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[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019


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  On 10/29/2018 at 6:58 PM, Stephanie the Viking said:


Question number two is: is there a way for me to specify a default value for the merchant buildings? Add a ratio of 3:1 buy/sell for all common resources in my game for example so I don't have to do it manually every time I build one)

Number three, an unfortunate bug in any 'science' building, which shows a grey text box with some text wedged right into the top left corner and no buttons or readable data when clicked (I cannot retrieve the science, add workers etc.) ... this is the only info/text box this happens to. Did you know about this? Is there something I can do?

  Reveal hidden contents

Again, sorry for asking about an old version but this career is the best one yet and I'm sick of starting again all the time! For me, KK is not only enhancing but necessary.
Adjusting these few things would make my game save perfect.


The default quotas are hardcded 0.9 to 1. for buying to selling. You can edit the configfiles by hand, its not too complicated. 

I fixed the Science window. I had the same bug in 1.4 and now its backported. Having to develoment branches is annoying. sometimes stuff gets lost.

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Hi. @Omega482 is making some static assets including road sections. I thought it would be a great idea to have attach nodes for easy snapping and allignment. He said there isnt such functionality in KK ,however it wouldnt nessisarily be a bad thing to have. Is that something that could be added in? Possibly in a future update?


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  On 10/31/2018 at 7:19 AM, Jesusthebird said:

Hi. @Omega482 is making some static assets including road sections. I thought it would be a great idea to have attach nodes for easy snapping and allignment. He said there isnt such functionality in KK ,however it wouldnt nessisarily be a bad thing to have. Is that something that could be added in? Possibly in a future update?



It's a bad thing to code something like that.

The time required by all people to set that up properly is way more than that time, that is saved afterwards.

You need manually define the attach nodes ( and make them all correct) and I would need all code for attaching. 

Im not convinced that that would lead to any faster progress in all projects using kerbal konstructs.

If someone is willing to write a patch for it, I'm willing to do a review and integrate it, but for now the focus is on something else.

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  On 10/30/2018 at 9:19 PM, Ger_space said:

The default quotas are hardcded 0.9 to 1. for buying to selling. You can edit the configfiles by hand, its not too complicated.


Ach, I looked at that before I asked, and looked again but I cant see those numbers anywhere in the configs that would make sense. Could you possibly tell me which one(s) precisely to look at? I've found the initial configs list, I found fuel tanks cfg with the capacity of fuels but nothing with 'commerce', 'merchant', shop' etc. seems to have the values shown in the shop or in the fuel tanks for the goods and prices, unless I missed it each time (possible).

Also thanks for the response, I await your update eagerly.

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  On 10/31/2018 at 8:48 AM, Ger_space said:

It's a bad thing to code something like that.

The time required by all people to set that up properly is way more than that time, that is saved afterwards.

You need manually define the attach nodes ( and make them all correct) and I would need all code for attaching. 

Im not convinced that that would lead to any faster progress in all projects using kerbal konstructs.

If someone is willing to write a patch for it, I'm willing to do a review and integrate it, but for now the focus is on something else.


Allrighty. Part of me figured if it was easy to implament, It probably would be avaliable already. I was kinda thinking it as an optional thing anyways. Not having a node defined would break models im assuming. But setting it to 'none' might not or something like that. Too bad I suck at coding or I might look into it further. Ohh well..

thanks for the xyz gizmo tho! That will definately make it a bit easier. I hope that goes well! That alone is a godly feature for KK.

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  On 10/31/2018 at 3:44 PM, Stephanie the Viking said:

Ach, I looked at that before I asked, and looked again but I cant see those numbers anywhere in the configs that would make sense. Could you possibly tell me which one(s) precisely to look at? I've found the initial configs list, I found fuel tanks cfg with the capacity of fuels but nothing with 'commerce', 'merchant', shop' etc. seems to have the values shown in the shop or in the fuel tanks for the goods and prices, unless I missed it each time (possible).

Also thanks for the response, I await your update eagerly.


The configs are converted and saved in the next kk release, then it's more intuitive I think. 

If kk now sees an old fuel tank setup, it's internally changed into a merchant setup, but the config files stay up.

Next release: "soon" 

KK will convert all legacy configs and write them out as soon the SpaceCenter scene is loaded. Then you will see no more fueltanks.

Or while in a flight scene: press ctrl+k and then press the save all button

Edited by Ger_space
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after endles rounds of bugfixing and breaking: At least some Release candidate:   


BACKUP YOUR WORK. There is no way back from this release to older versions. 



  • new GroupCenter objects. These are the center of a group and define everything
  • new config file format: now everything is relative to a GroupCenter
  • new editor gizmo support for Object movement
  • group editing: You can move and clone an entire Group of statics
  • better support for Sigma Dimensions. As soon statics are loaded with the new config format, everything will stay in place. (as long the groups are properbly defined)
  • you can switch the reference system in the editor with the "F" key
  • Improved GrasColor support. (predefined colors, texture replacement)
  • performance improvements for startup time of Kerbin-Side Remastered statics
  • Improved camera positioning of the spacecenter camera


No real gameplay improvement, only improved the handling of the editor. The Version will run on KSP 1.5.X. Releases for KSP 1.2.2 and 1.3.1 will follow tomorrow, as soon I have ported all changes. 

Edited by Ger_space
update the release
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After nearly 20 rounds of fixing bugs.. Its finished:

The release is going to be a baseline for quite some time and many thanks to everone who help me testing it and broke KK in all ways. 

KSP 1.4.5 & KSP 1.5.X: https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/releases/tag/

KSP 1.2.2 & KSP 1.3.1: https://github.com/GER-Space/Kerbal-Konstructs/releases/tag/



For modders

  • new GroupCenter objects. These are the center of a group and define everything
  • new config file format: now everything is relative to a GroupCenter
  • group editing: You can move and clone an entire group of statics
  • automatic group assignment of newly created statics
  • new editor gizmo support for object movement
  • you can switch the reference system in the editor with the "F" key
  • Improved GrasColor support. (predefined colors, texture replacement)
  • added AnimateOnTrigger StaticModule

For all

  • better support for Sigma Dimensions. As soon statics are loaded with the new config format, everything will stay in place.
  • speeded up the loading of Kerbin-Side Remastered statics (20x faster)
  • general prformance improvements
  • automatic conversion of old configs to new format
  • Statics should now always load outside the VesselLoading range. (try to fix multiplayer and physic-range altering mods)


Outlook for the future: 

* complete UI Rework for the editor (to be more like the VAB editor)
* rework of the other windows to be less resource intensive (only KSP >= 1.4.x)

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Anyone had problems with the .24 release and Kerbin Side (classic)?

I update KK to .24 and Kerbin Side is vanished, afete an awful amount of exceptions complaining about the Group Center.

It was working on the .17 release, but since the download is not available anymore I can't roll back and check this, or if something else had messed up.

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  On 11/6/2018 at 1:43 AM, Lisias said:

Anyone had problems with the .24 release and Kerbin Side (classic)?

I update KK to .24 and Kerbin Side is vanished, afete an awful amount of exceptions complaining about the Group Center.

It was working on the .17 release, but since the download is not available anymore I can't roll back and check this, or if something else had messed up.


You probably deeded the old installation of kerbal konstructs. That's messed up your Kerbin-side.( Now the buildings are in the new format, but the new group centers are gone.)

Reinstall Kerbin-side, then it's working.

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  On 11/10/2018 at 6:05 PM, Ger_space said:

The one for 1.4.5 should work on 1.4.3. Any reason you are not using the latest ksp release? ( Or at least latest 1.4.x?) 


I don't use 1.5.1 due to me preferring it on earlier versions. Because I didn't really check, didn't know there was a 1.4.5 version, all I saw was 1.4.3, yeah, I'm a bit special. ^^

Edited by Sebastiaz
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Not sure why, but KK breaks my game in really bizarre ways


besides the flickering screen when loading into the KSC on startup, actually deploying a vehicle makes you see an atmosphere that is literally like the old internet explorer infiniwindows thing (you know, like where you move the window and it overlays a million windows on the traject you moved it on?)

maybe I should check if kronkus or asciepus' KK extras cause it but it's definitely rather odd

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A small teaser for the next release: 

despites of many fixed bugs, I had time for some small feature:

Yes it was heavily inspired by KSP 1.6, but I don't like to wait and I really don't want this only for KSP-MH Launchsites:

You can now easily set navigation waypoints:



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The new Release was done faster than anticipated: 

KSP 1.4.5 & KSP 1.5.1 

KSP 1.2.2 & KSP 1.3.1

for players

  • you can now create waypoints to the LaunchSites on the mapview
  • fixed some annoying bugs, that prevented sometimes the launch of vessels
  • the spacecenter camera can focus on bases that are not on the Homeworld.
  • tried to implement some material sharing, so statics can be drawn in batches.
  • The camera in the spacecenter scene should now produce less graphic errors
  • the KK launchsite-selector in the editor shows launchsite type.
  • the MH-Launchsite Selector is now working as intended

for modders

  • increased the accuracy of movement of statics
  • three new statics from the KSC are in the Tanks category




Edited by Ger_space
version bumb
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