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Tectonics, Glaciation and Volcanism on Minmus

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It is heavily implied that Minmus is tectonically active.  Our seismometers detect activity, there are few impact craters, etc.. There are frozen lakes too.

Would it be possible to have a cryovolcano (even an inactive one) or a glacier on Minmus?  If so, wouldn't those be cool Easter eggs?

Also, they could have their own miniature biomes like the runway on KSC.

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Just now, Jonfliesgoats said:

It is heavily implied that Minmus is tectonically active.  Our seismometers detect activity, there are few impact craters, etc.. There are frozen lakes too.

Would it be possible to have a cryovolcano (even an inactive one) or a glacier on Minmus?  If so, wouldn't those be cool Easter eggs?

Also, they could have their own miniature biomes like the runway on KSC.

Interesting things to see on the surface of planets? In KSP? Are you mad?




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I am all for any sort of visual or terrain improvements as lets face it, most of the planets are kinda dull right now (unless you install mod planets that actually have alot of unique features and stuff).  im not sure if/how it could be added, but id love to see some sort of volcanic activity or other geological stuff that is more then just 1 random easter egg.  That said, i dont think minmus is the best place for volcanoes, doesnt really fit the planet as much (moho, tylo are much better candidates if any sort of volcanoes are added).

Its pretty unlikely to happen, but a volcanic planet would actually be amazing, especially if the effects (heat, melting ships, lava explosions, smoke/fire) was actually modeled.  Something akin to the many planets from sci-fi moves/games would be super cool to get in KSP, maybee someday in a DLC or somethin, but until then ill just enjoy the stock system, its not bad with mods that add dust to the planetary surfaces...

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I agree, Panzer.  I start with the Easter egg idea because it wouldn't require new game physics, etc.  Active volcanism on some of the moons around Jool would also be fantastic, but I don't know if KSP has the capability to model plumes of salt water spewing from an ice moon etc.. That would probably be for KSP 2.0.

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12 hours ago, RatchetinSpace said:

Most of the planets/celestial bodies need a terrain upgrade, and this is certainly one of them. I'm all for it!

I think one of the easiest things that can be done, and would go a long way is to redo the textures on the planets to something half decent.  Texture replacer makes a good temporary solution, but i think its about time for the devs to take a look at the horrible textures on the landscape and in planet view.

Then i think they should focus on touching up some of the polygons (the square jagged icy shore north of kerbin is so horridly bad looking id even go as far as to call that a bug, there are also a few other spots in that sort too).  Also, i feel that @SQUAD should consider making changes to planetary geometry even if it can potentially lead to a few broken saves.  It would kinda suck for those rare occasions where you have a nice base setup, but i think the long term beautification of KSP planets is well worth the few landed craft that either end up underground or floating in teh sky.  It could probably make it smaller scale in general to avoid excessive terrain changes, while overhauling the lower scale by adding more features.

At the minimum though i think its is about time to add more easter eggs to the game (like tylo style cave, any other geological formation, perhaps a few artificial constructs like an abandoned alien spaceport or something), the mechanic exists (all we need are models and someone to place them correctly), so it should be trivial to add more...

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