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[Minimum KSP version - 1.12] Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) v1.29


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  On 9/22/2017 at 6:36 PM, IgorZ said:

This message in the editor is shown for the Pod inventories only. Those are added automatically to the crewed parts. If you just add  an inventory module to the part, it becomes of type "Container". Share the part config for the review.


Thanks for the reply;

The ModuleKISInventory from the config file is (added through patch):

		name = ModuleKISInventory
		maxVolume = 0
		externalAccess = true
		internalAccess = true
		slotsX = 4
		slotsY = 4
		slotSize = 50
		itemIconResolution = 128
		selfIconResolution = 128
		openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
		closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
		defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove

Initializes with max volume = 0 as the containers don't by default start with any KIS storage space.  I'll look into getting a full part-config from the MM cache later this evening (at work for a bit longer yet).

Indeed the only bit I could find in the KIS codebase that would have set the inventory type to pod deals specifically with crewed parts.  More confusing, that field isn't even a KSPField, so its not like any rogue patches could be messing with it.  As you state though, that message is only displayed when the ModuleKISInventory.invType == InventoryType.Pod.  To add even further to the confusion, once the part is launched into the flight scene, the inventory is actually accessible, though it doesn't retain any contents that were added in the editor.  (in editor the inventory button reads 'Seat 0 Inventory', in flight it is 'ToggleInventory')

I'll be doing a bit more debugging on it this evening; seems like I'll need to temporarily add the KIS .dll as a dependency so that I can examine what InventoryType that module is being set to (attempts at querying enums through reflection is... mindbogglingly strange).


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  On 9/22/2017 at 8:32 PM, Shadowmage said:

in editor the inventory button reads 'Seat 0 Inventory', in flight it is 'ToggleInventory'


There are two moments here that require attention:

  1. Since it says, the inventory is for a seat, it explains the message and behavior. For some reason the type is set to POD. By a chance, does your part has crew? Please, share the whole part config, not just one module.
  2. Name 'ToggleInventory' instead of a normal human string means the localization code hasn't worked. I would suggest the code has thrown an NRE somewhere from the OnAwake() method (this is where the localization is done the first time). Try checking the logs for the errors.

Also, are you adding the module via MM or the config, or do you add it to the part in the runtime?

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  On 9/22/2017 at 9:16 PM, IgorZ said:

There are two moments here that require attention:

  1. Since it says, the inventory is for a seat, it explains the message and behavior. For some reason the type is set to POD. By a chance, does your part has crew? Please, share the whole part config, not just one module.
  2. Name 'ToggleInventory' instead of a normal human string means the localization code hasn't worked. I would suggest the code has thrown an NRE somewhere from the OnAwake() method (this is where the localization is done the first time). Try checking the logs for the errors.

Also, are you adding the module via MM or the config, or do you add it to the part in the runtime?


There is zero crew capacity on the part, module is added through an MM patch.  No null-refs in the log or anything else worrisome that I can spot.  Full part config is in spoiler below (taken from MM cache, so it is after all patches have been applied):

  Reveal hidden contents


After a bit more investigation I have found the cause of this issue to be the 'maxVolume = 0' setting in the ModuleKISInventory.  Setting it to a value > 0 results in proper functionality.  Can duplicate issue on other (stock/KIS) parts by setting maxVolume = 0.  Will gather the relevant details and submit a proper bug-report now that I have enough info.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 2:31 PM, Wazaa said:

Hi! I want to know if there is a way to make kerbal able to attach/detach in certain pods, like the external command seat (stock) or the advanced extravehicular suit (USI)? 


The external command seat is a regular part, I never had issues attaching it to a vessel. What issues do you have attaching them?

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  On 9/23/2017 at 9:50 PM, IgorZ said:

The external command seat is a regular part, I never had issues attaching it to a vessel. What issues do you have attaching them?


Not to speak for him, but I think he means being able to do KIS/KAS actions from the sorts of control pods that imply they are for utility vehicles/exosuits around bases, so the external command seat where the Kerbal is outside and visible, or that AES pod from USI that says it's for basically an exosuit in the Konstruction side of MKS.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 9:58 PM, Krakatoa said:

Not to speak for him, but I think he means being able to do KIS/KAS actions from the sorts of control pods that imply they are for utility vehicles/exosuits around bases, so the external command seat where the Kerbal is outside and visible, or that AES pod from USI that says it's for basically an exosuit in the Konstruction side of MKS.


If this was the question, then the answer is "no". The kerbal in a command seat is not a real kerbal, it's just a model attached to the seat's part.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 10:13 PM, IgorZ said:

If this was the question, then the answer is "no". The kerbal in a command seat is not a real kerbal, it's just a model attached to the seat's part.


So the question becomes whether it'd be possible to allow things other than kerbals to grab parts with KIS — maybe if a part has a special "ModuleKISGrabber" or something,  it can be used to grab and move other parts like a kerbal would.

I can think of two usage scenarios for this:

  • External command seats and "exo-suits" like the aforementioned USI AES pod.  Basically acts as an extension of a kerbal, so must be crewed with an engineer kerbal who has a wrench or screwdriver.
  • Robotic arms like the ISS's Mobile Servicing System.  Serves as a tool of its own, so kerbals don't need wrenches or screwdrivers.  To operate it, there just needs to be either an engineer somewhere aboard the vessel, or a probe core with a comm signal.  (The MSS is often operated remotely by NASA engineers on the ground.)  The USI Konstruction crane/forklift/claw parts might be good candidates for this.
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  On 9/23/2017 at 11:52 PM, Wyzard said:

So the question becomes whether it'd be possible to allow things other than kerbals to grab parts with KIS — maybe if a part has a special "ModuleKISGrabber" or something,  it can be used to grab and move other parts like a kerbal would.

I can think of two usage scenarios for this:

  • External command seats and "exo-suits" like the aforementioned USI AES pod.  Basically acts as an extension of a kerbal, so must be crewed with an engineer kerbal who has a wrench or screwdriver.
  • Robotic arms like the ISS's Mobile Servicing System.  Serves as a tool of its own, so kerbals don't need wrenches or screwdrivers.  To operate it, there just needs to be either an engineer somewhere aboard the vessel, or a probe core with a comm signal.  (The MSS is often operated remotely by NASA engineers on the ground.)  The USI Konstruction crane/forklift/claw parts might be good candidates for this.

Sounds like a good time to break into the modding world.  I'm sure @IgorZ would welcome a pull request if you figure it out :D

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  On 9/23/2017 at 11:52 PM, Wyzard said:

So the question becomes whether it'd be possible to allow things other than kerbals to grab parts with KIS — maybe if a part has a special "ModuleKISGrabber" or something,  it can be used to grab and move other parts like a kerbal would.

I can think of two usage scenarios for this:

  • External command seats and "exo-suits" like the aforementioned USI AES pod.  Basically acts as an extension of a kerbal, so must be crewed with an engineer kerbal who has a wrench or screwdriver.
  • Robotic arms like the ISS's Mobile Servicing System.  Serves as a tool of its own, so kerbals don't need wrenches or screwdrivers.  To operate it, there just needs to be either an engineer somewhere aboard the vessel, or a probe core with a comm signal.  (The MSS is often operated remotely by NASA engineers on the ground.)  The USI Konstruction crane/forklift/claw parts might be good candidates for this.

This is not the KIS specialization. You can create a part that assists moving the stuff around (see ModuleKISPickup), but the main functionality still needs to be done by the part itself. Once who decides to make such part is welcome to use  the KIS library for the routine operations (like aligning modells or attaching the nodes).

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last night i tried to refill the EVA fuel using the eva buttal
it didnt work
im usning "EvaFuel Continued"

i dont know wen it stopped working as i dont use the refill option often
did any one else notice this or has sujestions?

ill do a new attempt tonight and post a log(at work at the moment and my log can get as big as 1.5GB, yes its GB not MB)


the log files




Edited by danielboro
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  On 9/20/2017 at 12:58 AM, IgorZ said:

To the best of my knowledge it's working. Which version did you have when noticed the problem? And what was the latest version of KIS at this moment?


I was on 1.5 and didn't know there was an update.  I went to get a new OSE Workshop and the 'notes' mentioned that I needed 1.5 or Higher. 

Also, I think I discovered a bug?  It seems that I cannot access the inventory of an MKS Multi Hub with a kerbal, unless they "board" and then EVA.  Does that sound familiar or knows already?  Sorry for the late reply

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  On 9/25/2017 at 11:00 PM, gamerscircle said:

I was on 1.5 and didn't know there was an update.  I went to get a new OSE Workshop and the 'notes' mentioned that I needed 1.5 or Higher. 


This should be fixed now.

  On 9/25/2017 at 11:00 PM, gamerscircle said:

Also, I think I discovered a bug?  It seems that I cannot access the inventory of an MKS Multi Hub with a kerbal, unless they "board" and then EVA.  Does that sound familiar or knows already?


I cannot recall this kind of issue. How exactly you "cannot access" it? You don't see the "inventory" menu, or you see it but it doesn't work? Screenshots and logs would help troubleshooting.

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Problem:  I can take items/parts from my inventory and attach or drop them, but I can't pick them up off the ground or detach anything. Holding G (or H or X), the cursor highlights like it should, and changes based on weight, distance, etc., but left-clicking or dragging then does nothing. I have read the manual and this forum, each many times.

I had this problem using KSP 1.1.2 and the appropriate version of KIS and thought it was a compatibility issue with the dependencies (possibly related to this but I'm not real literate with these things), but I just reinstalled with 1.3 and installed CKAN to reinstall KIS, MM, and CCK (and KAS and EasyVessleSwitch) and have the same problem. I also used CKAN to install the following mods (after removing all the previous versions when I reinstalled):

BD Armory

BD Armory Extension





In Debug I'm getting the message:

"Warning: [Part]: kerbalEVA (Gilwell Kerman) holds crew but has no interior model defined!"

I've been really looking for to using the mod, so I hope we can figure this out. Thanks!


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Question on if this as a bug, exploit or just stuff functioning normally?

I had a cargo box with 10 CB1 bases in it and it weights 3.5ish ton. 1 CB1 is 100L of inventory space. Should a Kerbal be allowed to carry BOTH 3x CB1 bases in inventory 'pockets' as well as the crate with 3 additional CB1 bases in it which weighs just under 1ton? 

I'm under the max weight for both limitations, but it seems cheaty...


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  On 9/26/2017 at 1:31 AM, Jaburtino said:

Problem:  I can take items/parts from my inventory and attach or drop them, but I can't pick them up off the ground or detach anything. Holding G (or H or X), the cursor highlights like it should, and changes based on weight, distance, etc., but left-clicking or dragging then does nothing. I have read the manual and this forum, each many times.


Given you had this issue in the previous version, I'd suggest a mods conflict. try removing everything except the KIS and its dependents. If the issue still persists, share a log and a short video of what you're doing.

  On 9/26/2017 at 2:24 AM, wile1411 said:

I had a cargo box with 10 CB1 bases in it and it weights 3.5ish ton. 1 CB1 is 100L of inventory space. Should a Kerbal be allowed to carry BOTH 3x CB1 bases in inventory 'pockets' as well as the crate with 3 additional CB1 bases in it which weighs just under 1ton? 


Sorry. I didn't get what was exactly the case. If you say that the volume sum doesn't match the real world, then you're right - it is the case with KIS. The volume of an item/part is determined from its geometry, and its inventory volume (in case of the part is an inventory) is just a record in the config. I.e. you can create a part which geometry says it takes 300L of volume, but in the config file you can set 10000L for the inventory volume, and it will work just fine. Feel free to offer your own settings for the parts. In case of they are more physical, they would likely be accepted.

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  On 9/25/2017 at 11:55 PM, IgorZ said:

This should be fixed now.

I cannot recall this kind of issue. How exactly you "cannot access" it? You don't see the "inventory" menu, or you see it but it doesn't work? Screenshots and logs would help troubleshooting.


if the Kerbal EVA , walks over the the MKS Tundra Multihub and I right mouse click, I don't see the "Inventory" option.. if then take the kerbal and have them board and the EVA again, the Inventory option is now available.

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I've encountered a KIS-related issue with my game; I'm not sure if the underlying fault lies with KIS or it lies with Ship Manifest. I suspect it's really Ship Manifest's fault and I'm wasting my time by posting here, but I figured I'd try here first to see if anybody had encountered anything similar. Also am at work right now and I'm not about to take the time to scrolling back to see if the answer to this is like, three posts up, so my apologies in advance if this has come up recently.

Alright - so I've got a refinery outpost set up on both Mun and Minmus, which are functionally identical to one another (each consists of two craft that have been joined to one another by winch cable). Each refinery has one Kerbal engineer manning it. Habitable spaces are 5 Mk1 Lander Cans, 4 Mk1 Cockpits, 1 lab and a Hitchhiker container. Both of these guys were delivered a screwdriver and a spare EVA pack by a third craft visiting the site, and both of them used said equipment to make adjustments to nearby rovers.

That equipment has now gone missing.

I suspect that what happened is that the equipment didn't transfer along with the Kerbal - I generally use Ship Manifest to move Kerbals around. At least with the case on the Mun, I know the Kerbal re-boarded the refinery via the lab door after he refitted the rover, and then I transferred him to one of the Mk1 Lander Cans. His equipment went missing after that. Thing is, I tried moving him back to the lab to see if the equipment would re-appear, and it hasn't. I'm hoping it hasn't been voiped from existence entirely at this point.

So, has any other KIS user seen the behavior I'm describing? And, the corollary: what does a screwdriver and EVA tank look like in the persistence file (i.e. how do I look to see who is carrying a screwdriver at the moment)? Is there any way to see where they might happen to be at the moment? I'd rather not have to send out new parts if I can at all help it...


Edited by capi3101
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  On 9/26/2017 at 3:37 PM, gamerscircle said:

if the Kerbal EVA , walks over the the MKS Tundra Multihub and I right mouse click, I don't see the "Inventory" option.. if then take the kerbal and have them board and the EVA again, the Inventory option is now available.


What size is this part? A screenshot (or better a video) will be a great help.

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  On 9/27/2017 at 3:53 AM, IgorZ said:

What size is this part? A screenshot (or better a video) will be a great help.


I'm able to reproduce this too, and it's not specific to the Tundra MultiHub — it also happens with the KIS ILC-18k container.

  • Put an ILC-18k on top of a stock 2.5m lander can, and place on the launchpad.
  • EVA the kerbal in the lander can and right-click on the ILC-18k.  The Inventory option doesn't appear while the kerbal is at the lander can hatch.
  • Reduce gravity using the physics cheat menu, and fly upward with the kerbal's RCS.  Inventory becomes available when the kerbal is near the middle (vertically) of the ILC-18k.
  • Re-enter the lander can, then EVA again and right-click on the ILC-18k.  Inventory is now available while the kerbal is at the hatch.
  • Let go of the lander can and walk away.  The Inventory button disappears when the kerbal is a few steps away from the lander can.

It seems like the inventory access distance limit is too short during the first EVA, but corrects itself for the second one.

(To answer your question, btw: the Tundra MultiHub is a 2.5m cylindrical part, roughly 80% as tall as the ILC-18k.)

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  On 9/26/2017 at 5:45 AM, IgorZ said:

Sorry. I didn't get what was exactly the case. If you say that the volume sum doesn't match the real world, then you're right - it is the case with KIS. The volume of an item/part is determined from its geometry, and its inventory volume (in case of the part is an inventory) is just a record in the config. I.e. you can create a part which geometry says it takes 300L of volume, but in the config file you can set 10000L for the inventory volume, and it will work just fine. Feel free to offer your own settings for the parts. In case of they are more physical, they would likely be accepted.


@IgorZ Very sorry for my very bad attempt at explaining an issue while on my phone, when I really should of waited to have access to screenshots.

I'm finally gotten home and am now better prepared.
This probably falls into the  - am I understanding / using this correctly? category and definitely not a 'there is a problem' question/post.
The SC-62 container is 1.00t. Currently the volume of the container is updated as parts are dragged into it. Is the mass of the container ALSO supposed to increase as parts are added?  I only noticed as I hit the upper limit with the number of CB1 slabs my kerbal could carry, but when I threw another 3 into a container, I was able to carry twice as much at the cost of only 1kg. (see pictures below)

Is this just an abstraction of carried on pockets (300L limitation) versus what they can carry on their back? (3000kg limit)
(Yes that's Jeb in the background and he indeed did drive the rover on the right. *sigh*)



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  On 9/26/2017 at 11:24 PM, ExplorerKlatt said:

@capi3101 sorry to say those items are gone. It is a conflict between KIS and Ship Manifest. Personally, I keep an SC-62 container near a hatch and store equipment there when using ship manifest. You could try talking to @Papa_Joe see if there is anything he can do. 


Alright, thanks. I'd pretty much figured that was what was going on. Already have two small probe landers (dubbed Black & Decker 7) en route to my refineries at this point to deliver said-type container and (among other things) about a dozen screwdrivers each...

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  On 9/27/2017 at 2:01 PM, wile1411 said:

The SC-62 container is 1.00t. Currently the volume of the container is updated as parts are dragged into it. Is the mass of the container ALSO supposed to increase as parts are added?  I only noticed as I hit the upper limit with the number of CB1 slabs my kerbal could carry, but when I threw another 3 into a container, I was able to carry twice as much at the cost of only 1kg. (see pictures below)


Now I get it. Well, at this moment it looks like a bug. The cost and the mass are supposed to increase as you add items into the container. Let me test at home to double check.

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