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[Minimum KSP: 1.12.2] Heisenberg - Airships Part Pack

Angelo Kerman

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Heisenberg 2.3.0 is now available:

New Parts
- WB-12 "Tornado": This 50kn ducted fan runs on 50 ElectricCharge per second- conveniently the same amount produced by the big solar panel... It can tilt up and down to aid in airship operations.

- S.A.F.E.R. : The Safe Affordable Fission Engine with Radiators generates ElectricCharge for your spacecraft needs. It is based upon the real-world SAFE - 400 reactor created by NASA.

- GondOffice: This alternate habitat module serves as a briefing room for your vessels- or as a transportable office space for the executive on the go. It can be disassembled into a storage box and transported by a kerbal (NOTE: there is a KIS bug where it requires several kerbals to pull an item out of storage). Once assembled, you can give it straight sidings to make it more building-like, and you can connect offices together to make a large building. If this works out, I'll modify the other bison modules (hab, lab, & greenhouse) with similar functionality.
HINT: Click the top of the conference phone to turn on/off the lights.

- GondoStairs: These external stairs give you access to the upper floors of your buildings. Just unpack them and attach them to the end of a Bison module. READ THE DIRECTIONS to learn how to set up the stairs for bottom, mid, and top flights.

Sample Craft
- Added the KV-8 Kestrel, a nuclear-powered tilt-fan aircraft. BE SURE TO WARM UP THE REACTOR BEFORE TAKING OFF!

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- Added name tag to the HL-10 rudder; it is in the same place as the mission flag, and upside down relative to the mission flag.
- Updated TAC-LS greenhouse configuration for continual food production.

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Congrats on and thanks for the release! Cant wait to see what can be built with the new parts :)

Edit: As i sit here trying to build a blimp, i have the constant sound of the cargo lift playing, almost a hour and a half after i interacted with the part, this is a bug right?

Edited by Arcane Intervention
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  On 4/18/2017 at 7:17 AM, Arcane Intervention said:

Congrats on and thanks for the release! Cant wait to see what can be built with the new parts :)

Edit: As i sit here trying to build a blimp, i have the constant sound of the cargo lift playing, almost a hour and a half after i interacted with the part, this is a bug right?


Sounds like it. Get it? :) I'll have a look.

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And the roof panels:


The markings needs some work... Central panel is where you have a construction pad if you have EL installed. Trying to work through some issues with it, but I might have an update by the end of the weekend. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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  On 4/20/2017 at 7:35 PM, Angel-125 said:

That's available in the current release. The lab, hab, and greenhouse are on the way. :)


OK, I checked out the briefing room, and all I can say is, I'm glad I didn't start getting screenshots for my next chapter yet, because that is definitely going in it!!!!  :)

Edited by Just Jim
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Nice!  Here's my first base piece built with the parts on its way.  Trying to complete multiple contracts at once, including the first landing on Minmus for this save.  Thanks to the magic of KER, I was able to line up the launch stages fairly perfectly under this asymmetric ship, and pre-planning on thrust vectors allowed for a surprisingly easy liftoff/ continued flight.  It has a pair of cargo bays set up to open doors away from each other on the bottom with a fully scienced-out Akita rover from USI tucked inside with a 3k buckboard on its back full of SEP gear.


Had to make do with the connections between the two, it's the same sort of connection without the 2x thin chassis that led to the launch stages.


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  On 4/22/2017 at 2:55 PM, Angel-125 said:

Wow, that looks like a really interesting design. :)


Interesting!  That's the word for it, not hodge podge, hahah.
Here it is on landing with barely a whump, even though I forgot to add a top facing probe core and had to fly it in by eye.  Also didn't bring my KAS tools because I think I had packed it during one phase of my planning and somewhere along the way that box got accidentally emptied.  Managed to plan a super cheap unmanned supply run to bring those and a couple more boxes for materials.


And then the Akita pulling out of the garage.


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Heisenberg 2.4.0 is now available:

New Parts
- GondoBalcony: This part is handy for preventing kerbals from opening the door on Bison office buildings, stepping outside, and experiencing a sudden stop at the end. You can toggle the central railing to extend the balcony.
- Construction Pad: Designed for the roof of a Bison module, the Construction Pad provides a landing spot for your aircraft. With ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads installed, it also doubles as a launchpad for new vessel construction.
- Pad Extension: Also designed for the roof of a Bison module, this pad extension makes your landing pads larger.

Bug Fixes & Enhancements
- WBT Update
- The GondoHab, GondoLab, and GondoGarden can now be broken down for easy transport and set up as office buildings, just like the GondOffice. The new ability is only available to new constructions.
- Fixed the VAB/SPH part icon for the GondOffice.
- The GondOffice's conference phone can now change the internal light color from white, blue, and off.
- Fixed IVA overlay positioning of the GondOffice.

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Here's my station redone without your old 2.5m tanks, turned out even more sleek and "cool" than it was the first time, in my opinion.

Front Top

Back and Bottom

Tucked away hangout spot in the Buffalo up top

That'll about be what I have for a while, the version I'm sending to the Mun will have an ore containing/refining attachment join it on the bottom, but the design pretty much works and with its launcher, it has over 4k dV to use from its current orbit of 250km.

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The hangout spot is a really nice touch. :) Looks great!

  On 4/24/2017 at 1:59 AM, Krakatoa said:

@Angel-125 Was it expected that this update would remove anything in flight with GondoHab or GondoLab parts?  Afraid those two missions I posted got deleted when I booted up the game because "WBI.GondoHab" and "WBI.GondoLab" were missing.


Should only be deprecated, not deleted. The original parts are still there.

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