Nothing changed.

- Browsed the log (several times after each re-installation) an found exceptions like

[EXC 22:01:47.962] FormatException: Invalid length.

                System.Convert.FromBase64String (System.String s)

                BonVoyage.PathUtils.DecodePath (System.String pathEncoded)

                BonVoyage.ActiveRover..ctor (.Vessel v, .ConfigNode module, .ConfigNode vcf)

                BonVoyage.BonVoyage.LoadRovers ()

                BonVoyage.BonVoyage.Start ()

The BV control panel on the rovers themselves behaved “strange”. Sometimes they did not react to clicks on the buttons anymore.

Another strange thing I noticed is, that Lon. and Lat. of the selected target are exactly the same number, that of the latitude. If I looked at it correctly this is also the case in Tochas’ screenshot above.

Well, I just don’t know what happened. I can imagine that my save file are somehow messed up or I am just to blind to see a mistake I made. It’s not necessarily a bug in the mod..I just ask for a hint how to get my rovers back to work. ;.;

Screenshots, safe file and log

Thanks for your time & always great help!




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@SchrottBot Hi, get my version (I tried fix that), don't roll back. Visit first rover you can't see in the list (or just all of them), if you know their order, and rebuild their path. Use shorter paths. Alternativelly, go to your persistent.sfs (backup first), delete that mess of characters after "pathEncoded = " in BonVoyageModule module and change isActive flag to False (isActive = False) for all rovers.

Edited by maja
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On 5/29/2017 at 11:30 PM, maja said:


Hi, try this version, if it helps for now.@RealGecko is working on a new release :)

Fuel cells as a power source aren't implemented yet.

That error appears only after a rover deployment. Move it a little bit and you're good to go.


Thanks It worked!

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On 1.6.2017 at 7:37 AM, maja said:

@SchrottBot Hi, get my version (I tried fix that), don't roll back. Visit first rover you can't see in the list (or just all of them), if you know their order, and rebuild their path. Use shorter paths. Alternativelly, go to your persistent.sfs (backup first), delete that mess of characters after "pathEncoded = " in BonVoyageModule module and change isActive flag to False (isActive = False) for all rovers.

Hey guys,

that did it! :D First  I went to the rovers an tried to reset the courses. Nothing happend an the BV panel was still weird bahaving, so I goz to the save file and cleaned it up. Again nothing happend. But I noticed the exceptions were gone after cleaning the save file, so I retried building an new rover path starting wirth the first rover. Thisone cam back and startet moving. Going over the others the came back bit by bit. After mesing around with it al little it seems everything's looking good again. 

Just one really tiny an unimportant thig seems to be still in place. Lattitude and longitude are still the same number when displayed in the BV control panel. Rovers arrive at the correct coordonates and the save file has the correct data too. So I guess it's just am mixup in the display.

Thanks a lot for the swift and helpfull support !!!


Nevermind @RealGecko, stuff like this keeps happening. :0) You're investing so much time and passion in developing mods for the game, it's only natural that time by time things don't owrk exactly out like intended. That happens in real life and in the game, so don't worry about it! :o) Didn't KSP mean "Keep Security backups just as Precaution" ? :P





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On 2. 6. 2017 at 10:23 PM, SchrottBot said:

Just one really tiny an unimportant thig seems to be still in place. Lattitude and longitude are still the same number when displayed in the BV control panel. Rovers arrive at the correct coordonates and the save file has the correct data too. So I guess it's just am mixup in the display.


I just updated both unofficial versions, no version number change:

Download version for KSP 1.2.2 here

Download version for KSP 1.3 here


Hyped for official version :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after Sending two Kerbals on a trip on the Mun's Surface, i return only to find the Rover unmanned, and both show up in the Astronaut Complex as K.I.A. Has this happened to anyone else or could this be unrelated to this mod?

Edited by Canopus
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57 minutes ago, Canopus said:

So after Sending two Kerbals on a trip on the Mun's Surface, i return only to find the Rover unmannded, and both show up in the Astronaut Complex as K.I.A. Has this happened to anyone else or could this be unrelated to this mod?

I've had occasional glitches in the Matrix like this.  My last one was when I set the rover to autodrive, and then switched to a nearby lander and took off.  When I came back, the rover had changed it's destination, and it was now crewed by the crew of the lander.  (Who were also still in the lander...)

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Just now, DStaal said:

I've had occasional glitches in the Matrix like this.  My last one was when I set the rover to autodrive, and then switched to a nearby lander and took off.  When I came back, the rover had changed it's destination, and it was now crewed by the crew of the lander.  (Who were also still in the lander...)

Thats basically what i did. Well i'll keep my Rovers unmanned for now.

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1 minute ago, Canopus said:

Thats basically what i did. Well i'll keep my Rovers unmanned for now.

What I've been doing is making sure I don't move any vehicles that are within physics range of an active rover.  If I were to be in the same position again, I would try switching back to the KSC, waiting a few minutes for the rover to leave the area, and then coming back to move the lander.  (Either that or launch the lander, and then come back and set the rover into motion.)

That rover has then made four or five stops using autodrive, and another rover has made three, all manned, without issue.

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1 minute ago, DStaal said:

What I've been doing is making sure I don't move any vehicles that are within physics range of an active rover.  If I were to be in the same position again, I would try switching back to the KSC, waiting a few minutes for the rover to leave the area, and then coming back to move the lander.  (Either that or launch the lander, and then come back and set the rover into motion.)

That rover has then made four or five stops using autodrive, and another rover has made three, all manned, without issue.

It might be better if it ONLY worked from the tracking station. 

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