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[1.9.X]Aircraft Carrier Accessories


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Not exactly sure if the mod author is still watching this forum but everything accept reloadable missile rails seem to work with this mod in 1.12.2. Not sure if its because of my mods because its heavily modded, if its the ksp version or if its something I'm doing wrong, I having a similar issue to 

On 9/14/2020 at 9:41 PM, BuzzFeed4Lief said:

Here is my KSP.log I tried scrolling through it to see if I can source the error but I can't seem to find it.  I also probably don't know what I'm looking for so that could be the problem as well. Any help or advice would be enormously helpful. I can also provide a list of mods if that can help solve the conflict/issue.

Edited by Lightlaw
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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi, I've been having issues with the Enterprise, and most likely the Liaoning, in my game.

Issues with spontaneous bouncing and subsequent spinning once placed in the water for a period of time that makes it a bit impossible to use

Though I've already found the culprit to be Ferram Aerospace Research, which maybe affecting buoyancy or water physics, is there a way to fix this without completely removing FAR?

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/9/2021 at 1:13 AM, Lightlaw said:

Not exactly sure if the mod author is still watching this forum but everything accept reloadable missile rails seem to work with this mod in 1.12.2. Not sure if its because of my mods because its heavily modded, if its the ksp version or if its something I'm doing wrong, I having a similar issue to 

Here is my KSP.log I tried scrolling through it to see if I can source the error but I can't seem to find it.  I also probably don't know what I'm looking for so that could be the problem as well. Any help or advice would be enormously helpful. I can also provide a list of mods if that can help solve the conflict/issue.

I also have the same problem, no matter what i do i can't reload the rail automatically, what i do is use KIS and KAS and let an engineer at a pod on the deck so when i land i use him to take the missiles from the inventory and manually install back on the rails, the reloadable rail works best to do this since the adjustable one when installing like that the missile can get in a strange position 

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7 hours ago, mm_ said:

I also have the same problem, no matter what i do i can't reload the rail automatically, what i do is use KIS and KAS and let an engineer at a pod on the deck so when i land i use him to take the missiles from the inventory and manually install back on the rails, the reloadable rail works best to do this since the adjustable one when installing like that the missile can get in a strange position 


On 11/9/2021 at 7:13 AM, Lightlaw said:

Not sure if its because of my mods because its heavily modded, if its the ksp version or if its something I'm doing wrong, I having a similar issue to 

Make sure that nothing else is attached to the reloadable rail, only a missile. Attaching a rail to the rail or any other parts attached to the rail prevent it from reloading. It's useful when you mount fueltanks on reloadable rails instead of missiles and missiles don't  get spawned inside fueltanks during reloading.

Edited by Manul
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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...


Recently installed the mod, and I love it! I just have a problem with the mod which is the Liaoning is not showing up in game. I play on a heavily modded install, and when I install the mod on a fresh install, it works just fine and the Liaoning is there. I've tried both installing on CKAN on manually on my modded install, but it's still not there, only the enterprise.Please Help!

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22 hours ago, Delanian Gaming said:


Recently installed the mod, and I love it! I just have a problem with the mod which is the Liaoning is not showing up in game. I play on a heavily modded install, and when I install the mod on a fresh install, it works just fine and the Liaoning is there. I've tried both installing on CKAN on manually on my modded install, but it's still not there, only the enterprise.Please Help!

Ok your setup should have this folder structure and files, minus " LiaoningV2.cfg" which I have added. If it doesn't then you need to check your zip file from Spacedock to see if it is there and put it in.


If you do have the folder and files already as in the pic then you need to go into that folder, create a brand new text file and rename it LiaoningV2 and change the suffix from .txt to .cfg   If it asks you if you are sure you want to change the suffix, choose yes.

Then open it up and paste the following in it's entirety, make sure you haven't missed a bracket at the end or the bit at the beginning, into your new config file and save. You should now have the Liaoning in your pods list. If this doesn't work then one of your mods is actively blocking it from being loaded.


name = LiaoningV2
module = Part
author = kfc

        model = KFC/parts/Liaoning/LiaoNing
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- FX definitions ---

node_attach = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
buoyancy = 0.5
boundsMultiplier = 0.4
//buoyancyUseSine = False


// --- Sound FX definition ---
TechRequired = fuelSystems
entryCost = 800000
cost = 40000000
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Liaoning V2
manufacturer = KFC
description = Carrier

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1

mass = 58500
dragModelType = none
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
crashTolerance = 10000
breakingForce = 10000
breakingTorque = 10000
maxTemp = 1000000
CrewCapacity = 5
vesselType = Base

        name = ModuleCommand
        minimumCrew = 3
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 1
        name = ElectricCharge
        amount = 10000
        maxAmount = 10000

        name = LiquidFuel
        amount = 30000
        maxAmount = 30000
        name = ModuleReactionWheel
        PitchTorque = 500
        YawTorque = 500
        RollTorque = 500
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 0.05
        name = ModuleSAS
        SASServiceLevel = 3

        name = ModuleGenerator
        isAlwaysActive = true
            name = ElectricCharge
            rate = 100

        name = ModuleEnginesFX
        engineID = Cruise
        thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
        exhaustDamage = True
        ignitionThreshold = 0.1
        minThrust = 0
        maxThrust = 15000
        heatProduction = 15
        useEngineResponseTime = false
        //engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.12
        //engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.5
        fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.74
        flameoutEffectName = flameout
        powerEffectName = running_thrust
        engageEffectName = engage
        disengageEffectName = disengage
        spoolEffectName = running_turbine
        engineSpoolIdle = 0.05
        engineSpoolTime = 2.0
        EngineType = Turbine
        exhaustDamageMultiplier = 4
        clampPropReceived = True

            name = LiquidFuel
            resourceFlowMode = STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE
            ratio = 1
            DrawGauge = True
            key = 0 640000000 0 0
        // Jet params
        atmChangeFlow = True
        useVelCurve = True
        useAtmCurve = True
        machLimit = 0.75
        machHeatMult = 3.5
            key = 0 10 0 0
            key = 0.1 0.5 0 0
            key = 2.4 0 0 0
            key = 0 0 0 0.7448742
            key = 0.072 0.13 2.075459 2.075459
            key = 0.16 0.28 1.464173 1.464173
            key = 0.42 0.578 0.93687 0.93687
            key = 1 1 0.5529748 0
        name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
        animationName = ThrustReverser
        startEventGUIName = Reverse Thrust
        endEventGUIName = Forward Thrust
        actionGUIName = Toggle Thrust Reverser
        layer = 1
        name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
        animationName = LiaoNingProp
        responseSpeed = 0.05
        layer = 2
        dependOnEngineState = True
        dependOnThrottle = True
        weightOnOperational = True
        affectTime = false
        baseAnimSpeed = 0.01        // base + (throttle setting * multiplier)
        baseAnimSpeedMult = 10
        playInEditor = False
        animWrapMode = 2      //    Default = 0    Once = 1        Clamp = 1    Loop = 2        PingPong = 4    ClampForever = 8
        name = ModuleSurfaceFX
        thrustProviderModuleIndex = 1
        fxMax = 0.5
        maxDistance = 20
        falloff = 2
        thrustTransformName = smokePoint
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_jet_deep
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.05 0.2
                volume = 1.0 0.5
                pitch = 0.0 1.2
                pitch = 1.0 2.0
                loop = true
                prefabName = fx_smokeTrail_light
                transformName = smokePoint
                emission = 0.0 0.0
                emission = 0.05 0.0
                emission = 0.075 0.25
                emission = 1.0 1.25
                speed = 0.0 0.25
                speed = 1.0 1.0
                localOffset = 0, 0, 1
                localRotation = 1, 0, 0, -90
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_jet_low
                volume = 0.0 0.0
                volume = 0.05 0.35
                volume = 1.0 0.5
                pitch = 0.0 0.6
                pitch = 0.05 0.8
                pitch = 1.0 1.5
                loop = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_vent_medium
                volume = 0.8
                pitch = 2.5
                loop = false
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_vent_soft
                volume = 0.8
                pitch = 2.5
                loop = false
                prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2
                transformName = smokePoint
                oneShot = true
                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_explosion_low
                volume = 1.0
                pitch = 2.0
                loop = false

    name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
    matchRotation = true
    matchPosition = false
        targetName = rudder
        moversName = rudderR

        name = Floatsystem
        Stability = 300
        yaws = 1
        yawc = 2


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