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[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019


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Small update before the weekend:


* BugFix: deleted MapDecals are also deleted from the Harddisk and don't come back after a restart of KSP 
* Feature: You can assign the mapdecal LoadOrder. higher ordered Decals are applied on top of lower ordered
* Feature: Usable facilities are highlighted when the mouse hovers over the building and the facility window can be opened with a mouse cllick. If you see a fuelTank you no longer have to go through the list to find it.

Example for two nested MapDecals. You can create more complex terrains with some simple maps. 


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A quick Notice: 

Kerbal Konstructs is NOT compatible with 1.4, and much more than a recompile is needed

The problem are the code changes for the new expansion as KSP now supports custom LaunchSites and named the c# class the same as in KK. So KK can place statics but all custom LaunchSites are broken and KSP will crash.

I have no ETA when I will release a version for 1.4. I will release the latest features for 1.3.1 and then start working on the fixes for 1.4. 


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  On 3/7/2018 at 8:28 AM, Ger_space said:

as KSP now supports custom LaunchSites and named the c# class the same as in KK.


That really sucks given how many possible letter combinations , formats of namespace etc for them to end up exactly as they are in KK,  go ksp devs for taking the easy option .  Take your time,   i'm in not rush to move  my mods to 1.4 either , having seen that the bugs from 131 are still there .


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  On 3/7/2018 at 12:28 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

That really sucks given how many possible letter combinations , formats of namespace etc for them to end up exactly as they are in KK,  go ksp devs for taking the easy option .  Take your time,   i'm in not rush to move  my mods to 1.4 either , having seen that the bugs from 131 are still there .



They also have some of the same attribute and function names :D. (which is totally ok, if they adapted the KK code or concepts as the MIT license allows this)  Its only bad that some of the needed functions will not work if the DLC-expansion is not installed, but maybe there is a way to get past of this. 

But one thing is sure: any 1.4 release of KK is going not to work on 1.3.1, which is going to be the main reason I'll release a full feature update first. It only needs some more testing and a some of documentation, but I hope I can release it soon.  


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  On 3/7/2018 at 2:12 PM, Ger_space said:

They also have some of the same attribute and function names :D. (which is totally ok, if they adapted the KK code or concepts as the MIT license allows this)  Its only bad that some of the needed functions will not work if the DLC-expansion is not installed, but maybe there is a way to get past of this. 

But one thing is sure: any 1.4 release of KK is going not to work on 1.3.1, which is going to be the main reason I'll release a full feature update first. It only needs some more testing and a some of documentation, but I hope I can release it soon.  



How about making a maintenance release for 1.3.1 with all attributes and methods names changed for not clashing with 1.4? That would simplify all feature backporting should such thing happen.

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  On 3/7/2018 at 3:24 PM, whale_2 said:

How about making a maintenance release for 1.3.1 with all attributes and methods names changed for not clashing with 1.4? That would simplify all feature backporting should such thing happen.


Its a good idea. I'll change the names for the next 1.3.1 release. I hope I will not need to backport many features, as maintaining two releases is pretty painfull. 

Its sadly not only about the class names , the way custom I can launch from different places is changed as KSP now supports multiple launchsite. Before it was very a very ugly hack that made is work. What is currently bad is, that the new API requires the expansion to be installed :mad:


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might as well wait for v1.4.1 to drop with the expansion next week, is already including some new fixes from the 1.4 release.

Also what the heck did I miss that changed between v1.2.0.2 and the current pre-release that would break everything? I dropped in and none of my statics show up anymore, but KK itself seems to be running fine. log file.

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  On 3/7/2018 at 4:39 PM, Drew Kerman said:

might as well wait for v1.4.1 to drop with the expansion next week, is already including some new fixes from the 1.4 release.

Also what the heck did I miss that changed between v1.2.0.2 and the current pre-release that would break everything? I dropped in and none of my statics show up anymore, but KK itself seems to be running fine. log file.


Clean up the Mapdecal folder. There is a broken cfg file in it. 

Thanks for the bug report I'll make the loader more robust to handle that problem without crashing 


I don't know if its really a broken config or some virus scanner preventing access to the texture. but deleting the config should be ok too.

Edited by Ger_space
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  On 3/7/2018 at 10:00 PM, Ger_space said:

Clean up the Mapdecal folder. There is a broken cfg file in it. 


Where did you catch this from the log? Curious to see it for more context because I literally just dropped the release into the GameData and haven't modified anything but it sounds like you're saying I introduced the problem

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  On 3/7/2018 at 10:23 PM, Drew Kerman said:

Where did you catch this from the log? Curious to see it for more context because I literally just dropped the release into the GameData and haven't modified anything but it sounds like you're saying I introduced the problem

UnityException: Texture 'KerbalKonstructs/MapDecalMaps/AllBack' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Impo
rt Settings.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels32 (int)
  at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels32 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MapSO.CreateGreyscaleFromRGB (UnityEngine.Texture2D tex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MapSO.CreateMap (MapDepth depth, UnityEngine.Texture2D tex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.Core.ConfigParser.LoadAllMapDecalMaps () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)


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  On 3/7/2018 at 10:33 PM, Drew Kerman said:


well I'll remove the cfgs for now until you get it sorted. Might want to check to see if TRR does the same thing - TR is still being supported by @RangeMachine so it could remain a factor post KSP v1.4


No I have TRR installed and its working, so I have no idea why access to that file failed.

Edited by Ger_space
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Its release time:

Kerbal Konstricts  (for KSP 1.3.1)


You will some Documentation in the WIKI


For players

  • Fixed the facility dublications in the inflight facility manager
  • Facilities can be opened directly with a mouse click.
  • Buildings wich host a facility will highlight under the mouse 
  • Some windows generate less memory garbage and should render faster
  • Added a new Merchant facility type. You can trade all defined resources here.
  • FuelTanks are converted to the new Merchant Facility
  • Added a new Storage Facility Type. You can place and retrieve all your resources there
  • Reworked Vessel Recovery: All Open LaunchSites have the same recovery range and factor as the KSC. If you are closer than 2500m to a base you get 100% refund. As balancing all LaunchSiterefunds have been removed, as it didn't make any sense. The old recovery could have lead to situations that recovery at a remote base was worse than at the KSC. Also fixed the display of the recovery window.
  • (experimental )KerbalKonstructs should work better with SigmaDimensions, as now the altitude for most objects is saved in height above terrain. (floating objects at the water surface should stay there.

For modders

  • Objects can be now moved and edited outside the visiblility range of the object.
  • StaticModules have now an attribute staticInstance which is automaticly updated when the module is attached to an Static Object.
  • Support for placing and editig PQSMod_MapDecals
  • Added Support to load custom MapDecal image maps (examples in the MapDecalMaps folder)
  • added some helper vectors to visualize the mapdecals area of effect
  • Added a GradColor static module, that will adjust the color or the named meshes to the color of the underground. (and set a new gras texture)
  • You can use builtin Textures with the BUILDIN:/ prefex. (currently used in the GrasColor Module and the AdvancedTexture Module)
  • Added AdvanedTexture StaticModule for replacing textures and shaders on a Static.
  • Added AnimateOnSunRise StaticModule (created by @Li0n-0 )
  • All KSP Assets now come with the GrasColor Module preinstalled


  • complete rework of the LaunchSiteManager and the LaunchSiteSelector GUI. It should render faster and has 300 less lines of Code. It is also better to read.




MapDecals@work                                                               GrasColor Module                                                              GrasColor Module                                                       


Merchant interface         Storage interface


Edited by Ger_space
point to right version
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Is the update compatible with the latest Kerbin-Side?

Also, is there a centralized way to transfer funds to KSC account from all offices without visiting each airport that has one?

And thanks for a great mod! Together with Kerbin-Side, Kerbin GAP, and a bunch of other mods it creates a great game experience. A quest to fly around the globe to open up all the stations, a nice tycoon minigame with offices, and finally a pragmatic reason to build some aircrafts after completing Kerbin science make the game much more engaging.

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@Ger_space  SPH launch site selector is broken.  When I click on it, I get an empty window and an error that says "ArgumentException: Getting control 3's position in a group with only 3 controls when doing Repaint.  Aborting."  If I try to interact with said blank window, it throws other exceptions that are pretty much the same except describe what I'm doing (ie instead of 'repaint', it'll say 'mousedrag' or 'mouseup', etc.)

VAB seems to work fine, it's just in the SPH this is happening.

FWIW - I'm on MacOS, KSP 1.3.1, latest install of KK. 

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  On 3/8/2018 at 4:26 AM, Xilexio said:

Is the update compatible with the latest Kerbin-Side?

Also, is there a centralized way to transfer funds to KSC account from all offices without visiting each airport that has one?

And thanks for a great mod! Together with Kerbin-Side, Kerbin GAP, and a bunch of other mods it creates a great game experience. A quest to fly around the globe to open up all the stations, a nice tycoon minigame with offices, and finally a pragmatic reason to build some aircrafts after completing Kerbin science make the game much more engaging.


Yes it is. At least I test it will several mods and I do everything I can not to break them.

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  On 3/8/2018 at 5:40 AM, MaxPeck said:

@Ger_space  SPH launch site selector is broken.  When I click on it, I get an empty window and an error that says "ArgumentException: Getting control 3's position in a group with only 3 controls when doing Repaint.  Aborting."  If I try to interact with said blank window, it throws other exceptions that are pretty much the same except describe what I'm doing (ie instead of 'repaint', it'll say 'mousedrag' or 'mouseup', etc.)

VAB seems to work fine, it's just in the SPH this is happening.

FWIW - I'm on MacOS, KSP 1.3.1, latest install of KK. 


It's on all platforms and I have no idea why its happening only in the SPH.

Something is very strange is going on and I need some time to sort this out. 

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Hello @Ger_space,

I've been reading this whole thread to follow up the development of this mod (I'm still on page 16), as well as the Kerbin Side mod. I posted an issue there and I haven't been able to follow up because of reasons, but I will follow up on it this weekend.

Back to the topic though: I want to ask, can I get the update of Kerbal Konstructs without an update to Kerbin Side, or I need to wait for both of them to be updated?

I assume that 1.4. will break this mod (as well as other mods I have) so I will not be updating to 1.4. soon. Is this correct?

And btw, really thanks for all the hard work. Because of you, my KSP experience is always fun and exciting.



Yes it is. At least I test it will several mods and I do everything I can not to break them.


Someone else asked my question and it's already answered, so please don't mind my question. Thanks!

Edited by johnkeale
quoted the answer I was looking for
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  On 3/8/2018 at 5:40 AM, MaxPeck said:

@Ger_space  SPH launch site selector is broken.  When I click on it, I get an empty window and an error that says "ArgumentException: Getting control 3's position in a group with only 3 controls when doing Repaint.  Aborting."  If I try to interact with said blank window, it throws other exceptions that are pretty much the same except describe what I'm doing (ie instead of 'repaint', it'll say 'mousedrag' or 'mouseup', etc.)

VAB seems to work fine, it's just in the SPH this is happening.

FWIW - I'm on MacOS, KSP 1.3.1, latest install of KK. 


OK I think I found the problem, but I cannot fix it the next few hours as I'm stuck at work without my personal laptop, so I cannot build or publish a release.

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  On 3/8/2018 at 10:43 AM, Galileo said:

Does the new update do away with the need for KKtoSD when used with Sigma Dimensions? I’m a bit confused on that end of things. 


its still needed, but the buildings should no longer sink into the ground. SD is still a nightmare to handle. really, this is not funny at all... and no matter what I try I find a reason why the statics will be placed wrong afterwards. ( as soon the terrain is not flat, there is no chance to get it right, either roads will be disconnected, or buildings will be in the ground)  

So for now I have no Idea. Maybe with the Kerbin-Side rework I'll place all bases on flat grounds, so they are easier to move. For now I don't have an idea how to improve it further, but Ideas or patches are welcome.


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