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[1.9-1.10] Configurable Containers


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22 minutes ago, allista said:

Don't know why they removed them from CRP. Someone is eliminating competitors? :cool:

The idea of CRP was to contain resources which are used by multiple mods, to avoid conflicting definitions. Probably those resources are now used uniquely by EPL.

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24 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

oh USI is a must for me.  I use TAC-LS not USI  but I do use every other USI mod. they are my must have mods.  every thing I use must work with them as I consider them the "Base Game"

however I am fine with make the "resource configs" and such on my own like I did for TAC.  I just need the mod controller added to the tanks.

I have nothing against adding support for USI:)

I just need help with TankTypes and TankConfigs.

2 minutes ago, pellinor said:

The idea of CRP was to contain resources which are used by multiple mods, to avoid conflicting definitions. Probably those resources are now used uniquely by EPL.

Ah, that makes sense. And indeed I haven't encountered any other mod that uses these except ELP.

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right all I am saying is for now just add the controller to the parts he makes.   let the users define the resource and such then in the future if there is a better idea what people need or want maybe add the tank setups to the mod.  after I figured out the stuff for making the resource setups, I have no problems doing it again for new mods.  I can define the resource and all the information about it in the configs, then define my custom tank types for it.   the big issue is just getting the "Edit Tanks" button to be on the right click menu.  the rest we as users can do and then share to the community as they get made.

oh and on this topic.  when I was doing the stuff for TAC I found it would be nice if in game there was a "Re-Read" function for the config files.  is this possible?  or must they only be read at game launch?

as it would have made the trial and error bit much easier if I could have done config edit, and just re read them rather than restart the game.

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This mod is pretty much what I was looking for. And it works. Or at least, it works for stock tanks. I saw @allista talking about KW Rocketry but I can not edit them. How do I get this to work with KW Rocketry?

Edited by Tex_NL
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Just now, Tex_NL said:

This mod is pretty much what I was looking for. And it works. Or at least, it works for stock tanks. I saw @allista talking about KW Rocketry but I can not edit them. How do I get this to work with KW Rocketry?

The support for KWRocketry (along with many other mods) will be published in the next few days in the next release.

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Just now, allista said:

The support for KWRocketry (along with many other mods) will be published in the next few days in the next release.

Ah OK. I was under the impression this was already done.
I'll patiently wait for the next release.

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3 hours ago, allista said:

Yep, ExLP it is. Tired a little... :confused:

Don't know why they removed them from CRP. Someone is eliminating competitors? :cool:

Ah, you just want to add USI resources to some (new or existing) tank types. I agree that this should be done.

But the thing is, I never played with USI, never liked what they do game-lore-wise. And their resource system is awfully complex. So I need help here from some experienced USI user.

well my post above is all the resources that aren't currently in your tank types. Was there additional info that you need in order to setup the resources? If it helps, RoverDude seems to have his tanks support the same number of most resources.

For instance his 1.25m flat kontainer tank supports 600 dirt, ore, supplies, substrate and all other non gas resources his mod adds.


2 hours ago, pellinor said:

The idea of CRP was to contain resources which are used by multiple mods, to avoid conflicting definitions. Probably those resources are now used uniquely by EPL.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the whole point of CRP was to reduce conflicts by having almost all mods define their resources there. The EPL resources used to be in there. As far as I'm concerned, the fact that there is a MetalOre/MetallicOre and Metal/Metals is enough confusion and conflict already.

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2 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

just a question for you.  I have not looked at EPL and the USI EPL stuff for a while,  but I was under the impression that USI no longer needed EPL.  is this not true?

USI needs EPL, but only the DLL, survey stake and mallet. Everything else can be removed. I wouldn't be surprised if he removes the need for it entirely at some point, but he hasn't yet.

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ah ok...  I have not been in off world construction mode in some time.  I have been making strictly aircraft for quite some time now.   SSTO and planetary exploration stuff as well as just cool looking "fighters" etc.  then finally tried TCA and wow.  lol I am having a blast making all sorts of VTOL crap.

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13 minutes ago, Bit Fiddler said:

ah ok...  I have not been in off world construction mode in some time.  I have been making strictly aircraft for quite some time now.   SSTO and planetary exploration stuff as well as just cool looking "fighters" etc.  then finally tried TCA and wow.  lol I am having a blast making all sorts of VTOL crap.

Yeah that TCA dev seems to know his stuff.  :P

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4 hours ago, Nori said:

Yeah ReplacementParts isn't really needed.

But it appears as a part RESOURCE in many parts? Are you sure?


name = Tundra_PioneerLC
name = Duna_MedBay
name = Duna_Agriculture
name = Tundra_MedBay375
name = Tundra_RegSifter
name = Tundra_RecyclingPlant
name = Tundra_Agriculture250
name = Tundra_Agriculture375
name = Ranger_HabModule
name = Duna_LogCenter
name = Tundra_NukeProc
name = Tundra_Akademy
name = Duna_Pioneer
name = Tundra_AssemblyPlant
name = Tundra_Kolonist375
name = Duna_Kolonist
name = Tundra_Kerbitat250
name = Tundra_ASM
name = Duna_PDU
name = Tundra_Kerbitat375
name = Tundra_MedBay250
name = Tundra_Kolonist250
name = Ranger_Workshop
name = Tundra_425_Hab
name = Tundra_275_Hab
name = Tundra_PDU
name = Tundra_HabRing
name = Tundra_Refinery
name = Duna_Kerbitat
name = Ranger_AgModule


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This mod is great!

One request, though, in line with what you've done to make different tank types have appropriate masses, is it possible to add some amount for barriers within a tank? Ie. If I have a tank holding LF+O and change it to hold only LF, it should get slightly lighter and vice versa if instead of removing Oxidizer I added another liquid chemical.

EDIT: Also, does this mod break saves if removed, or do are all the tank resources saved in the persistence? (Not that I can see myself getting rid of it, but just in case...)

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1 hour ago, allista said:

@Nori, could you check this out? I don't know about the unit/L ratios.

Need to try it out with some stock tanks and compare with some USI tank of the near-same size, but can't do it myself right now.


Ok working on it. I have it loaded up and am trying it now. One thing I just noticed is that Lithium is actually usable by some Near Future Propulsion engines as well.

6 minutes ago, Booots said:

This mod is great!

One request, though, in line with what you've done to make different tank types have appropriate masses, is it possible to add some amount for barriers within a tank? Ie. If I have a tank holding LF+O and change it to hold only LF, it should get slightly lighter and vice versa if instead of removing Oxidizer I added another liquid chemical.

EDIT: Also, does this mod break saves if removed, or do are all the tank resources saved in the persistence? (Not that I can see myself getting rid of it, but just in case...)

It does not break the save, however I'm not 100% sure how a inflight ship would react to this being removed.

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5 minutes ago, Booots said:

This mod is great!

One request, though, in line with what you've done to make different tank types have appropriate masses, is it possible to add some amount for barriers within a tank? Ie. If I have a tank holding LF+O and change it to hold only LF, it should get slightly lighter and vice versa if instead of removing Oxidizer I added another liquid chemical.

To do the inter-tank barrier thing the AddMassPerVolume value should be >0 for every tank type. Thus, any additional tank will add some dry mass to the part. Currently only tanks with thick walls or fastenings add mass; other tanks are considered to be too light to notice the change against the mass of the hull. Still, adding some 1-3kg per 1m3 is no big deal.

15 minutes ago, Booots said:

EDIT: Also, does this mod break saves if removed, or do are all the tank resources saved in the persistence? (Not that I can see myself getting rid of it, but just in case...)

I never tried it, but in theory, the parts in-flight should remain with their resources as they were saved, essentially becoming just tanks, without any switching.

But, the original resources may be added as well: e.g. if you make a monopop tank out of LFO, then you may suddenly have both LFO and monopropellant in the same part in-flight. Need to test this...

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25 minutes ago, Nori said:

Ok working on it. I have it loaded up and am trying it now. One thing I just noticed is that Lithium is actually usable by some Near Future Propulsion engines as well.

Lighium? By engines?! :0.0:

*ok, I'll install NFP and go through it to see what it uses...

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2 minutes ago, allista said:

Mixed with water, I hope? :rolleyes:

*oh, just ignore me... I'll go sleep now...

Looks like it doesn't. Lithium in gas form is used. See page 7 http://alfven.princeton.edu/publications/choueiri-sciam-2009

This is a beautiful thing:



I'm not seeing anything missing, though if you could add a Cryogenic storage config for a H2/OX config that would be awesome.

It's a 6H2 to 0.4Ox ratio.

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9 hours ago, Vorg said:

MM is saying I should have v2.3, but the DL version is 2.2

You mean AVC? Sorry about that, I've already pushed the version file to repository, but the release is not ready yet.

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7 hours ago, taniwha said:

My solution is to not put the version file into the repository, but to generate it at build time. Only problem is I forget to upload it.

So the... same side of the other coin? :D

Edit: my solution is to only push to master a released version, and to develop in another branch; it just got mixed up here because of the splitting of projects :confused:

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@Nori (and anyone using Liquid Hydrogen), I need your advice:

LqdHydrogen: USI uses ~4u/L, CryoTanks ~2u/L, KSPIE not checked, but the density given in Community Resource Pack corresponds to 1u/L in real world.

What should I use in your opinion?

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