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Parts list flicker/editor HUD elements disappearing

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Okay, so this is one I can't seem to pin down:

Selecting certain categories in the editor (in this case the SPH) causes parts of the parts list UI to flicker in and out of existence as I mouse over it, like so:
It comes and goes dependent on the mouse cursor position. Vid.

Now here's the tricky bit: I can't seem to pin down exactly which mod(s) are causing it... I have more than one minimal set. The trigger seems to be not any particular mod, but the number of parts in the game, or possibly the number of parts in any one category.
Example mod set that does cause it: USI "Constellation" (all of Roverdudes mods + deps) + FuelTanksPlus + ModRocketSysLite. Remove any one and all is well. Replace FTP or MRS with e.g. SpaceY, and a different category triggers it.
No obvious errors in the log that I can see.

I know this is all a bit vague, but I've done the usual mod-list bisect and come up blank, so Ill just leave this here and go to sleep for a while in the hope someone else has seen it...


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I have the same problem, this is driving me nuts. No single mod causes the problem and it only happens in the VAB/SPH.

I'm running with a couple of mods (eg. UKS, Pathfinder, OPT, L-Tech, Tarsier, PBI) but only removing them all solves the problem.

Nothing suspicious in the logs...quite a strange bug

Playing with Win64 build without OpenGl, so this is not the problem.


Edited by Stage
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Ive got this too, annoying eh.! Time to compare mods - ill edit this tmrw with mine. 3.43 am....need sleep :)

mod list - 

USI Tools.

USI : akita, konstruction, kontainers, mks, reactor pack.

Aviation lights

Bluedog db

Community Resource Pack

Easy Vessel Switch

Firespitter : plugin


L Tech

RCS Build Aid


Module Manager

All versions for ksp 1.2 on a separate clean ksp install.

specs in my sig.


Edited by Tr1gg3r
Add mod list -
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Did you all come from 1.1 without deleting and making a new settings.cfg?
When I did that the flicker mostly to entirely went away.

Flicker is back. Running win10 anniversary, dx9 and 11 both show it. Running tons of parts mods.

Can easily reproduce by grabbing scroll bar and scrubbing it. Though it does often show with mouse over of some parts.

Compete Mod list:

BDB, CommunityResourcePack, CxAerospace, DockingCam, Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, KAS, KIS, KerbalReusabilityExpansion, MechJeb, Mk2Expansion, PartOverhauls, PlanetaryBaseInc, SVE (EVE, DistantObject, Scatterer), KAC, USI, VanguardAstrodynamics, WaypointManager, ModuleManager 2.7.1


Edited by helaeon
further testing, steve_v feedback
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  On 10/13/2016 at 3:02 AM, helaeon said:

Did you all come from 1.1 without deleting and making a new settings.cfg


No, settings.cfg from 1.2-pre.

E. Removing settings.cfg made no difference to the issue at hand, but it did lead to the ridiculous resolution shenanigans at startup and manual editing to get a usable window size... again. @SQUAD: It's been 2 releases now, when is this BS going to be fixed? Do you think I want to play in a 10x10px window? or 2096x5px? How about crashing my window manager some more, since that is so much fun.
Setting window geometry in X11 is not rocket science, please get it together.

I might have a further play with it today, anyone want to post some mod-lists so I can compare?

From the replies so far I'm starting to suspect this is a core issue with the not-tested-with-much-mods 1.2... Doesn't seem to require anything but a few large part-mods to trigger it.

Edited by steve_v
Nope, not settings. Complains about screenmanager BS.
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In my case it is a completely new install starting from default setttings.cfg.
I am mostly putting up with it since I am interested in playing career. At my current level of unlocked science the parts do not fill any of the categories in the VAB and I don't see any flicker. If I switch to sandbox it starts immediately. I think it likely due to simply having lots of parts.

I do however have the following mods in common with @helaeon... 

CommunityResourcePack, Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, KAS, KIS, MechJeb, SVE (EVE, DistantObject, Scatterer), USI (almost complete collection), ModuleManager 2.7.1

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  On 10/13/2016 at 8:01 AM, Kaa253 said:

CommunityResourcePack, Firespitter, InterstellarFuelSwitch, KAS, KIS, MechJeb, SVE (EVE, DistantObject, Scatterer), USI (almost complete collection), ModuleManager 2.7.1


In common with mine: CommunityResourcePack, Firespitter (Plugin only), InterstellarFuelSwitch (Plugin only), USI (all but ART & Karbonite), ModuleManager 2.7.1. Though this set alone doesn't cause the problem for me, only when another parts pack or two (no plugins, just parts) are added.
FWIW, I see this without USI too - just have to load up a bunch more parts from other mods. Not sure what the critical number is though, or whether it's per-category... this is time-consuming to test.


  On 10/13/2016 at 8:01 AM, Kaa253 said:

At my current level of unlocked science the parts do not fill any of the categories in the VAB and I don't see any flicker.


Likewise, but unlocking everything leads to the same behaviour as a sandbox game.

  On 10/13/2016 at 8:01 AM, Kaa253 said:

I think it likely due to simply having lots of parts


As do I, suspect stock bug in parts-list triggered by large number of parts in game. Still can't find any other explanation.

I have a cunning plan to rule out mod misbehaviour... This weekend I shall duplicate a whole heap of stock parts with MM :D. If that works I will duplicate them without MM, then I can file a bug report as it will all be stock... sort of :P.

Edited by steve_v
I haz an idea....
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  On 10/13/2016 at 8:09 AM, steve_v said:

As do I, suspect stock bug in parts-list triggered by large number of parts in game. Still can't find any other explanation.

I have a cunning plan to rule out mod misbehaviour... This weekend I shall duplicate a whole heap of stock parts with MM :D. If that works I will duplicate them without MM, then I can file a bug report as it will all be stock... sort of :P.


Well, ive just tried every combo to try find culprit and im still none the wiser.

like steve V says, is there quick way to check if its stock problem by installing lots of duplicate stock parts? 

Idk how to make/ use MM patches etc,  itd probly only take one of you clever lot 5 mins to check and take me week to learn. Lol


Edit :....Sighs.... been messing about with this all effing day.... atm i have 63 things in fuel tank category and 63 things in utility category and it still flickers, getting bored of trying to work this out now......and now im not in mood to ACTUALLY play it....pttssh

Removed some more items, so ive now got no more than 57 items in anyone category and NO Flicker... might aswell play 32bit again. lol

Edited by Tr1gg3r
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+1 to the list of individuals experiencing this. Will state I am on Nvidia hardware, rather old GTX460SE with an AMD quad core.

Drivers do need and update apparently but honestly the driver updates are barely doing anything to help my card for the past 2 years. Most of it is directed to the newer cards.

I have many of the mods stated above in common, no mods and its gone, I have not tried sandbox.


With this I bid fairwell to this game until its fix, its unbearable to me.

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I'm having the same problem, particularly with the toolbar disappearing. Other parts of the interface flickers between blank and displaying correctly as well.

I've spent the evening uninstalling and re-installing mods in different orders and combinations and it doesn't seem to be any specific mod causing it, seems to occur every time the parts count gets too high.

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Basically the same issue here.  My flickering is a bit more spastic in appearing.  But what also annoys me are all the Mod tiles going missing from the toolbar at the bottom right of the VAB

Platform:Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, i7-4770K, 32gb, Steam, fresh install of KSP into an empty directory.  48+ mod directories, but I have all USI and WildBlue, so it more than that for a mod count..  I won't list them all as it pretty much is the selections already mentioned.

I've already tried the Mod remove/install roulette, but I can't make a definitive statement yet.


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i believe its KIS/KAS

edit: may be with several mods, so your experience might vary - but for me deleting those (both) cancelled the flickering
btw, as trigger pointed out: it may just be a part-count topic


Edited by Speadge
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Ive managed to get the flicker without filter ext mod and kis kas, if i go over 60 parts in a category it strikes, hasnt made difference which mods tbh.

ive made thread in unmodded, 'bug i.d. Advice' feel free to keep bumping it til we get action :wink:

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  On 10/15/2016 at 11:20 AM, Tr1gg3r said:

Ive managed to get the flicker without filter ext mod and kis kas, if i go over 60 parts in a category it strikes, hasnt made difference which mods tbh.

ive made thread in unmodded, 'bug i.d. Advice' feel free to keep bumping it til we get action :wink:


yeah, u r right. i tried to narrow it down, but it really seems to be connected to the number of parts

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