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Radial Attachment Nodes, How is it done? [SOLVED]

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So I have a part which requires three attachment nodes. I can setup three individual nodes; one of which is exactly where i want it (z axis) the other two are at 45 degrees (as i can do that through the use of 1.0 or -1.0 in the appropriate rotation node f the config file. the dilemma is that i actually need them at 60 and -60 degrees respectively. I'm hoping if i can get these node working than when you set an item for 3x radial attachment it should then snap to the nodes. At present, as they are a pair of 45 and -45 degree nodes if i try for 3x radial attachment it will revert to 1 when it snaps to the node.

Any clues?


Edited by steedcrugeon
solved the problem
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17 hours ago, wasml said:

Are you looking for the coordinates for plus and minus 60? If that's the case they will be the sine and cosine of the angle you want (+60/-60) times the radius of your part.

the co-ordinates is not really the problem. the issue is getting the attachment nodes to face outwards at +/- 60 degrees as the last three values set which direction it faces.

I have solved the problem. See this config below, the node_stack_door are radially offset by 120 degree from each other. you just increase the value of the x, y, or z rotation by whole integers to increase the 'weighting' of that direction.

	// --- node definitions ---
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.36, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
	node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
	node_stack_door = 0.0, 0.12, -0.23, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0
	node_stack_door = 0.179, 0.12, 0.10, 2.0, 0.0, 1, 0
	node_stack_door = -0.179, 0.12, 0.10, -2.0, 0.0, 1, 0


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@steedcrugeon, Not quite. Those are the vector components of the node attach orientation. As mentioned above, a little bit of trig is needed to aim them precisely. 45 degree angles are "easy", as they are a mix of whole integer vectors in any two axes, as you found. Some Google-fu on Ksp node attach orientation should lead you to some helpful hints. The NodeHelper plugin is also a godsend in these cases, as you can just edit it in game until it "fits". Saves hours of reloading :) 

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1 minute ago, steedcrugeon said:

@komodo I don't doubt you are right but the above config works too (it's in one of my mod parts) and allows the triple radial attachment (at 120 degrees apart) without issue. 

I think its one of those "there's more than one way to skin a cat" scenarios.

And another way to have skinned that poor cat was to use unity  placed transforms referenced in cfg  as below (+ z points to the object to be connected, so outwards) and i find it so much easier than all that messing around with guesstimate nodes :) 

name = lowerNode1
transform = lowerNode1
size = 1


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@SpannerMonkey(smce) This is exceptionally useful information, I am grateful as I wasn't sure how i could tie my config nodes directly into the mesh. I had seen it in one of the tutorial threads but their demonstrated config didn't quite match yours (i'm guessing it was a much earlier version the tutorial was based on). I will most definitely be using this technique in future. Faster, neater and more precise. it will also allow me to make much more obscure attachment points.

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Just now, steedcrugeon said:

@SpannerMonkey(smce) This is exceptionally useful information, I am grateful as I wasn't sure how i could tie my config nodes directly into the mesh. I had seen it in one of the tutorial threads but their demonstrated config didn't quite match yours (i'm guessing it was a much earlier version the tutorial was based on). I will most definitely be using this technique in future. Faster, neater and more precise. it will also allow me to make much more obscure attachment points.

Hey , i personally love that method, especially  as some of my stuff has 30 or 40 such nodes, (missile mountings  the customers love them)  it means i can make up preset blocks  of transforms and just drag them into position,admittedly when it gets like that the renaming takes tedious to new levels but at least i know it will all work as intended first go.

As you've seen KSP can be skinned way too many ways for everyone to have picked up on them all, I've been playing around here since 2012 and still learn new tweaks and wrinkles all the time, one of the joys of having a prolific and helpful mod making community, and long may it continue :)

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