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[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019


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  On 6/26/2021 at 8:58 AM, Sputnik Planitia said:

no matter how any times I press it.


Could be some othe mod is adding to KK's issues with 1.12.
Your instance is throwing a lot of warnings "[WRN 09:41:38.118] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] AttachFacilities: Value cannot be null." which may or may not be related. There is no indication that CTL-K was pressed so something must be intercepting that activity.

In my game a CTL-K invokes the following;

[LOG 18:34:36.611] KK: [LaunchSiteManager] GetLaunchSiteByName: found LS: Runway
[LOG 18:34:36.699] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[EXC 18:34:47.798] MissingMethodException: void UnityEngine.GUIText.set_text(string)
	KerbalKonstructs.UI.MapDecalEditor.CloseVectors () (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
	KerbalKonstructs.UI.MapDecalEditor.Close () (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
	KerbalKonstructs.UI.StaticsEditorGUI.DrawEditorWindow (System.Int32 id) (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
	UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI+WindowFunction func, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, System.Int32 forceRect, System.Single width, System.Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) (at <58f888e0d56a4620958c8e58a768c70d>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)



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  On 6/26/2021 at 11:17 AM, Caerfinon said:

Could be some othe mod is adding to KK's issues with 1.12.
Your instance is throwing a lot of warnings "[WRN 09:41:38.118] KK: [KerbalKonstructs] AttachFacilities: Value cannot be null." which may or may not be related. There is no indication that CTL-K was pressed so something must be intercepting that activity.

In my game a CTL-K invokes the following;

[LOG 18:34:36.611] KK: [LaunchSiteManager] GetLaunchSiteByName: found LS: Runway
[LOG 18:34:36.699] [UIMasterController]: ShowUI
[EXC 18:34:47.798] MissingMethodException: void UnityEngine.GUIText.set_text(string)
	KerbalKonstructs.UI.MapDecalEditor.CloseVectors () (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
	KerbalKonstructs.UI.MapDecalEditor.Close () (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
	KerbalKonstructs.UI.StaticsEditorGUI.DrawEditorWindow (System.Int32 id) (at <d148da5d5d9249218e63843d11b290e5>:0)
	UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI+WindowFunction func, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, System.Int32 forceRect, System.Single width, System.Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) (at <58f888e0d56a4620958c8e58a768c70d>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)




Hmm that is interesting.. I have never had this problem before 1.12 so I do think it is just a 1.12 issue.  At the same time I have no idea what could be intercepting with the ctrl - k system.

Also, I have installed these mods with CKAN so theoretically it should block anything that conflicts with kerbal konstructs. I'll be experimenting until I find something.

I have just noticed that a lot of the konstructs mods (e.g kerbinside remastered) are just there without being used. I must've thought these were dependencies for tundra's space center. I'll remove those mods and come back with more info if I have the time.

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  On 6/26/2021 at 12:19 PM, Sputnik Planitia said:


Hmm that is interesting.. I have never had this problem before 1.12 so I do think it is just a 1.12 issue.  At the same time I have no idea what could be intercepting with the ctrl - k system.

Also, I have installed these mods with CKAN so theoretically it should block anything that conflicts with kerbal konstructs. I'll be experimenting until I find something.

I have just noticed that a lot of the konstructs mods (e.g kerbinside remastered) are just there without being used. I must've thought these were dependencies for tundra's space center. I'll remove those mods and come back with more info if I have the time.


CKAN is notorious for working flawlessly until it doesn't, and then mis-working flawlessly until corrected. Given the number of changes in 1.12, and the number of possible mod combinations in CKAN, I'd be very wary about trusting it to work flawlessly for the next few weeks until many of the mods are updated.  CKAN is fantastic at preventing users from installing a mod incorrectly, and avoiding known incompatibilities - it actually causes more problems than it solves for the edge cases, and right after a major release. Thankfully, going forward there shouldn't be any more major releases.

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  On 6/28/2021 at 2:15 PM, RhodeWithBrim said:

There seems to be an issue that prevents the CTRL-K menu from working/closing, and the spawning of any statics in 1.12. Does anybody have an ETA (if there is one) on when this bug will be fixed..?


It was reported above. Ger_space hasn't posted to the thread since it was reported, but it's also only been a few days since release. While I can't speak for the maintainer, I would note that given the number of changes made in 1.12, any estimate would be premature until the code and error logs are reviewed. Have patience, and there's always the option of reverting back to 1.11.2 in the interim.

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  On 6/28/2021 at 2:29 PM, panarchist said:

It was reported above. Ger_space hasn't posted to the thread since it was reported, but it's also only been a few days since release. While I can't speak for the maintainer, I would note that given the number of changes made in 1.12, any estimate would be premature until the code and error logs are reviewed. Have patience, and there's always the option of reverting back to 1.11.2 in the interim.


Makes sense, thanks!

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  On 6/28/2021 at 1:24 PM, Dhruv said:

how to make an existing rocket as an instance


the model for an instance is a single .mu file so the options would be;

  1.  somehow import the craft file into a graphics program like blender that you could then export a .mu file from and make it into the instance
  2. just create a blender object (or program of choice) that looks like your rocket and export the .mu file and then that becomes the model for the instance
  3. create instances of all the individual parts necessary to make the appearance of the rocket and then use the KK editor to assemble them in the correct structure to get the desired effect of a rocket at KSC

All equally daunting in my mind.

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  On 6/28/2021 at 1:24 PM, Dhruv said:

Hey anyone has any idea on how to make an existing rocket as an instance so that we can use it as a show model around KSC??


Caerfinon is fantastic but also very technically minded. You can simply make copies of the config files for the parts you use in your rocket "Save As" them to a different file name and then edit the new copy to be a STATIC rather than a part. The KK will recognise them as model it can use and you can build using the Static models you created. Look at one of the free statics that come with KK to see how they are laid out. But basically change PART to STATIC.

Here is an example. the first config is for the Squad Part XL girder when it is a part to be used in the SPH

  Reveal hidden contents

This second uses the same mesh model but is a static used by KK.

  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by ColdJ
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  On 6/28/2021 at 3:20 PM, Caerfinon said:

the model for an instance is a single .mu file so the options would be;

  1.  somehow import the craft file into a graphics program like blender that you could then export a .mu file from and make it into the instance
  2. just create a blender object (or program of choice) that looks like your rocket and export the .mu file and then that becomes the model for the instance
  3. create instances of all the individual parts necessary to make the appearance of the rocket and then use the KK editor to assemble them in the correct structure to get the desired effect of a rocket at KSC

All equally daunting in my mind.


So basically, we can go with option 1 and may be write a config file as a static as mentioned by @ColdJ (Which might not be necessary for whole rocket as I am not building it with seperate parts as statics) and hopefully we can have a custom static!

Let me try and then I'll let you know what happens!

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Alright!, So here is how it goes,



1) Import your .craft file in 'Blender' and then export it in the form of .mu file. Save it anywhere because we will make a separate folder.

2) Make a folder in KSP>GameData and name it what ever you want [Example: Statics]. And paste the .mu file of your craft in that folder.

3) Now is working part: Simply copy and paste the given stuff and save it as .cfg file and name it with the exact name as your .mu file


    mesh = model.mu
    module = Part
    static = true
    name = Model name
    author = YourName
    title = any title
    category = none
    manufacturer = Custom Name
    description = Girder
    keepConvex = False
    isSquad = False
    isHidden = False
    cost = 100
    DefaultFacilityType = None


Don't change anything except: mesh, name, author, title, category, manufacturer & description.

4) Paste this file in the same folder which has your .mu file.

The KK will automatically detect it as static and will show in game!


Now your custom Static is ready and will be shown in KK instances in game.

NOTE: the instance won't have any textures, it will be grey. So you have to make textures in Blender and then export it as .mu file


Thanks to @Caerfinon & @ColdJ for Ideas and It works 100% (Tried in v1.10.1)


Here is the photo for reference:


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  On 6/28/2021 at 2:29 PM, panarchist said:

It was reported above. Ger_space hasn't posted to the thread since it was reported, but it's also only been a few days since release. While I can't speak for the maintainer, I would note that given the number of changes made in 1.12, any estimate would be premature until the code and error logs are reviewed. Have patience, and there's always the option of reverting back to 1.11.2 in the interim.


Oh yeah... about that. I have reverted to 1.11.2 since I wanted to keep my mods compatible and I don't really think 1.12 did much change. However, the issue had stayed and the ctrl - k menu is still not working.

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  On 6/28/2021 at 8:31 PM, Sputnik Planitia said:

Oh yeah... about that. I have reverted to 1.11.2 since I wanted to keep my mods compatible and I don't really think 1.12 did much change. However, the issue had stayed and the ctrl - k menu is still not working.


I believe a quick reinstall can fix that, worked for me.

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I know everybody is different in the way they install KSP but for me I have the installers straight from Squad. That store link up at the top of the forum. And I have an instance of each KSP from 1.9.1 up till the latest installed in different folders. So I can create an area in the early games where KK works and then copy the instance config over to the latest KSP. as long as all the STATICs you used are available in the GameData folder of your 1.12.0 then they will turn up in world.

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  On 6/29/2021 at 2:42 AM, ColdJ said:

I know everybody is different in the way they install KSP but for me I have the installers straight from Squad. That store link up at the top of the forum. And I have an instance of each KSP from 1.9.1 up till the latest installed in different folders. So I can create an area in the early games where KK works and then copy the instance config over to the latest KSP. as long as all the STATICs you used are available in the GameData folder of your 1.12.0 then they will turn up in world.


Where is the location of the "Instance Config"?

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  On 6/29/2021 at 9:37 AM, RhodeWithBrim said:

Where is the location of the "Instance Config"?


C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalKonstructs\NewInstances\

Whatever you called the folder you installed your KSP in at the beginning and then in this folder path you will find cfg suffixed files that are named to the area you created when you created your location.

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  On 6/29/2021 at 9:46 AM, ColdJ said:

C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KerbalKonstructs\NewInstances\

Whatever you called the folder you installed your KSP in at the beginning and then in this folder path you will find cfg suffixed files that are named to the area you created when you created your location.



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