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Positives of console KSP


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If you like movies, action games, etc, console is nice for that. And you still can play KSP on it, and have only one device occupying your living space instead of two. That's a kinda nice thing.


And the pristine purist stock experience! :D

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I own KSP on console. I do not have a PC powerful enough to run it and I DEFINITELY do not want to buy another copy after the fiasco us console players have been through; but I'll say this:

I've enjoyed learning about orbital mechanics

I like Kerbals

I like running ksp on my 40 inch TV

I like lounging on a couch as I do so

I own this hardware, so it is affordable




The crashes and data loss are soul crushing 

"Did you know that 80 percents of all accidents in KSP happen in the VAB?" being most of the way through constructing some interplanetary beauty to have my console freeze is maddening. Some other posts on the forum explain how low a part count you need before crashing/corruption is an issue... something like 100 parts. So if you like space stations, mining or massive crafts it's a HUGE limitation. 


Again, I don't play on PC so I don't know if they also have this issue but parts don't like to "snap" together.


Bottom line, DO NOT BUY CONSOLE KSP. Any creative person could find a way to hook their pc up to a TV in front of couch.



Edited by Deadmanrunning
moar kontent
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I would like to play it on console. Today marks the 73rd day of the launch on ps4 and no fix.

Here are some things I like to do with the current release of the console version.

- Reading the loading screens funny messages.
- Practicing re-organizing my staging after returning form an EVA.
- Inside the VAB, count how long it takes to zoom in on a craft over 30 parts from the farthest zoomed out distance. My record is 8 seconds.
- Building SSTO's and then delete them after flying them (to save memory)
- Seeing how many things I can dock to a space station before I get a corrupt game save.
- Listening to the main menu soundtrack.
- Watching a ship orbit Kerbin for hours.
- Trying to get the "Add a maneuver node" dialogue box not to show up when adjusting a maneuver node.
- Planning rescue mission in theory but knowing I can't afford the memory loss of building more ships.

I know I'm being a jerk here. This is my favorite game of all time. I know they will fix the problems but I couldn't just say that I think almost everything works on console without spelling out the hilariously bad release of the console version. So excluding the game crippling bugs to a point that I wouldn't recommend playing it, the game is super fun to play on console and works well. Flying planes and ships is much easier with a controller, especially mun landings (for me). Once you remember the slew of controller commands to do the things you use all the time it becomes very accessible. i.e. L1 + long hold of O = turn on RCS. I can't wait to be sitting on my couch playing a stable release of the game. I wish SQUAD and FTE all the luck in the world with the fix.

Happy Friday Kerbonauts!

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i dont own a console but i do play ksp with the steam controller on my pc ... and im not sure if its just the way ksp setup the keybindings for the steam controller but it always feelings clunky and awkward using the steam controller either using ksps own provided settings or my own custom i would imagine it would transfer to console my honest oppinion is this game is designed for keyboard and mouse in-mind if u can get a keyboard/mouse for the console great if not i wouldnt bother and i would build yourself a nice mini atx system ..(often smaller than a console cheaperand 100% upgradable)

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Hi Rocketeer. I play KSP on the Xbox One console. I have no experience with the PC version of the game.

What's enjoyable about KSP on console? That's a tough question to answer. Playing KSP is like reading a good book. The game plays out on the screen, but takes it's true form within the imagination of the person playing the game. When I made my first complete Kerbin orbit, I stopped and just sat back in awe looking over the surface of the planet below. Then much to my shock and dismay, I noticed my batteries were running down and I had to make a de-orbit burn ASAP. From calm to panic in a heartbeat!

One of the most enjoyable moments I've had while playing console KSP, is of course my first landing and takeoff from the Mun. The mixture of planning, apprehension, relief and ultimate triumph is something anyone who has looked up to the Moon at night needs to do for themselves. It's one of those epic gaming moments that my words just can't do proper justice.

Unfortunately, it was during my Mun landings where the game save issues first hit me hard. Just as I got a taste of victory, the unfinished state of the game stole my breath away. So frustrating, and also so totally helpless. The console version does not include a debug mode, and we cannot edit our save files at all. On a game console, loss of a save is a total loss of the game.

Enough of that, you did ask for positive feedback after all.

The controls on XB1 KSP are difficult at first, but quite good once you get some practice at it. Don't listen to anyone who hasn't actually played the console version of the game when it comes to how well the game works gamepad only. In no way did this control method harm my experience playing KSP. There are of course, some improvements that need to made in the future for console KSP. There is a shocking lack of custom user control settings, such as invert Y axis. The Xbox One version does not take any advantage of the expensive but excellent "Elite Wireless Controller" made by Microsoft. The paddle buttons on the EWC just duplicate the normal controller buttons. I wish Squad/FlyingTiger would allow custom player settings for these paddles, such as "switch to target" when trying to dock ships.

Another controller option that the XB1 KSP version does not fully support is the Microsoft ChatPad. The Chatpad is a inexpensive controller add on that clips neatly to the XB1 game controller. It is a micro backlit QWERTY keyboard. Any negative thoughts on the console control method could be easily put to rest if this was fully supported.

Overall, I am very impressed with Kerbal Space Program as a console game. It still needs development however. The "stock" game which the console version is, requires planet surface activity expansion. Also, there is no readout for orbit information or delta V requirements such as what PC players get when they run MechJeb or KerbalEngineer mods.

And then of course, there's the little issue of a console release that was no where near retail ready. I remain hopeful the upcoming Xbox One patch will solve many of the outstanding issues the game now suffers from. Version 1.2 on the PC sounds amazing, good things are coming to Kerbal Space Program.

Well, that's enough from me. I hope this is the type of information you were looking for Rocketeer. :wink:

(below are two KSP screenshot links taken on my Xbox One and stored on One Drive. Not sure if it will work or not.)




Edited by Dunnfore
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  On 9/24/2016 at 1:23 AM, RX2000 said:

Really what should happen is that console KSP get broken out into its own sub-forum. I'm actually surprised that hasnt happened yet.


Its been asked; the idea is that "most" gameplay questions pertaining to consoles would pertain to the pc as well, so there is no need for a special forum for consoles with essentially duplicate questions in it. 

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  On 9/24/2016 at 7:55 PM, Temido2222 said:

None. KSP already supports controllers. No reason to buy this game for a console


"Supports controllers" != seamless, right-out-of-the-box working. Depending on the controller you have, KSP may or may not work with it, and it may or may not take a significant amount of work to get them to work. I'm not saying that it would be a reason to buy Console, but neither did the OP ask for that:


So, please let me know what you feel the best things about console KSP are, whatever they are - what are the things that really work?


And yes, controllers really work well on the console versions, in a seamless way; that is something the console version definitely does better.

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  On 9/22/2016 at 2:49 PM, The_Rocketeer said:

I've been making changes to my living space lately, and I'm weighing up a lot of options for entertainment equipment. I don't want to get too deep into the particulars of that, but it would feed my decision making process to have some first-hand feedback about KSP on console.


I heard you had a child recently. First, if that's true, congratulations! Second, that's when I switched from a gaming box to a gaming laptop. :wink: YMMV, but I've been gaming at the kitchen table ever since.

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@regex thanks, probably a realistic answer. :rolleyes::D

Actually we're still waiting for the little guy/gal to make their appearance, but our home is changing a lot and my desktop has come under serious appraisal regarding the space it takes up and the time I (don't/won't) spend on it. Hence console thoughts - our old PS3 still suits for most things, but not KSP. Now look, u got me talking about those particulars! :confused: In general I was trying to frame this thread to be more useful and positive for the whole community, so my personal circumstances are only tangential. I do sincerely appreciate your insight on this, tho.

I say this for the benefit of subsequent posters - I'm not really looking for personal life advice beyond the scope of the question asked, I'd like the thread to be relevant to a wider group than just myself, so please try to stick to the central question about your experience of console KSP.

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The OP is asking a loaded question. KSP is not a different game on console. It is just an older port currently, and a broken one at that. Talking about orbiting, building, or landing on the Mun for the first time has nothing to do with consoles specifically. So I guess the OP would just like console users to speak positively about KSP, even though they have had a negative experience with the console version. Us console players might have more positive things to say about the game if the console version had been better. 

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  On 9/26/2016 at 9:23 AM, chimpbone said:

The OP is asking a loaded question. KSP is not a different game on console. It is just an older port currently, and a broken one at that. Talking about orbiting, building, or landing on the Mun for the first time has nothing to do with consoles specifically. So I guess the OP would just like console users to speak positively about KSP, even though they have had a negative experience with the console version. Us console players might have more positive things to say about the game if the console version had been better. 


It is a loaded question, and I'm asking for loaded answers. All the negativity about console is well understood and documented already, what I would like is specifically the opposite - the far less documented positives.

And where there is crossover between PC and console, that doesn't really matter. I'm asking console players to comment on what the game is like to play on consoles, as tho there had never been a PC version. It doesn't tell me anything about what's good about the game on console to say 'PC is better at x, y, z'. It's more useful to say 'Personally I loved a because, b was pretty good too, but the real peach was c'. Assuming that a PC player will find console unrewarding just because it's different is an unfair appraisal.

The bad things about console are mostly about bugs and in-development issues, and as such I have absolute faith that Squad (and by extension FTE) will get them fixed eventually. So, they're not really relevant. There still have to be good things about the game that even console players appreciate. I want to know what they are.

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  On 9/26/2016 at 11:10 AM, The_Rocketeer said:

It is a loaded question, and I'm asking for loaded answers. All the negativity about console is well understood and documented already, what I would like is specifically the opposite - the far less documented positives.

And where there is crossover between PC and console, that doesn't really matter. I'm asking console players to comment on what the game is like to play on consoles, as tho there had never been a PC version. It doesn't tell me anything about what's good about the game on console to say 'PC is better at x, y, z'. It's more useful to say 'Personally I loved a because, b was pretty good too, but the real peach was c'. Assuming that a PC player will find console unrewarding just because it's different is an unfair appraisal.

The bad things about console are mostly about bugs and in-development issues, and as such I have absolute faith that Squad (and by extension FTE) will get them fixed eventually. So, they're not really relevant. There still have to be good things about the game that even console players appreciate. I want to know what they are.


Just look around for all the good things that PC players say about KSP in general, & those will be the good things about the console version, except where bugs etc make them worse.

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Good thing really about gaming on the console over a PC, which certainly applies to KSP...

Its easy, no need to muck about, no discovering the DRM in a game objects to something you have installed (used to get that a lot as I had a development suite installed, thus oh the horror a debugger (not that I knew how to use it)).

Its easy to fire up and just play, no mucking about (well except the eggbox seeming to need to go through "its time to update" almost weekly at present which is irritating).


Playing the game is essentially the same, slightly different interface I dare say due to the lack of a keyboard, hopefully when the eggobx finally adds support the game can allow direct mouse and keyboard input in parallel to the console.


This is vastly easy to play while slobbing in the lounge...

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  On 9/26/2016 at 11:10 AM, The_Rocketeer said:

It is a loaded question, and I'm asking for loaded answers. All the negativity about console is well understood and documented already, what I would like is specifically the opposite - the far less documented positives.

And where there is crossover between PC and console, that doesn't really matter. I'm asking console players to comment on what the game is like to play on consoles, as tho there had never been a PC version. It doesn't tell me anything about what's good about the game on console to say 'PC is better at x, y, z'. It's more useful to say 'Personally I loved a because, b was pretty good too, but the real peach was c'. Assuming that a PC player will find console unrewarding just because it's different is an unfair appraisal.

The bad things about console are mostly about bugs and in-development issues, and as such I have absolute faith that Squad (and by extension FTE) will get them fixed eventually. So, they're not really relevant. There still have to be good things about the game that even console players appreciate. I want to know what they are.


So you would like us to speak positively about a game that most of us currently can't play? Am I missing something? You seem a little off-base, especially considering that you don't suffer the same afflictions that we on console do. The fact that we can't play the game IS relevant to this discussion, despite what you might think. A better time to ask this question would be when the game is in a functional state on console. It seems odd to ask this when the game is unplayable for so many people, and when there is currently a lot of frustration surrounding the console release. 


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It sounds like you're just looking for justification of your choice to go for the console,  since you already love KSP. 

Why bother asking what's positive about KSP console,  and specify not to compare it to the PC?   It's not like it's a different game.  It's the exact same game as the PC version,  except it was shoehorned into a platform it wasn't designed for.    Everything you can say that's fun and good about the console version,  you can also say about the PC version,  except that you don't have to deal with the  awkwardness of using a controller to play a game designed for keyboard and mouse. 


To ask your question "what do you find nice about KSP console" is literally the same as asking "what do you find nice about stock KSP?"

Since you don't want the negative,  people can't bring up the awkward controls, lack of mods,  overwhelmed CPU,  or the myriad of other problems that the console version has. 




Do you want the simple answer to your question? 

Q: "What's nice about KSP console?" 

A: "It's KSP,  on a console." 


And that's that.  



But that's not a bad thing,  because it opened up the joy of KSP to everyone who doesn't have a PC,  but does have a current gen console,  and that's a very good thing. 


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  On 9/26/2016 at 1:17 PM, RX2000 said:

Just look around for all the good things that PC players say about KSP in general, & those will be the good things about the console version, except where bugs etc make them worse.


The fact that you think this suggests you don't understand the question.


  On 9/26/2016 at 5:18 PM, chimpbone said:

So you would like us to speak positively about a game that most of us currently can't play?


Yes, if you can. If you can't, feel free to not speak.

  On 9/26/2016 at 5:18 PM, chimpbone said:

Am I missing something?


No, you nailed it.

  On 9/26/2016 at 5:18 PM, chimpbone said:

You seem a little off-base, especially considering that you don't suffer the same afflictions that we on console do.


I don't understand the baseball-reference. And 'afflictions' have literally nothing to do with this discussion.

  On 9/26/2016 at 5:18 PM, chimpbone said:

The fact that we can't play the game IS relevant to this discussion, despite what you might think.


Since I created this discussion, no it isn't, despite what you might think. In fact in the OP I acknowledge and deliberately rule out this exact issue from discussion.

  On 9/26/2016 at 5:18 PM, chimpbone said:

A better time to ask this question would be when the game is in a functional state on console. It seems odd to ask this when the game is unplayable for so many people, and when there is currently a lot of frustration surrounding the console release. 


This suggests that you don't understand the nature of the question. Nobody would bat an eyelid if I asked what were the weakest elements of a game generally thought to be very well polished, yet here I am asking what are the strongest parts of a game thought to be dangerously unpolished and people like you can't understand what I'm asking for. It's not that complicated, just be mature and think hard - what do you like (specifically no dislike) about playing KSP on your console?

  On 9/26/2016 at 6:52 PM, Daripuff said:

It sounds like you're just looking for justification of your choice to go for the console,  since you already love KSP.


This could be true if I'd made the choice to go to console (which I haven't), and indirectly I suppose it could be a legitimate personal goal besides the stated one, but what I'm trying to do specifically with this thread is simply collate all and any positive feedback about the console KSP experience, disregarding the current obvious drawbacks of which we are all already very well aware. I'm doing this because I think it would be useful to the community to know the good as well as the bad about console KSP, which is broadly (and I think probably unfairly) considered rather inferior by most members of the community.

  On 9/26/2016 at 6:52 PM, Daripuff said:

Why bother asking what's positive about KSP console,  and specify not to compare it to the PC?


To ask your question "what do you find nice about KSP console" is literally the same as asking "what do you find nice about stock KSP?"


Because playing any game on console is a totally different experience to playing the same game on PC. For example, I like GTA on console way better than GTA on PC. Why I like it better on console is a good question, but it has nothing to do with how awesome it is on PC. They are not the same, they are different experiences. KSP is a very novel game that has taught me to appreciate my PC in a way that almost absolutely no other program ever has. What I want to know is, what is there to look forward to on console?

If KSP was a picture comprised entirely of blue and red shapes, PC is like a red lens that would show me only the blue shapes (because it would filter out the red), and console is like a blue lens (that filters out the blue shapes and shows me the red). I already know all the blue shapes, and from the forum I also know which red shapes suck - what I want to know is which ones people like.

  On 9/26/2016 at 6:52 PM, Daripuff said:

Since you don't want the negative,  people can't bring up the awkward controls, lack of mods,  overwhelmed CPU,  or the myriad of other problems that the console version has. 


Perfect. Success. So what?

  On 9/26/2016 at 6:52 PM, Daripuff said:

Do you want the simple answer to your question?


And that's that.


Not really, the complicated and detailed answers (the ones I've 'liked') are much better in every single respect. They also demonstrate that your narrow view of what KSP can offer on different platforms is really not 'that'.


Can we please stop having people trying to discuss the meaning of the topic and just discussing the topic itself? It's not very complicated, it says it all, and if u can't bring anything to the stated topic then you literally bring nothing to the thread.

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  On 9/26/2016 at 10:37 PM, The_Rocketeer said:

Not really, the complicated and detailed answers (the ones I've 'liked') are much better in every single respect. They also demonstrate that your narrow view of what KSP can offer on different platforms is really not 'that'.



The post you really liked, by Dufor, has nothing good to say about the experience on the console.

There is literally nothing positive in that post that is not exactly the same as it is on the PC version.  

Seriously, look at it.

He's talking about the joy that is playing KSP, the trials and triumph that is KSP. 

Nothing that is positive about his comment has anything to do with console other than the fact he experienced it on a console. The only console-specific comments are either "it could be better/it fell short of expectations" or "it's workable and doesn't detract from the game".

KSP for console is simply KSP.

If you reject any negative, then you are left with the positive of the fact that it is KSP on console, and nothing more.

I think that you are asking for something that doesn't exist, which is positive experiences with KSP console that are unique to console, and not to PC.

There are none.  Nobody has been able to state a single one, other than the simple fact that you can play it on a console, with the ease of access that is every console game.

You are being constantly disappointed with the responses because you set impossible expectations.

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I've stayed out of this because I've never played KSP on a console, but I have been a console-exclusive gamer and I can tell you why I did that, if it'll help. I'll even not tell you why I went away from it and back to PC gaming exclusively.

I started console gaming exclusively for the following reasons:

  1. My TV is bigger than my computer monitor.
  2. I have a comfortable couch.
  3. Every game on a console works the same way for everybody. Nobody has a better processor, or video card, or anything. Granted there are now differences in hard drive size, and there's the ever-present network connection, but you get what I mean.
  4. It's easier to pick up a controller and hit a button on a remote and start playing, than it is to make sure all my work is saved and in a state I can pick it back up, then closed down, then IM software closed down, then close those 8 windows that somehow always get opened even though I only used them once and probably should have closed them right away, then notice I really wanted to write that email, then find out my spell checker has an update, and then forget what game I wanted to play.

None of these are KSP specific, but they could be benefits to playing KSP on a console that don't exist on the PC, at least not without some serious work to set them up.

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