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[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

Phineas Freak

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  On 7/12/2017 at 8:54 PM, Wolfgang Hofio said:





  On 12/14/2016 at 10:01 AM, Phineas Freak said:

2. Download the latest stable version of Real Solar System Visual Enhancements and uncompress it's contents. Then, copy or move the "RSSVE" folder inside your GameData folder. The final installation tree should look like this:



Edited by Galileo
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Hey Guys! There is a new version of scatterer out now, for 1.3 http://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer

No more floating tiles and i would say a very smooth coast line in low flight.


Unfortunately the horizon is now a bit buggy from around 70 to 170km. Just the phase when clouds are not drawn to the very end of the world. ^^ Any idea what this could cause? Still scatterer?


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  On 7/12/2017 at 10:43 PM, Heady978 said:

Still scatterer?


yes. Is that RSS? If so, full size systems will see stuff like this all the time. Its a limitation of scatterer trying to load on real size planets. nothing you can do about it

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I installed this mod and it is, as expected, beautiful. My only issue is that I am not seeing detail ground textures outside of cities. Has this feature not yet been implemented, or am I suffering from some kind of bug? I can't quite tell from these screenshots.

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  On 7/13/2017 at 3:52 AM, avi said:

I installed this mod and it is, as expected, beautiful. My only issue is that I am not seeing detail ground textures outside of cities. Has this feature not yet been implemented, or am I suffering from some kind of bug? I can't quite tell from these screenshots.


My understanding is that Kopernicus has broken Terrain Scatters if that is what you are referring to.

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  On 7/13/2017 at 4:19 AM, avi said:

I am not referring to terrain scatter; I'm referring to terrain detail textures. Here is a screenshot I took. Note how the city area is super high resolution, but the rest of the terrain is not:

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This mod does not implement terrain textures. Just clouds and Scatterer cfgs. The only RSS mod that does that is SSRSS at the moment. I may be wrong but I'm fairly certain. That city texture is not part of the terrain textures. It's part of EVE and it's city lights feature

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I am aware, but it is, in a sense, its successor, which is why I thought it might have it at first. Hopefully it will eventually, but I greatly appreciate the work that has been done on it so far.

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  On 7/13/2017 at 5:01 AM, Galileo said:

This is a completely different visual pack from RVE. Similar name, not the same features though.



  On 7/13/2017 at 5:15 AM, avi said:

I am aware, but it is, in a sense, its successor, which is why I thought it might have it at first. Hopefully it will eventually, but I greatly appreciate the work that has been done on it so far.


As stated a few posts back or so by @Phineas Freak the terrain textures implemented via Kopernicus make the FPS take a giant hit the higher you get and make the already demanding set of visuals and RO (if installed) very unpleasant to play; reported by many people. I somewhat believe that it might be the scale of RSS in combination with the ground texture PQS being fully applied and rendered all the way up to scaled space and thus bringing a heavy load onto the system, in stock scale those hits might be minor as the rendered size is way smaller. 

The glorious terrain features of RVE aren't forgotten as @Phineas Freak eagerly awaits the return of EVE's terrain functions to be brought back alive. He contacted @Waz already iirc if he might take a look at it. The "old" RVE terrain could then be brought back and even be extended upon. Until that point of time, there is no better solution unfortunately. Unless someone of you might know a trick to reduce the performance hit with implementing the (beware: very repetetive unfortunately) ground textures via Kopernicus.


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@Heady978 Known issue, fixed for the next version.

@avi I commented on the Earth surface detail textures in the previous page. I have added a detail texture for the next version but it will only work under PQS and not ScaledSpace. Also, i am not an artist so texturing in general is not something easy for me to get right. Contributions in that area are always welcomed.

TL;DR EVE does not support such textures anymore and no way around exists.

Edit: ninja'ed by @Theysen. Also, the laggy terrain was my fault since i was just getting started with Kopernicus.

Edited by Phineas Freak
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  On 7/13/2017 at 7:56 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@Heady978 Known issue, fixed for the next version.

@avi I commented on the Earth surface detail textures in the previous page. I have added a detail texture for the next version but it will only work under PQS and not ScaledSpace. Also, i am not an artist so texturing in general is not something easy for me to get right. Contributions in that area are always welcomed.

TL;DR EVE does not support such textures anymore and no way around exists.

Edit: ninja'ed by @Theysen. Also, the laggy terrain was my fault since i was just getting started with Kopernicus.


you are more than welcome to use the terrain textures in SSRSS. The cfg should work for your mod right out of the box. You would just have to scale them up to full size RSS. I would know the exact numbers but a would assume 10x for something like that. In fact, yeah, that what sigma does for GPP when its scaled up to full size, so I would just multiply the tiling values by 10 or 11 and you would be good.

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@Galileo Thank you for the offer, i really appreciate it! :D Your work that you have done for all your packs is something godsend!

I'll see if i can squeeze them into the current Release Candidate or for the next one. Probably for the next one since i have also made a ton of changes and i'd like to make sure that nothing got broken...

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  On 7/12/2017 at 10:43 PM, Heady978 said:

Hey Guys! There is a new version of scatterer out now, for 1.3 http://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer

No more floating tiles and i would say a very smooth coast line in low flight.


Unfortunately the horizon is now a bit buggy from around 70 to 170km. Just the phase when clouds are not drawn to the very end of the world. ^^ Any idea what this could cause? Still scatterer?



How did you get it working in 1.3? I can get everything else working, except Scatterer.

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I just moved my RO/RSS install from 1.1.3 to 1.2.2, and, of course, I wanted a visual pack. I figured I'd choose something other than RVE, since that seems pretty outdated at this point. So, I was really happy when I found this mod, as it seems to fulfill the same purpose. However, I'm having the same problem that KSPLenny:D, RocketBlam, and Jack95970002 were having, which was the dark blue sky, fading to bright green and red as I gained altitude, while the night sky was completely black, and the scatterer features were not working at all. I made sure to install Scatterer 0.0300 as that seemed to be the problem for the last person I mentioned. However, this did nothing. I also installed the RSSVE patch thoughtfully provided by Galileo. However, this also failed to fix the problem. Currently, the sky in my install looks like in the pictures below. I've provided the output log below. Here's a complete list of mods I am using in this install. 

Semi-Saturatable Reaction Wheels v. 1.12

[x] Science! v5.6

AIES Aerospace v. 1.6.1

AJE v. 2.8.0

ALCOR v. 0.9.6

Alternate Resource Panel v.

ASET Agency v. 1.0

B9 Procedural Wings - Fork v. 0.40.12

B9 Part Switch v. 1.7.1

Community Category Kit v.

Community Resource Pack v.

Community Tech Tree v. 3.0.3

Connected Living Space v.

Constellation Essentials v. 1.4

Contract Configurator v. 1.22.2

Cryo Engines v. 0.4.6

Cryo Tanks v. 0.3.5

Custom Barn Kit v.

Deadly Reentry Cont. v. 7.6.0

Deployable Engines v. 0.3.5

DOE v. 1.8.1

DOE-RSS v. 1.8.1

DMagic v. 1.3.8

EVE v. 1.2.2-1

Engine Lighting v. 1.5

FASA v. 7.2

FAR v.

Filter Extensions v.

Final Frontier v. 1.2.7-3080

Firespitter Core v. 7.5.1

Firespitter Resources config v. 7.5.1

Forgotten Real Engines v.

Freedom Textures v. 1.5

Hanger Extender v. 3.4.9

JSI Advanced Transparent Pods v.

KCT v.

KJR v. 3.3.2

Kerbal Renamer v. 0.7

Kopernicus v. 2:release 1.3.0-4


KSCSwitcher v. 0.7


KW Rocketry v. 3.1.4

MagiCore v. 1.2.5

MechJeb2 v.

ModularFlightIntegrator v.

Module Manager v. 2.7.6

Persistent Rotation v. 1.8.4

Planet Shine v.

Procedural Fairings v. 3.20

Procedural Fairings For Everything v. 0.20

Procedural Parts v. 1.2.11

Procedural Parts- Mainsailor's Procedural Textures - Essential v.

Procedural Parts - Mainsailor's Procedural Textures - Complete v.

RasterPropMonitor v. 0.28.1

RasterPropMonitorCore v. 0.28.1

RCS Build Aid v. 0.9.1

Real Fuels v. 12.2.1

Real Plume v. 10.5.1

RSS v. 12.0.0

RSS Textures - 8192x4096 v. 10.4

RealChute v.

RealHeat v. 4.4

RO v. 11.5.1

RP-0 v. 0.54

Reentry Particle Effect v. 1.2a

RT v. 1.8.6

Retractable Lifting Surface Module v. 0.1.3

RSS Date Time Formatter v.

SCANsat v. 16.11

Ship Manifest v.

Smokescreen v.

Solver Engines v. 3.1

Soviet Engine Pack v. 0.3

StageRecovery v. 1.7.2

SXT Cont. v.

TACLS v. 0.13.0

Taerobee v. 3.0

TestFlight v.

TextureReplacer v. 2.5.4

Toolbar v. 1.7.13

Transfer Window Planner v.

TriggerAu Flags v.

VSR v. 1.9.6

Output Log







Apologies if I failed to follow the proper bug report procedure. I tried to follow your instructions to the letter, but I'm sure I missed something. Thanks so much for your help.


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  On 7/13/2017 at 10:47 PM, gemini4 said:

I just moved my RO/RSS install from 1.1.3 to 1.2.2, and, of course, I wanted a visual pack. I figured I'd choose something other than RVE, since that seems pretty outdated at this point. So, I was really happy when I found this mod, as it seems to fulfill the same purpose. However, I'm having the same problem that KSPLenny:D, RocketBlam, and Jack95970002 were having, which was the dark blue sky, fading to bright green and red as I gained altitude, while the night sky was completely black, and the scatterer features were not working at all. I made sure to install Scatterer 0.0300 as that seemed to be the problem for the last person I mentioned. However, this did nothing. I also installed the RSSVE patch thoughtfully provided by Galileo. However, this also failed to fix the problem. Currently, the sky in my install looks like in the pictures below. I've provided the output log below. Here's a complete list of mods I am using in this install. 


Semi-Saturatable Reaction Wheels v. 1.12

[x] Science! v5.6

AIES Aerospace v. 1.6.1

AJE v. 2.8.0

ALCOR v. 0.9.6

Alternate Resource Panel v.

ASET Agency v. 1.0

B9 Procedural Wings - Fork v. 0.40.12

B9 Part Switch v. 1.7.1

Community Category Kit v.

Community Resource Pack v.

Community Tech Tree v. 3.0.3

Connected Living Space v.

Constellation Essentials v. 1.4

Contract Configurator v. 1.22.2

Cryo Engines v. 0.4.6

Cryo Tanks v. 0.3.5

Custom Barn Kit v.

Deadly Reentry Cont. v. 7.6.0

Deployable Engines v. 0.3.5

DOE v. 1.8.1

DOE-RSS v. 1.8.1

DMagic v. 1.3.8

EVE v. 1.2.2-1

Engine Lighting v. 1.5

FASA v. 7.2

FAR v.

Filter Extensions v.

Final Frontier v. 1.2.7-3080

Firespitter Core v. 7.5.1

Firespitter Resources config v. 7.5.1

Forgotten Real Engines v.

Freedom Textures v. 1.5

Hanger Extender v. 3.4.9

JSI Advanced Transparent Pods v.

KCT v.

KJR v. 3.3.2

Kerbal Renamer v. 0.7

Kopernicus v. 2:release 1.3.0-4


KSCSwitcher v. 0.7


KW Rocketry v. 3.1.4

MagiCore v. 1.2.5

MechJeb2 v.

ModularFlightIntegrator v.

Module Manager v. 2.7.6

Persistent Rotation v. 1.8.4

Planet Shine v.

Procedural Fairings v. 3.20

Procedural Fairings For Everything v. 0.20

Procedural Parts v. 1.2.11

Procedural Parts- Mainsailor's Procedural Textures - Essential v.

Procedural Parts - Mainsailor's Procedural Textures - Complete v.

RasterPropMonitor v. 0.28.1

RasterPropMonitorCore v. 0.28.1

RCS Build Aid v. 0.9.1

Real Fuels v. 12.2.1

Real Plume v. 10.5.1

RSS v. 12.0.0

RSS Textures - 8192x4096 v. 10.4

RealChute v.

RealHeat v. 4.4

RO v. 11.5.1

RP-0 v. 0.54

Reentry Particle Effect v. 1.2a

RT v. 1.8.6

Retractable Lifting Surface Module v. 0.1.3

RSS Date Time Formatter v.

SCANsat v. 16.11

Ship Manifest v.

Smokescreen v.

Solver Engines v. 3.1

Soviet Engine Pack v. 0.3

StageRecovery v. 1.7.2

SXT Cont. v.

TACLS v. 0.13.0

Taerobee v. 3.0

TestFlight v.

TextureReplacer v. 2.5.4

Toolbar v. 1.7.13

Transfer Window Planner v.

TriggerAu Flags v.

VSR v. 1.9.6

Output Log







Apologies if I failed to follow the proper bug report procedure. I tried to follow your instructions to the letter, but I'm sure I missed something. Thanks so much for your help.



That patch I made was for 1.3 not 1.2.2.

You shouldn't need anything except RSS and it's updated dependencies for 1.2.2, EVE for 1.2.2, scatterer for 1.2.2 and RSSVE as is. No patches necessary. Having version compatitble dependencies is key. 

Making sure that is right, everything should work fine.

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  On 7/13/2017 at 11:00 PM, Galileo said:

You shouldn't need anything except RSS and it's updated dependencies for 1.2.2, EVE for 1.2.2, scatterer for 1.2.2 and RSSVE as is. No patches necessary. Having version compatitble dependencies is key. 

Making sure that is right, everything should work fine.


I'm still having the exact same problem. I tried replacing Kopernicus with the latest backport for 1.2.2, tried using both Scatterer 0.0300 and 0.0320, deleted your patch, checked that my EVE is the right version, checked that my version of RSSVE is the latest version, and nothing worked. I notice that I am unable to bring up the scatterer menu through Alt-F10 or Alt-F11, either in the menu or in-game. I wonder if that has any relation to my problem. 

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  On 7/13/2017 at 11:47 PM, gemini4 said:

I'm still having the exact same problem. I tried replacing Kopernicus with the latest backport for 1.2.2, tried using both Scatterer 0.0300 and 0.0320, deleted your patch, checked that my EVE is the right version, checked that my version of RSSVE is the latest version, and nothing worked. I notice that I am unable to bring up the scatterer menu through Alt-F10 or Alt-F11, either in the menu or in-game. I wonder if that has any relation to my problem. 


The GUI should still pop up regardless. Sounds like a bad install

post your logs with the current setup and a screenshot of your gamedata folder

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  On 7/13/2017 at 11:55 PM, Galileo said:

The GUI should still pop up regardless. Sounds like a bad install


Hmm. Does it seem like a conflict with other mods in my install, or is this a problem with just Scatterer? If the latter, why is this happening? I've deleted and re-downloaded scatterer about 5 times now, all directly from Github or Spacedock. Shouldn't those files be functional?

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  On 7/14/2017 at 12:02 AM, gemini4 said:

Hmm. Does it seem like a conflict with other mods in my install, or is this a problem with just Scatterer? If the latter, why is this happening? I've deleted and re-downloaded scatterer about 5 times now, all directly from Github or Spacedock. Shouldn't those files be functional?


Should be. Scatterer isn't distributed on github though

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  On 7/14/2017 at 12:06 AM, Galileo said:

Should be. Scatterer isn't distributed on github though


Sorry, I was confusing it with EVE, which is distributed on github. So if the Scatterer files are okay, then is it a problem with mods besides RSSVE dependencies? I wouldn't think those would have any effect on it. I also have a different sunflare mod for scatterer, but that shouldn't have an effect, since it only affects the sun, right?

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  On 7/14/2017 at 12:12 AM, gemini4 said:

Sorry, I was confusing it with EVE, which is distributed on github. So if the Scatterer files are okay, then is it a problem with mods besides RSSVE dependencies? I wouldn't think those would have any effect on it. I also have a different sunflare mod for scatterer, but that shouldn't have an effect, since it only affects the sun, right?


You need to try the mod with absolutely no other mods. Including the sunflare. Have two cfgs for the same star(sun) can cause issues too. 

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