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[1.3] REKT Escape Pod Mod - v0.4.5.1 (more fixes)


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I just wanted to add that the patch for TacLifeSupport doesn't appear to be working.  The A pod got some oxygen but no food or water, the N and D had no LS supplies added.  Also consider adding 300 power to each single capacity pod like the TACLS does to stock pods as the stock electric charge lasts literally minutes.  My own attempts at writing patches for NEEDS TacLife Support have never worked, I manually added the resources in the cfgs.

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1 hour ago, overkill13 said:

I just wanted to add that the patch for TacLifeSupport doesn't appear to be working.  The A pod got some oxygen but no food or water, the N and D had no LS supplies added.  Also consider adding 300 power to each single capacity pod like the TACLS does to stock pods as the stock electric charge lasts literally minutes.  My own attempts at writing patches for NEEDS TacLife Support have never worked, I manually added the resources in the cfgs.

Can you share what you have manually added to your configs? I'll re-write my patch based on that.

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I tried to base the life support on the USI Survival pod's supplies value of about 1.5 days, but I realize now, USI's LS doesn't kill kerbals when they run out of supplies.  I also didn't add waste as I figure the pods have no intention of recycling waste.  I left it to eject from the pod automatically.  Manually add a 0.625 waste container and recyclers if you really want the function.

3 days is the standard added to all pods that require a pilot by TACLS' own patch.  The escaped pods, excluding the C, don't require a pilot so they aren't included in the stock patch.  TACLS also allows 60 days without food, 6 days without water or 2 hours without O2 or energy before killing the Kerbal.

3 days supplies

1.10 Food, 0.73 Water, 111.04 Oxygen

3 days waste follows if you want to add it.

0.10 Waste, 0.92 Waste Water, 95.91 Carbon Dioxide

The patch noted 6 days supplies for A/N pods and 30 days for the D.  Obviously multipy by 2 and 10 for those values.

Comparing the pod sizes to the stock Mk1 Pod I think the 6/30 day values are probably reasonable and will adjust mine from 1/3days now that I consider death as the outcome for TACLS while USILS just has the Kerbals refuse to work until resupplied.

I added 300 Electric Charge to the A/N pods (325/330 total) to get shy of 3 hours without solar/rtgs and 600 (645 total) to the D.  To get days of power without some form of charging would require ridiculous power storage values.  1,325 is 1 day 4 hours not including the drain from the built in probe cores.

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4 hours ago, overkill13 said:

I tried to base the life support on the USI Survival pod's supplies value of about 1.5 days, but I realize now, USI's LS doesn't kill kerbals when they run out of supplies.  I also didn't add waste as I figure the pods have no intention of recycling waste.  I left it to eject from the pod automatically.  Manually add a 0.625 waste container and recyclers if you really want the function.

FYI USI-LS gives you the option to change how harsh you want the penalties. I along with many other people play with death as the punishment for running out of supplies. 

Edited by TheRagingIrishman
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10 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

FYI USI-LS gives you the option to change how harsh you want the penalties. I along with many other people play with death as the punishment for running out of supplies. 

I use USI-LS for my main game, and have set the penalty as death too. I find the USI-LS is a good blend of simplicity of implementation, in-game playabitilty and difficulty (given logistics planning, endurance, and payloads).

Edited by steedcrugeon
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Good to know, TACLS can also be adjusted in the settings to be non-lethal if one so chooses.  I liked USILS when I looked at it too, but the supply chain for MKS surface bases was so out of control resource wise that I decided on TACLS despite the three resources and the ?recent? switch to wonky consumption ratios.

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3 hours ago, overkill13 said:

Good to know, TACLS can also be adjusted in the settings to be non-lethal if one so chooses.  I liked USILS when I looked at it too, but the supply chain for MKS surface bases was so out of control resource wise that I decided on TACLS despite the three resources and the ?recent? switch to wonky consumption ratios.

You don't need MKS to use USI-LS.  (Though admittedly, they're designed to work together.  And you'll miss having some habitation parts without MKS.)

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Ok, this is what you need to do:

  1. The Retractable Lifting Surface mod needs to be in it's own folder, with the .version file for it in the same place.  I don't mind (actually encourage) you to include it, but you need to keep the folders the same
  2. The .version should be in the SHED directory
  3. You should make a release file.  It's ok in this case if it's teh same as the source, but it needs to be added as the release file
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I can't add REKT to CKAN because of the included RetractableLiftingSurface.dll.  Not that you aren't allowed to include it (you are), but that it's in the wrong location.

Essentially, you need to include mods like that in their original directories.

Also, the directory structure is not great.

Ideally, you should have the follinwg in the zip file:

          SHED (with the Changelog, license & readme included)
          RetractableLiftingSurface (the entire mod)

Otherwise, when another mod also includes the RetractableLiftingSurface, there will be a DLL collision and strange things can happen.

This directory layout makes it much easier for people to install mods manually, and also makes it easier to add to CKAN


Edit: the 4.3 file does not have a version file for REKT, it looks exactly like the 4.2 file


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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1 hour ago, steedcrugeon said:

@linuxgurugamer You are correct, something has gone awry with the release from github. The 0.4.3 branch has not merged and is separate from the master. I will rectify now and re-release.

Corrected release mistake. SpaceDock will be updated this evening.

Looks much better, thanks.

I'll do the netkan by this evening, if I don't get to it sooner.

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A quick meta-comment on the packaging for all of Sphero-Hedron Engineering Dynamics's products: The way you're packaging stuff at the moment, where all the parts are dumped into the same folders regardless of which mod they are from, makes it a bit tricky to upgrade/merge mods as it's very easy to replace the 'SHED' folder, or even the 'Parts' folder with the new one and mess things up.

I'd recommend that if you want to keep everything in SHED, you follow the examples of WildBlueIndustries or USI, and have sub-folders for each of your mods: 'REKT', 'SpaceDock', 'PicoPort', etc.

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1 hour ago, DStaal said:

A quick meta-comment on the packaging for all of Sphero-Hedron Engineering Dynamics's products: The way you're packaging stuff at the moment, where all the parts are dumped into the same folders regardless of which mod they are from, makes it a bit tricky to upgrade/merge mods as it's very easy to replace the 'SHED' folder, or even the 'Parts' folder with the new one and mess things up.

I'd recommend that if you want to keep everything in SHED, you follow the examples of WildBlueIndustries or USI, and have sub-folders for each of your mods: 'REKT', 'SpaceDock', 'PicoPort', etc.

You make a good point (to be honest I did not think i'd get to a point where I would be generating sufficient content to warrant separating the contents of the SHED folder). I will endeavor to rectifying this in subsequent releases, LinuxGuruGamer has given me a more consistent folder structure so i now know to properly bundle other supporting stuff.

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2 hours ago, DStaal said:

A quick meta-comment on the packaging for all of Sphero-Hedron Engineering Dynamics's products: The way you're packaging stuff at the moment, where all the parts are dumped into the same folders regardless of which mod they are from, makes it a bit tricky to upgrade/merge mods as it's very easy to replace the 'SHED' folder, or even the 'Parts' folder with the new one and mess things up.

I'd recommend that if you want to keep everything in SHED, you follow the examples of WildBlueIndustries or USI, and have sub-folders for each of your mods: 'REKT', 'SpaceDock', 'PicoPort', etc.

To enhance what @DStaal says, and expanding on my earlier comment, if you want to keep everything in SHED, you can do the following: YourNestMod

                REKT (with the Changelog, license & readme included)
                RetractableLiftingSurface (the entire mod)
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@steedcrugeon was just checking in to see if you were still looking to include a Deep Space version of a capsule with CryoFreeze implementation.  Sure hope this is still on your wish list.  I tried to just copy over the Modules into the CFG's for one of the pods, but couldn't get it to function, no Joy for me.  Not good enough at this stuff yet.  BTW, nice work pushing out updates and keeping it current.  Hope you will continue to lean towards TAC as it is a great stand alone and I just like it.

Thx for your work and Time bud, really enjoying the RPG playthrough I have been doing with your Escape pods.  Just couldn't do it with out them.  But needing a Cryo version for a mission I want to run.  

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1 hour ago, ArkaelDren said:

@steedcrugeon was just checking in to see if you were still looking to include a Deep Space version of a capsule with CryoFreeze implementation.  

The mk1c is supposed to be fulfilling the role as the CryoPod. What I haven't probably made clear enough in the release thread is that it's compatible with DeepFreeze which is where the plugins that takes care of the cryogenics resides. The CryoPod should be fully compatible, it does have teething problems at the minute (I still haven't figured a tidy way for getting it the 'one-shot' freeze the kerbal post jettison).

If you have downloaded the v0.4.3 release the pod should be available in the VAB with the rest of the cryogenic parts (DeepFreeze adds an extra and that's where the pod can be found). If you are having issues with it post v0.4.3 please send me a log file and I'll see if that has any clues.

TAC LS patch re-write is still to follow, it's on my to-do list.

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One way to give it a lot more power would be to use a capacitor system like NFT Electrical or a fuel cell that has only enough fuel for a short burst.  Of course it would have to generate a fairly substantial amount of EC just keep up with freezing process.

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45 minutes ago, mikerl said:

One way to give it a lot more power would be to use a capacitor system like NFT Electrical or a fuel cell that has only enough fuel for a short burst.  Of course it would have to generate a fairly substantial amount of EC just keep up with freezing process.

The NFT-like solution would require a plugin.  I've suggested (and provided a config for) a fuel cell type solution, but there's a problem that the current version of DeepFreeze requires all of the EC in one lump.  (Previous versions would let you feed it in over time.)  I believe that's going to be changed on the DeepFreeze side.

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Hey steedcrugeon,

First off I really enjoy your mod,but I have a problem with it.I dont have any ivas for the most recent version,I was using an older version,and the ivas worked with that one.The most recent one,however is lacking ivas for me.

If you have any idea what might be the problem plz let me know,until then I will continue running tests.

A fellow forum member,


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