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Kerbal Space Program 1.2: Loud & Clear release date and more!


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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:34 AM, l0k0 said:

So your opinion is that KSP should make kind of a revolution, shutting down moddability and releasing a monolithics version of the game with charged DLCs in order to make the game more sustainable in the long term, right?


From where you got that crazy scenario? Modding does not conflict with DLCs. However, there are some very bad limitations in KSP's engine. For example 2D planets restrict severely terrain generation. There are things which are complex and expensive to make, like multiplayer support, large graphical overhauls etc. It is quite unrealistic to expect such things happen if there are no economic advantage to Squad to do them. Many of them are impossible to mod and others are quite impractical or mod solutions have bad restrictions. If Squad implemented the new possibilities to the core engine and sell it as DLC, modders could also use them and produce new content and KSP would be kept going and developing.

I think that there is no reason to fear that Squad will remove modding possibilities. Modders make so much free work for them and the whole game and community is based on mods. Forbidding that would probably be the economic suicide for the game.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:45 AM, tillyd said:

did i say shut down mods no i just said the current model is unsustainable .. there will come a point where sales will fall off ... as far as i know ksp as been released for every major console and pc ... so right now they are able to release all these updates using the income generated from sales ... but what happens when the sales dry up ... and they have just look at the stats for kerbal on steam ... sales are winding down ... yes there are consoles that are generating sales ... but even those are slowing down because of the buggs the game got released with

so what happens now squad ask the dev team to work for free ... ????

exactly and you know the mod community is just that mods ... and as u seen squad are slowly introducing some of those mod ideas into the game ... isru for one and now remote techs idea for probes ...
and the mod community only came to be to add stuff that wasnt yet introduced into the game (you forget also all the good mods are actually made by squad employes anyway )

using kerbonite as an example the mod was made obsolete mostly with the launch of 1.0 is it still being used by most gamers YES is it still be developed by the mod creators YES ... so to say that paid dlcs will kill mods is not true

will remote tech still be used by gamers with the launch of 1.2 YES will it still be developed YES



I get your worries too but don't have magic solutions... And yes, DLCs don't automatically kill games but they still are a big change, particularly for a game like KSP.

Future of KSP is a huge question for Squad and I really really hope they make the right decisions.

It's not a matter of paying some bucks more for KSP but to make it literally the best game in the world and we already know it is.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:55 AM, l0k0 said:

I get your worries too but don't have magic solutions... And yes, DLCs don't automatically kill games but they still are a big change, particularly for a game like KSP.

Future of KSP is a huge question for Squad and I really really hope they make the right decisions.

It's not a matter of paying some bucks more for KSP but to make it literally the best game in the world and we already know it is.



there is 3 choices for the future of ksp

add advertising to the game
introduce paid dlcs
close support of ksp

thats it unless the devs have a tree that grows money that is ultimatly the 3 choices they have

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Honestly if they keeping adding interesting stuff to the game and supporting it I would be Happy to pay for a Expansion or DLC Developers also have Eat and Pay Bills , what is the problem after all this years to sell a DLC/Expansion or they could start developing a new game, But that is not what everybody wants.

KSP is an awesome game and it deserves more updates and DLC/Expansions, And for that they need financial support !


  On 10/11/2016 at 10:59 AM, tillyd said:


there is 3 choices for the future of ksp

add advertising to the game
introduce paid dlcs
close support of ksp

thats it unless the devs have a tree that grows money that is ultimatly the 3 choices they have



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  On 10/11/2016 at 10:48 AM, Weasleking said:

It is almost Wednesday in some parts of the world, where is the update?



  On 10/11/2016 at 10:51 AM, 2p1 said:

That is Also my question Im Currently in Germany, does anybody knows the time of the release ?


Based on previous experience, you've currently got an eight to ten hour wait.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 4:42 AM, Andem said:

... I know for a fact that somewhere there was a statement that people who bought the gave by some point in 2013 would get all future expansions free...



  On 10/11/2016 at 4:55 AM, razark said:

Yes, they did say that back in 2013.

However, they have also said they didn't plan on making paid DLC/Expansions/etc., and have made similar statements repeatedly over many years.  Even now, when they made this OP, they did not explicitly state that they are going to be doing any sort of paid content.  Of course, while they did say they had no plans, they also never said they wouldn't ever make paid content.





This point - about what went down in 2013, two years before I bought the game - really annoys me.

Basically, because of the stink raised by early adopters three-and-a-half years ago, SQUAD has been backed into a corner which, IMHO, will eventually paralyse future development of the game.

There is no single point in the future that SQUAD could turn around and say "OK, it's done, now we're making KSP 2 and charging for it" without facing a huge community backlash. They also can't say "from now on this'll be free only for people who bought before xx/xx/2013" without a similarly huge backlash.


Me, I bought this game last year. I would pay more today for a valuable addition to it. Hell, if KER and Hyperedit (for example) were made into $1.99 downloads I'd happily pay for them too. I have played this game for thousands of hours and have most definitely exhausted its value for money.

So until people like me essentially drown out the people that forced that promise from SQUAD all those years ago, further additions to the game are going to be stymied by decreasing returns and the decreasing attractiveness of the prospect to bright young developers. I want more from this game, and I want the developers to have the incentive to make it happen.

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  On 10/11/2016 at 11:07 AM, Plusck said:


This point - about what went down in 2013, two years before I bought the game - really annoys me.

Basically, because of the stink raised by early adopters three-and-a-half years ago, SQUAD has been backed into a corner which, IMHO, will eventually paralyse future development of the game.

There is no single point in the future that SQUAD could turn around and say "OK, it's done, now we're making KSP 2 and charging for it" without facing a huge community backlash. They also can't say "from now on this'll be free only for people who bought before xx/xx/2013" without a similarly huge backlash.


Me, I bought this game last year. I would pay more today for a valuable addition to it. Hell, if KER and Hyperedit (for example) were made into $1.99 downloads I'd happily pay for them too. I have played this game for thousands of hours and have most definitely exhausted its value for money.

So until people like me essentially drown out the people that forced that promise from SQUAD all those years ago, further additions to the game are going to be stymied by decreasing returns and the decreasing attractiveness of the prospect to bright young developers. I want more from this game, and I want the developers to have the incentive to make it happen.


I think that if those add-ons were to become paid, there should be an expectation that whenever the game is updated, those add-ons never have any down time.

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IMHO they should integrate mods as DLCs deeper in the game (in-game installation), release them only when stable for a reasonable price and divide earnings with developers.

If the developer wants to keep his mod free, no in game installation and no Squad support.

Could it work?

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I don't see what the problem is with DLC.  In order to be able to continue developing KSP they need to keep generating income, DLC can provide this both from existing customers (who currently do not provide any income at all to Squad) and also helping to attract new customers that will also buy the base game.

it's no different in principle to Map Packs for CoD, they are not 'needed' but simply add extra stuff to what is already a fully functional game.

If the DLC is of good quality and gives value for money then I, and many other existing customers, will most likely buy it.  If it fails to do deliver either of these then those who took a chance and bought the first DLC release will be reluctant at best to buy any more.

It is absolutely in Squad's interest to ensure that any DLC is of sufficient quality and value if they want to sell it, and keep KSP in business.

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I support the idea of DLC's. But only if the core mechanics stay in the free updates. By this I mean for example, the bug fixes, new celestial bodies(Kerbol system should stay same regardless of DLC's), new additions to existing mechanics, physics updates.

DLC's I want:
Expanded planet Exploration mechanics

Other Galaxies/interstellar travel
Civilization/ space settlement
Part packs:

space station


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  On 10/11/2016 at 11:07 AM, Plusck said:

There is no single point in the future that SQUAD could turn around and say "OK, it's done, now we're making KSP 2 and charging for it" without facing a huge community backlash. They also can't say "from now on this'll be free only for people who bought before xx/xx/2013" without a similarly huge backlash.


To be perfectly honest, Squad couldn't change the shading on a landing leg without facing huge community backlash. Speaking for the KSP community generally, backlash is kind of our thing. 

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I like the use of the term "Expansion Pack" as opposed to DLC. It sounds far more like an excuse for a 'canon' expansion into areas that would otherwise be unlikely to be developed in the vanilla game but would still enrich it's game-play tremendously.

For example I doubt very much that we would ever get submarine parts in normal updates, it's just not what KSP is really about and it would never feel incomplete without them. But who would honestly would oppose having the option to pay a tad extra to add enrichment the oceans (on Kerbin and beyond) and have new parts and science experiments to explore them with?

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