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An alternative reality!


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rather than ask... demand? beg? for answers as to what is going on with KSP, I just want to say a few things... an alternative reality to some threads I have seen lately.

Firstly... given the hype over the impending release of 1.2, I have no hesitation in believing the KSP game and its future are in good hands! Further, I have complete faith that Squad is a wonderful company built on the finest capitalist foundations... meaning, its not going to die any time soon, not with more money to be made... and there is nothing wrong with that. They provide and excellent product and there is no way it can die any time soon.

So... I am not worried, not one little bit.

BUT... I have read some of the posts and I am saddened. really, its not the number of excellent devs leaving Squad that will kill the game.... its the talk, the gossip, the accusations... and dare i say it.. the conspiracy theories that WILL, over time, kill the game if its allowed to continue. I have been blessed to have been part of a few very VERY good forums over the years i have been alive, and all of them... yes... all of them... were killed by rumours and speculation... a melt down caused by some for whatever reason...

Not sure if you guys have this saying in your nation, but here in New Zealand, we say that some suffer from the "tall poppy syndrome"...  meaning, they see a game, or company like squad getting bigger... successful... and they are envious... jealous... and they want to pluck that tall poppy out of the soil and kill it....

BUT ENOUGH OF THAT..... I, more than most, have had my fair share of fights with the moderators... yeah, I speak my mind, I push the boundaries... but there is a limit to how far I would push it... the limits with some of the things being said HAS WELL AND TRULY BEEN PASSED.....

These are our FRIENDS you are discussing... these are the people who have given us an awesome game... in some cases, amazing game mods... and have laughed with us, cried with us on the forums here, they have put up with your poodleing about bugs and tried to help you sort them out and.... they have just been great people...

By attacking Squad... you have attacked them... the reasons they left ARE PRIVATE and NONE of your business.... you do NOT own them....

So.... ENOUGH of the bull dust!

They said they were leaving.... accept it.... be nice, play nice and let them go... they are friends... no matter what... or... are you saying you always thought of them as your slaves.... really?


let it go already... be nice people.... be nice to your friends...

Thanks for all the fish, guys. The ..... doom merchants... do not speak for me... you are all great people... and I will always consider you my friends... :)

EDIT: My M.S. double vision is very bad today, sorry for any typos... :(

Edited by kiwi1960
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The out growth of the IOT is that every T will have an opinion. That's a good Thing. 

Also every event has a half-life. Eventually, as with other historical "traumatic" KSP events, all Things will return to a semblance of order within a few weeks. 

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In related alternate reality news ...

Verizon Wireless announced today the end of $$$$ Vampirism of its customers, beginning with the Google Pixel, you can unlock, mod, and purchase the phone  without extra fees, and in addition, get updates on the same day as Google releases them.

No Man's Sky Developer Hello Games sends an invite to the departing dev's. "Come work for us and improve NMS, we need it to be as promised, not delivered"

Mark Zuckerberg announces that Facebook apps will no longer hose phones like a virus.

On a very tiny link at the bottom of Valve's main website, it was announced that the link to Half Life 3 can finally be purchased, click there.

Drug ad's are no longer allowed on broadcast television, instead, more ads for eating right and staying fit.


Well, if you believe any of the above ....

[Making more carmel kettle corn to watch this]

Edited by Frybert
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  On 10/8/2016 at 10:48 PM, sal_vager said:

Gentlemen, I think we would all agree that more constructive comments than many of those above would be more appropriate at this time.


I suspect that some peoples fondness for conspiracy theories is preventing them from doing as you suggest...

(above is for Sal_vager ...below is for everyone else)

Mine was debunking said conspiracies... but I'm too old to keep flogging a dead horse (sorry @5thHorseman ) ... I have given up! I just want everyone to move on.

If you think its a conspiracy, if you think everyone owes you the truth... then fair enough... take it to the PM system where we don't have to see it.

I have stopped adding fuel to the fire, or, trying to remove said fuel... Given time this whole mess will be forgotten... no one will care... but what WILL remain is the hurt caused, and the damage to the reputation of some awesomely amazing community members... AKA friends... (the game devs if you hadn't guessed) and also to others... friends caught up in the argument... and to Squad..

As @Red Iron Crown said (I think, correct me if I am wrong) ... the people may not want to reply "Because they are too classy" ... and besides... if they replied, they not only validate the "discussion" but add fuel to the fire and keep it going for another 4 weeks!!! This could be the reasons they are silent... not because of any evil conspiracy.....

and maybe I'm right... maybe I'm wrong... who cares... the truth will come out one day... not because you are demanding answers from people who don't actually owe you one, but because they will answer you when THEY think the time is right... on THEIR terms.... not yours. Respect that.... or lose them as friends for ever....


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meant to post rest of this earlier but ipad crashed on me (turns out reading ksp forums whilst oggling a THOR-ABLE at UKSpace Centre is a bad idea)


I Feel strongly that just a little more compassion can go a long way to making everyones day a little bit easier. Alternate to this reality maybe, heaven forbid it is a separate realm unreachable to those on this side of the fence.

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Expand   and maybe I'm right... maybe I'm wrong... who cares... the truth will come out one day... not because you are demanding answers from people who don't actually owe you one, but because they will answer you when THEY think the time is right... on THEIR terms.... not yours. Respect that.... or lose them as friends for ever....

While I don't think there is a conspiracy and I appreciate Squad posting information on how development will be affected by the departures (even if it wasn't on the KSP forums), I have to respectfully disagree that the developers are our friends when wearing their "business" hats. It is certainly possible that some folks strike up friendships with developers otherwise, but the only relationship that nominally exists between the developers and players is that of business and customer.

Are people allowed to ask a business they are a customer of for answers? Sure!

Does a business owe a customer answers? I'd agree no, the business is not obligated to answer questions of their customers.

Is it in a business's best interest to answer customer questions. I'd say sometimes it is!

Taking your stance that the developers are our friends actually allows one to make the argument that by that friendship they would be more open to discussion as that is what friends can do, right? Answering questions "when THEY think the time is right...on THEIR terms" is precisely possible because the relationship is that of customer and business and not customer and friend.

All of that said, I am pleased that ultimately any concerns were unfounded and that development will continue as normal. I think one thing that we can agree on is that we are happy to look forward to a long future of continuing to play KSP and watch it grow!

Edited by Bandus
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  On 10/9/2016 at 2:05 AM, Bandus said:

While I don't think there is a conspiracy and I appreciate Squad posting information on how development will be affected by the departures (even if it wasn't on the KSP forums), I have to respectfully disagree that the developers are our friends when wearing their "business" hats. It is certainly possible that some folks strike up friendships with developers otherwise, but the only relationship that nominally exists between the developers and players is that of business and customer.

Are people allowed to ask a business they are a customer of for answers? Sure!

Does a business owe a customer answers? I'd agree no, the business is not obligated to answer questions of their customers.

Is it in a business's best interest to answer customer questions. I'd say sometimes it is!

Taking your stance that the developers are our friends actually allows one to make the argument that by that friendship they would be more open to discussion as that is what friends can do, right? Answering questions "when THEY think the time is right...on THEIR terms" is precisely possible because the relationship is that of customer and business and not customer and friend.

All of that said, I am pleased that ultimately any concerns were unfounded and that development will continue as normal. I think one thing that we can agree on is that we are happy to look forward to a long future of continuing to play KSP and watch it grow!


Well, excuse me... I's jus a liddle ole Kiwi dun hare in liddle ole Noo Zeeland.... I's a hick....

Humour over... maybe its the difference between your nation and mine, here, we can be friends with everyone, even our enemies.

I never saw the Devs... as devs.... I saw, and appreciated, some of them as game modders... who freely gave their time and expertise to the game they love, that I love...

They wanted nothing in return... I offered them my unconditional friendship... albeit a silent offer... so when I see my friends being picked on, I will defend them... I am nothing if not loyal...

But more than that... they ALL started off loving the game... they all came here to the forums... then they started working for Squad... so... should we call them friends till they work for Squad and then turn our backs on them? You you rate friendship THAT cheaply that you place a value on it?

To me, a friend is a person I like, no strings or conditions placed on it... its as it should be... otherwise, you are just using people...

Nuff said... and YES, I consider you a friend as well, Bandus. :)


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