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Kerbal Space Program 1.2.2 is live!


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* Fix where some science experiments only trigger once on action groups.

Besides the terrain seams, this was the only bug I was actually experiencing.  So 1 bug down, 1 more to go. :)  It's progress... now to wait for some of my mods to get updated. :(

Edited by Rayden
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1 minute ago, SkyKaptn said:

Awesome. Just got my mods up to date with 1.2.1 Here we go again. 

never fails... and you know it will happen again in about 2 months... very frustrating and exhausting

Edited by Galileo
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So, where can I find the update patches for GNU/Linux? Or are will still playing the "Only some people get a proper update mechanism" game?
Don't see any patches for MacOS either...
Guess us peasants have to download the whole ~750MB again, as usual?

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6 minutes ago, Galileo said:

and you know it will happen again in about 2 months... very frustrating and exhausting

Well, I guess it keeps people employed.
Kinda annoyed about the not-fixing of the obvious terrain seams TBH, but if they fixed all the bugs in one round there'd be nothing to patch next month, right?

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4 hours ago, Galileo said:

I'm also wondering about the terrain seams 


I have not played since 1.1 (waiting for official KER and MJ2 updates)

Are these terrain seams impassable by rovers? Does it prevent long range rover travel? When did this bug come about

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13 minutes ago, fireblade274 said:

Are these terrain seams impassable by rovers?

No, but they do cause rollovers and wheel damage.

13 minutes ago, fireblade274 said:

Does it prevent long range rover travel?

Again no, though it makes it 9000 times more aggravating. On Eve, hitting one will almost certainly break your tires. Anywhere else, it'll probably flip you over.

16 minutes ago, fireblade274 said:

When did this bug come about

Raised (specifically seams in the runway, but same bug) in the 1.2 prerelease, hence the irritation that it's still not fixed 2 patches later.

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5 hours ago, Redneck said:

Did unity versions change? anybody know?

No it did not change from 1.2 and 1.2.1.

54 minutes ago, ades said:

Has the international keyboard support been integrated? I thought from the devnotes that it was finally being fixed, but I can't see it in the patch list.

Localization is not part of 1.2.2

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21 minutes ago, JPLRepo said:

Localization is not part of 1.2.2

Thanks. I assumed it was a bug fix and not part of the localization, since so many (default mapped) keys on so many keyboards are unusable.

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Darn, this is causing all sorts of anomalies and major issues in my game, hard freezing my PC regularly. I have two simple mods, guess it's not really worth reporting the details because it's likely something to do with those, but I keep hoping for the day when updates to this game will come and go quietly and not powerbomb what I had before, it's not yet that day. :(

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Sorry guys, I'm not angry but not happy either. I respect all your hard work but ...

For the first time in 4 years I'm disappointed. I have no reason at all to install 1.2.2.

Looking through the bug fixes, from what I understand they're pretty minor. There are other big gameplay breaking issues like missing rover wheel action groups, the Claw has resource transfer broken, both since 1.2. And there's the ModuleEnginesFX <--> AudioFX problem since version 1.0.

Why not work a month or two longer and make a big list of bug fixes, IMHO this one is tiny.

Also, issues I've reported in the past have disappeared from my profile, and I've heard this complaint from other people too.


Community, what about a voting system, which bugs should be solved first? Shall we open a new topic for this? Maybe it helps if Squad can give an estimate how much resources is needed for every problem, some are more difficult and costly than others.

A voting system might actually free up some resources, Squad. It will probably reduce complaining from the community as well.

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Please add a previous_1.2.1 beta version to steam, I don't want to wait for 65 plugins to be updated (or at least Kopernicus so I can play KSP again)...

Community, what about a voting system, which bugs should be solved first? Shall we open a new topic for this? Maybe it helps if Squad can give an estimate how much resources is needed for every problem, some are more difficult and costly than others.

A voting system might actually free up some resources, Squad. It will probably reduce complaining from the community as well.

I second this.

Edited by ExtremeTrader
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